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Caroline Blaker

Caroline C. Blaker is a 12-year ExpressionEngine veteran who has been “going it alone” for most of that time. She is now at the head of the business she founded, Aquarian Web Studio, which has become a small agency specializing in high-value PHP CMS work, while also contending with surrounding technologies. She has her BFA in Fine Art from Washington University in St. Louis, and has spoken about her experience with Imposter Syndrome (ExpressionEngine Conference 2018) and about Web Design in a professional development setting at the University of Texas, El Paso. She considers herself to be in the business of service, led by a desire to do good. Caroline is the mother of Mahlon (7) and Mehera (1), is a skier, loves chocolate cake and blueberries (but not together.) She can make a pizza to rival any commercial parlor despite her residential-grade oven. Caroline is open for sharing on business, ExpressionEngine, a host of highly-personal topics you can probably catch her about on Twitter.

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