How ExpressionEngine Thinks About Content

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Before we actually build anything, we first need to consider how ExpressionEngine thinks about content. Most of this section was originally written by Mike Boyink in tutorials that were available for ExpressionEngine 2 and is reused here verbatim and with permission - these fundamental concepts are absolutely still applicable. Thanks Mike for all your work laying the foundation and allowing us to reuse it! I have however, made some updates and additions to make sure it's all still pertinent to ExpressionEngine 6.

In This Article

Page Management vs Structured-Content

If you’ve worked with a CMS of any sort in the past, you might be perusing the ExpressionEngine Control Panel for a place to begin by building a sitemap or establishing navigation. Many CMS work this way - you essentially build a site from the top down by first creating hierarchy/navigation using some sort of tree-view widget, then you choose a page on the hierarchy, click a little icon, and enter content for that page. I would actually call a system like this more of a “Page Management System” - since it only thinks about and manages web content in units of Pages.

ExpressionEngine, however, is not a “page-based” CMS but rather a “Structured-Content Management System.” With ExpressionEngine, you build a site from the bottom up, first defining what type of content the site has and building structures to store it. In other words, websites have different types of content in them, and it’s not always just a “page.” Some examples include:

Notice that we are not talking about the presentation of content - just the structure of it. From an ExpressionEngine perspective, I’m not yet concerned with how these different content types will manifest themselves on the front-end of the website. I don’t care if the FAQ’s each get their own page or are all listed on one page. I don’t care if the Bios start with an alphabetized index of names linked to detail pages, or the index page has names & photos by default with some sort of JavaScript rollover effect that displays the rest of the content. I don’t even care where they appear in the navigation - Bios may be 3 levels down in the About section or a top-level navigation item. Doesn’t matter. Yet.

As it turns out, what we’re doing here has a nifty buzzword in the web industry: Content Modeling. A List Apart published an article on Content Modelling, describing a Content Model as documenting:

…all the different types of content you will have for a given project. It contains detailed definitions of each content type’s elements and their relationships to each other.

If you come from a database background, you will recognize this process as Database Normalization which Wikipedia defines as:

…the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency.

So What’s the advantage of Structured Content?

How does ExpressionEngine store content?

Assuming you are now “seeing past the page” when it comes to the content on your project site, the next logical question would be: “How does ExpressionEngine store content?” Let’s run through the content-modeling tools available in ExpressionEngine:

What’s Next?

With the foundational understanding from this article, we’ll move to Part 3 and look more specifically at the content we want for this project and put together a Content Model for it. The Content Model will lay out the specific mix of Channels, Fields, Categories, and Statuses this website will need.

Justin Alei's avatar
Justin Alei

Justin is an expert in ExpressionEngine and has created several award-winning sites for Consumer51 on the platform.