Searching with Low Search

Series Introduction

This is a three-part series on how we have built the searching/filtering and Favorites feature in our own Add-on Store. While we're not going to build the exact same thing, the basic logic and template code will be very similar.


In This Article

  1. The Schema
  2. Installing Low Search
  3. Creating Our Templates

The Flow

I'm a big fan of architecting my solution before writing code. This can be done with pseudo-code or with flowcharts. In this example, the flow is pretty straightforward:

  1. The user will input their keywords, select the sort order, select any checkboxes for filters, and submit their search.
  2. Results will be shown on a new page to the user.

1. The Schema

The first step is to, of course, set up our channel and data in ExpressionEngine.

  1. Create a new channel.
    • Name: Add-on Store
    • Short Name: add_on_store
  2. Create some fields and add them to your new channel
    (Fieldtype | Name | Short name).
    • File | Add-on On Icon | add_on_icon
    • Textarea | Add On Description | add_on_description
    • Input | Add-on Price | add_on_price
    • Multi Select | Add-on Compatibility | add_on_compatibility (with options 1-6)

  3. Categories
    To make things easy we're just going to create a few categories in a group called "Add-ons" (make sure to add that group to your Add-on Store channel):
    • Forms
    • Membership
    • SEO
  4. Create some entries

2. Installing Low Search

For this to work as expected, we need to first download and install Low Search and then update some settings.

  1. Purchase and install Low Search from
  2. Since we want to use the keyword search, we also need to set up a Collection in Low Search.
    • Collection Label: Add-on Store
    • Collection Name: add_on_store
    • Channel: Add-on Store
    • make sure to add weight to your searchable fields.

3. Creating Our Templates

Now we're ready to connect everything together in the templates. This could be done with one template, but I'll let you figure that out on your own if you so desire. To make this tutorial easier to follow we are going to use two separate templates:

Initial Landing Page With Results

To start, the users will land on a page which will present them with an initial set of results.

  1. Since we're using the default theme that comes with ExpressionEngine, we will use the html-wrapper template included with the theme. Remember that when using layouts, the {layout ...} tag should always come first in your template.

  2. We'll first use a Low Search results tag pair to show an initial set of results. You can also just simply use a native {exp:channel:entries}. However, for now, we'll use {exp:low_search:results} to keep everything in Low Search and make it easier to break this up into reusable components in following lessons.

            channel='add_on_store' //only show entries from the addon store
            limit='4' // limiting results to only 4 per page
            paginate="bottom" // show pagniation at the bottom of the results
  4. Don't forget a message to the user if there are no results. This lets the user know that they didn't do anything wrong, there are simply no results. To do this, we'll use the {if low_search_no_results} conditional .
    {!-- if no results, let the user know --}
    {if low_search_no_results}
        <div class="alert alert--empty">No Add-ons</div>
  6. For each result found we're going to display a card on the page with information and a link to the results' individual entry page.
    {!-- the card used to display the add-on information --}
    {!-- Tailwind card component source: --}
        <div class=" flex flex-col my-1 px-1 w-full md:w-1/2 lg:my-4 lg:px-4 lg:w-1/3">
            <div class="max-w-2xl bg-white border-2 border-gray-300 p-5 rounded-md tracking-wide shadow-lg flex-1">
                    <div id="header" class="flex"> 
                        <img alt="addon icon" class="rounded-md border-2 border-gray-300" style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{add_on_icon}"/>
                        <div id="body" class="flex flex-col ml-5">
                            <h4 id="name" class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{title}</h4>
                            <p id="job" class="text-gray-800 mt-2">{add_on_description:limit characters='100'}</p>
                            <div class="flex mt-5">
                            <p class="ml-3">
                                {if add_on_price == '0'}
  8. Within our low_search_results tag pair, we want to include our pagination code, just like you would for native ExpressionEngine channel:entries
        <div class="container py-2">
            <nav class="block">
                <ul class="flex pl-0 rounded list-none flex-wrap">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
  10. Make sure to close out all tags and divs.

Add Search Functions

Now that we have our initial results set let's add our search functions. To do this, we'll split the page into two columns (search functions and results).

Our goals for the search functionality are:

  1. We will need {exp:low_search:form} tag to open a search form with Low Search.
        result_page="addons/results" //where users will be taken after submitting the search
        form_id="addon_filter" //an ID to identify this form
  2. Keywords: Low Search makes searching by keyword reasonably easy.
        name="keywords" //important for Low Search to recognize this as a keyword search
        placeholder="Search Add-Ons"
  3. Sort: Low Search once again makes this easy with the orderby_sort filter.
    <select name="orderby_sort" class="filter-bar__item" id="searchResultsSortSelect">
        {!--  <option value="name-az">Sort By</option>  --}
        <option value="date|desc">Newest</option>
        <option value="date|asc">Oldest</option>
        <option value="edit_date|desc">Recently Updated</option>
        <option value="title|asc">Name: A–Z</option>
        <option value="title|desc">Name: Z–A</option>
  4. Compatibility: Compatibility search is a little more complicated as we are using a custom multi-select fieldtype and want the user to be able to choose multiple options, including a "Show All" option. In much the same way you submit a checkbox type field where multiple options are allowed with HTML and PHP, you use an the Low Search Field Search as an array: search:add_on_compatibility[]
        class="sidebar__list" id="addon-compatibility-filters"
            <label for="show-all-compatibility">Show All</label>
            <label for="EE6">EE 6</label>
            <label for="EE5">EE 5</label>
            <label for="EE4">EE 4</label>
            <label for="EE3">EE 3</label>
            <label for="EE2">EE 2</label>
            <label for="EE1">EE 1</label>

    If we want to show add-ons that are compatible with any version, then we need to make sure search:add_on_compatibility[] array is blank. To ensure that, we'll use some JavaScript when the user clicks on "Show All".
    For "Show All" input, we'll add an onclick property:

            <label for="show-all-compatibility">Show All</label>
    And the Javascript. To uncheck all boxes in a section when Show All is clicked:
    //uncheck all boxes with given name when box with specified ID is checked
    function showAll(cn,cbId){
        //we're calling this when a checkbox is clicked. So we first need to see
        //if this action is checking or unchecking the checkbox
        if (document.getElementById(cbId).checked){
            //let's get all the elements with the same name attribute we passed in
            var cbarray = document.getElementsByName(cn);
            //for each page element we find we're going to uncheck those boxes.
            for(var i = 0; i < cbarray.length; i++){
                if (cbarray[i] != document.getElementById(cbId)){
                    cbarray[i].checked = false;
    To uncheck the Show All option when a specific option is checked:
    // when the dom loads, we're going to bind a change event listener to each
    // element that matches our query.
    const filterAccordions = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-accordion');
    filterAccordions.forEach(filterAccordions =>{
        let filterCheckbox = filterAccordions.querySelectorAll('[data-action-uncheck]');
        filterCheckbox.forEach(filterBox => {
            filterBox.addEventListener('change', event => {
                var showAllFilter = filterBox.getAttribute("data-action-uncheck");
                //uncheck the matching Show All checkbox
                document.getElementById(showAllFilter).checked = false;

  5. Categories: Similar to the Compatibility, we will allow the user to select multiple Categories or All Categories. Here we are going to us the {channel:categories} tag to list all categories used in the "Add-On Store" channel combined with the Low Search Categories filter:
            <label for="show-all-categories">Show All</label>
        {exp:channel:categories channel='add_on_store' parent_only='yes' style='linear' show_empty='no' status='not closed'}
                <label for="{category_url_title}">{category_name}</label>
    We've already created the JavaScript for the Show All option above, so we don't need to rewrite it here.
  6. Now, we need a Submit button.
    <button type="submit" class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">Submit</button>
  7. Next, let's add this form to our landing page. We're simply going to use some widths and inline-block to align these two columns. This will give us a template like so:

Move Components To Partials

Now that we have a landing page with an initial set of results and search functions in place, we need a new template to show the search results. Since this page is going to look much like the landing page, we should move some of our components to template partials so they are easy to reuse and we follow DRY principals.
Looking at our page so far, there are two parts that can easily be broken into components: The Search functions are going to be the same on each page. While the {exp:low_search:results} opening tag will be different, the template code inside of the {exp:low_search:results} will also be the same.

  1. Search Functions:
    • Copy the search functions section div of the page to a new template partial: _partials/partial_search_functions
    • Also copy the Javascript needed for the search functions section. We'll include this in the partial_search_functions partial to ensure the proper JavaScript is always available when needed.
    • Then replace the code in our addons/index template with the template tag {partial_search_functions}
  2. Results Template Code:
    • Copy the template code inside of the {exp:low_search:results} to a new partial: _partials/partial_search_results.
    • Replace the code in our addons/index template with the template tag {partial_search_results}.

Refactoring our landing page brings the template from 290 lines to just 17.

New landing page (addons/index):


<div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4">
    {!-- Low Search tag pair to display initial set of results--}



Create Results Template

Now that we have our code nicely broken out and we're staying DRY, let's quickly make our results page.

  1. Copy our addons/index as a new template named addons/results.
  2. Since we're now dealing with a query and search filters, we need to update our opening exp:low_search:results tag in our new template:
    • keywords parameters allows us control how results are filtered using the keyword input.
    • collection parameter tells Low Search what collection to use in conjunction with our keyword input.
    • query parameter tells Low Search where the query string from the search is found in the URL
    • dynamic_parameters allows us to submit a sort order to the results tag

Our opening tag in the results template will now look like the following:


At this point, our results template should work as expected.

Current Results Page:


<div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4">
    {!-- Low Search tag pair to display initial set of results--}




Retain Search Values

Everything is working good as it is now. However, after a user submits a search, all values from their search are cleared from the search functions. To retain this, Low Search gives us a few tags to use.


At this point, we should have 2 templates and 2 template partials. When put together allows a user to search and filter our add-on entries.
In Part 2, we'll take this to the next by adding AJAX which will automatically submit searches when search function elements change and load the results on the page without refreshing the page or navigating to a new URL.

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