What is a Prolet?

A prolet is an add-on component in ExpressionEngine that enables front-end interaction with an add-on’s Control Panel functionality. It allows developers to make certain parts of their add-ons accessible and usable on the front-end of the website, bringing additional features and interaction possibilities to users.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following: - The latest version of ExpressionEngine 7 running on your server. - An existing add-on you would like to add a prolet to

Creating a Prolet

Let’s create a prolet for our example add-on, “emoji_reactions.” We want this prolet to bring some of its Control Panel functionality to the front-end, allowing users to interact with emoji reactions tied to the current channel entry.

Get up and running in the terminal

Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your ExpressionEngine installation. The eecli.php file is located in the system/ee directory.

Run the Command

To create the prolet, use the EE CLI tool with the “make:prolet” command, followed by the name of the prolet, and additional options such as the addon and description.

php eecli.php make:prolet 'Manage Reactions' --addon=emoji_reactions --description="This prolet allows users to interact with emoji reactions tied to the current channel entry."

In the above command: ‘Manage Reactions’ is the name of the prolet. Choose a descriptive name that reflects the purpose of the prolet. –addon=emoji_reactions specifies the name of the add-on (in this case, “emoji_reactions”) to which the prolet will belong. –description=”…” provides a brief description of the prolet’s functionality.

Verify the Prolet

Once the command runs successfully, you will find a new PHP file created in your add-on’s folder under the “prolets” directory. In this example, you should see a file named pro.manage_reactions.php under the emoji_reactions/ folder.

Implement Front-end Functionality

Now that the prolet has been generated, open the newly created PHP file in your preferred code editor. The file will contain a basic template for the prolet. All prolets are required to implement ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet\ProletInterface. The easiest way to achieve that is to make prolet extend abstract class ExpressionEngine\Addons\Pro\Service\Prolet\AbstractProlet. The CLI takes care of all of these details for us, and allows us to just write the code to make it work.

Add the necessary code within the index function of this file to enable front-end interaction with the emoji reactions tied to the current channel entry. You may use the ExpressionEngine APIs to fetch and display the reactions. A prolet’s index function is expected to return an array, or a string. If the data returned is of Array type, it is being passed to ExpressionEngine Pro’s shared form view, which is similar to ExpressionEngine’s Shared Form View, however you are only required to have sections key in the returned data array. The result will be a form with submission endpoint being set to same prolet controller action.

If the data returned is of String type then this string is being wrapped in some required HTML and returned into prolet popup window. In our emoji reaction addon, we will call a service to give us an ExpressionEngine table, and use that in conjuncture with a view file to show our response. Here is the final index function:

    public function index()
        $entry_id = ee('Request')->get('entry_id', null);
        $data['table'] = ee('emoji_reactions:ManageReactions')->getTable($entry_id)->viewData();
        return ee('View')->make('emoji_reactions:index')->render($data);


Creating a prolet for an ExpressionEngine add-on via the CLI allows you to bring some of your add-on’s Control Panel functionality to the front-end, enhancing user interaction and experience. By building prolets, you can unlock new possibilities for your add-on and make it even more powerful and user-friendly.

Remember to refer to the official ExpressionEngine documentation and EE CLI documentation for more details and best practices when building add-ons. Happy coding!

In ExpressionEngine, you can use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to quickly generate both the basic add-on files and custom template tags. The combination of only a few commands allows you to build a comprehensive add-on with a custom template tag efficiently. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of generating the “emoji_reactions” add-on and adding a custom template tag.

The CLI simplifies the add-on development process, enabling users to concentrate on crafting business logic that suits their requirements. This shift in focus allows users to prioritize writing code that meets their needs, rather than getting caught up in the technical intricacies of making an add-on operational within ExpressionEngine. Our new CLI make commands are designed to make it as simple as possible to get up and running with building an add-on.

Access the CLI Environment

Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your ExpressionEngine installation. The eecli.php file is located in the system/ee directory.

Generate the Basic Add-on

To generate the scaffolding for a new add-on, use the following command:

php eecli.php make:addon "emoji_reactions"

This command will create the basic add-on files, including the upd file, mod file, and lang file, for the “emoji_reactions” add-on. Follow all prompts in the command to complete the creation of the add-on. You can also use the --help parameter to see all available options for the command.

The result of that one command will give you an add-on that can be installed and uninstalled, and contains everything you need to get started.

Generate the Template Tag

To add a custom template tag to your add-on, use the following command:

php eecli.php make:template-tag ListReactions --addon=emoji_reactions

This command will generate the file system/user/addons/emoji_reactions/Tags/ListReactions.php.

Customize Your Template Tag

Open the file system/user/addons/emoji_reactions/Tags/ListReactions.php and implement the functionality of your template tag. When the template tag is called, ExpressionEngine will run the process() function in the newly created ListReactions.php file.

Here is an example of what the process() function of our ListReactions template tag looks like:

    // Example tag: {exp:emoji_reactions:list_reactions entry_id="1"}
    public function process()
        $entry_id = ee()->TMPL->fetch_param('entry_id');
        $entry = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry', $entry_id)->first();

        // Retrieve the search_id
        if (! $entry) {
            return ee()->TMPL->no_results();

        $emojis = ee('Model')->get('emoji_reactions:Emoji')->all();

        $reactions = ee('Model')->get('emoji_reactions:EmojiReaction')
            ->filter('entry_id', $entry_id)

        foreach($emojis as $emoji) {
            $data[] = [
                'html_entity' => $emoji->unicode,
                'short_name' => $emoji->name,
                'reaction_count' => $reactions->filter('emoji_id', $emoji->emoji_id)->count(),

        return ee()->TMPL->parse_variables(ee()->TMPL->tagdata, $data);


Going Deeper

Matt also gave a presentation at the July 2023 ExpressionEngine meetup. Check out the video of his talk on Building an ExpressionEngine Add-on the Easy Way


By combining only a few commands, you can efficiently generate an add-on with a custom template tag in ExpressionEngine via the Command Line Interface. This enables you to extend the capabilities of your ExpressionEngine website and create a more powerful and feature-rich experience for your users. The CLI streamlines the process of building an add-on in a way that allows the user to focus more on writing business logic to suit their needs, rather than focusing on the specifics of how to get it to run in ExpressionEngine.

In addition to being able to add custom CSS to an RTE field, it is also possible to add custom JavaScript to an RTE field when using Redactor. This is particularly useful when adding custom plugins. For this example, we’re going to add a button to our Redactor toolbar, which will prompt the user for text and then add a danger alert box when clicked.

Using custom JS with CKEditor is a little more complicated so we will not cover that here. Be sure to check out the ExpressionEngine docs if you need to add custom JS to CKEditor.

Create the JS Template

Start by creating a new template in the Template Editor and selecting “JavaScript” as the type.

In our template, we will slightly modify the “Sample plugin with modal window” demo plugin from Imperavi.

    $R.add('plugin', 'warningAlert', {
        modals: {
            'warningAlert': '<form action="">'
                + '<div class="form-item">'
                    + '<label>## warningAlert-label ##</label>'
                    + '<textarea name="text" style="height: 200px;"></textarea>'
                + '</div>'
            + '</form>'
        translations: {
            en: {
                "warningAlert": "Add A Warning",
                "warningAlert-label": "Please, type some text"
        init: function(app)
            // define app
            this.app = app;

            // define services
            this.lang = app.lang;
            this.toolbar = app.toolbar;
            this.insertion = app.insertion;

        // messages
        onmodal: {
            warningAlert: {
                opened: function($modal, $form)
                insert: function($modal, $form)
                    var data = $form.getData();

        // public
        start: function()
            // create the button data
            var buttonData = {
                title: this.lang.get('warningAlert'),
                api: 'plugin.warningAlert.open'

            // create the button
            var $button = this.toolbar.addButton('warningAlert', buttonData);
        open: function()
            var options = {
                title: this.lang.get('warningAlert'),
                width: '600px',
                name: 'warningAlert',
                handle: 'insert',
                commands: {
                    insert: { title: this.lang.get('insert') },
                    cancel: { title: this.lang.get('cancel') }

            this.app.api('module.modal.build', options);

        // private
        _insert: function(data)

            if (data.text.trim() === '') return;

            this.insertion.insertHtml('<div class="alert"><span class="closebtn" onclick="this.parentElement.style.display=\'none\'\;">&times;</span><strong>Danger!</strong> '+ data.text +'</div>');

This plugin will create a button on our field with the label of “Add A Warning”. When the user clicks the button, a modal appears with a textarea for the user to input the text to be displayed in the warning alert box. Once submitted the text wrapped in our HTML and inserted into the field using Redactor’s insertHtml() service.

Learn more about creating Redactor plugins

Redactor Developer Docs

Note that we have also added these custom styles to our RTE stylesheet using the steps in the first half of this article. To follow along, the styles for this alert box are:

.alert {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: #f44336;
  color: white;

.closebtn {
  margin-left: 15px;
  color: white;
  font-weight: bold;
  float: right;
  font-size: 22px;
  line-height: 20px;
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: 0.3s;

.closebtn:hover {
  color: black;

Configure RTE

Now that we have our JS template, we can configure our RTE toolset.

To do this, select the RTE configuration you would like to edit by navigating to the Rich Text Editor add-on, then selecting the configuration you want to edit from the “Available Tool Sets” section. Again, be sure to choose a toolset based on Redactor for our example.

Next, we will toggle on “Advanced configuration.” Activating the advanced configuration will reveal the “Configuration JSON” field, which is being pre-populated with JSON config based on the currently saved configuration as well as the “Extra Javascript” dropdown.

In the Configuration JSON field, we will add our plugin to the list of plugins (from the sample code we used we know our plugin is labeled warningAlert):

    "buttons": [
    "plugins": [

Now in the Extra JavaScript field, we will select our JavaScript template created above.

Using Your Configuration

Now that your custom configuration and plugin are saved, our button is available when editing your field in an entry.

I really like the Shared Form functionality. It makes sense to me. Define a data structure, pass it to a view array, and you’re done. Even wrote 3 articles explaining and showcasing how easy Shared Forms are, to boot. The reaction was not what I had thought it’d be…

People starting talking about Shared Form in the ExpressionEngine Slack channel. And, oh boy, did they have a lot to say about it, and it was all on point. The community pointed out that the Shared Form can get complicated for large forms. It can increase mental costs debugging errors. How, “nested arrays are painful” and “wow, that’s a lot of code though”. They weren’t wrong. In fact, they were so not wrong that the entire discussion was moved to a private channel (by the mods) so the problems could be talked out. Like grown ups.

The end consensus of which was, “We like the uniformity of the output, wish there were more options for customization if we’re being honest, but really don’t like having to scroll through hundreds of lines of nested array code to find the field we want to modify. Oh. And, also, the docs need work.”, which lead to someone just throwing out there, “Let’s maybe build a better way?”. So the community did just that, and the new CP\Form library is the result.

The new Shared Form View is included with ExpressionEngine 6.4 and above and allows developers to create Shared Form Views using an object interface instead of dealing with arrays.

For example:

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');
$field_set->getField('first_name', 'text');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Last Name');
$field_set->getField('last_name', 'text');

$vars = $form->toArray();
Which is equivalent to:
$vars['cp_page_title'] = lang($this->getCpPageTitle());
$vars['base_url'] = $this->url($this->getRoutePath($id));
$vars['sections'] = [
            'title' => 'first_name',
            'fields' => [
                'first_name' => [
                    'name' => 'first_name',
                    'type' => 'text',
            'title' => 'last_name',
            'fields' => [
                'last_name' => [
                    'name' => 'last_name',
                    'type' => 'text',
$vars['save_btn_text'] = lang('save');
$vars['save_btn_text_working'] = 'saving';

So basically, a simpler and easier way to visualize and create Forms within ExpressionEngine. There’s a lot of flexibility.

The General Design

Just like with the traditional Shared Form View layer, the basic idea is that every form contains one or more Field Groups, which contain one or more Field Sets, which contain one or more Fields. In the CP/Form use case, you create the Form, which you create a Field Group from, which you create a Field Set from, which you create Fields with. In code, this reads as:

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('The Group');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('The Field Set');
$field = $field_set->getField('the_field', 'the_field_type');

You can add and remove all the various items (Groups, Field Sets, Fields, and Buttons). That’s just the basic workflow though; each object contains its own options and configurability, so be sure to read up on the docs.

If you’re like me and like to read the code, you can find it at the entry point ExpressionEngine\Library\CP\Form within the codebase.

The Form Object

The Form object allows control over the Form details. As mentioned above, the Form contains Field Groups but also so much more. The Form object is where you define your form as outputting Tabs, custom Alerts to display, page title(s), whether it’ll contain file upload fields, or any custom hidden fields, just to name a few.

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$form->setCpPageTitle('My Custom Form')

Be sure to read up on the full API in the docs to see what’s possible.

The Field Group Object

The Field Group object is unique in that it has a basic interface, but it’s also the basis for any Tabs you want to define. If your Form is set to output Tabs, every Field group will be its own Tab, with every Field Set being used for the content.

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');

Field Groups aren’t too deep, but you can learn more in the full API docs.

The Field Set Object

With Field Sets, you have a ton of flexibility. Yes, this is where you start defining your Fields, but it’s also where you define Field Set attributes. You can set the title, description, provide example copy, and apply buttons for JavaScript events.

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Field Set Name');
$field_set->withButton('My Button', 'my-rel', 'my-for')
    ->setDesc('Field Set Description')
    ->setTitle('The Field Set Title')
    ->setDescCont('Here\'s the next line of description')
    ->setExample('do something with another thing');

You can learn more in the official documentation.

The Field Object

And here’s the actual form input object. As mentioned, you get the Form\Field Object from the Form\Set object.

$form = ee('CP/Form');
$field_group = $form->getGroup('General Settings');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Field Set Name');

$field = $field_set->getField('first_name', 'text')
    ->setPlaceholder('First Name')

To say that the Field object layer is deep would be an understatement. You’re really going to want to take a look at the official documentation to see all the possibilities.


To show how this all works together, we’ll build a sample add-on Control Panel page that has multiple tabs with different inputs. Below you can see the complete code for this form and matching screenshots of how the form would output in the Control Panel.

$form = ee('Cp/Form');

// Create our first Tab called "header 1"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('header 1');

//Now add a "First Name" and "Last Name" field
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('First Name');
$field_set->getField('first_name', 'text')

//notice that where adding a button with the Last Name
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Last Name')->withButton('Click Me');
$field_set->getField('last_name', 'text')
    ->setPlaceholder('Last Name')

//Create tab called "Custom Input Example"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('Custom Input Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('email');
$field_set->getField('email', 'email')
    ->setPlaceholder('Your Email Address')

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('color');
$field_set->getField('color', 'color')->setValue('#C86565');

$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('number');
$field_set->getField('number', 'number')->params(['min' => 100, 'max' => 1000])->setRequired(true);

//Create tab called "Contact details"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('Contact details');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('Address');
$field_set->getField('address1', 'text');
$field_set->getField('address2', 'action_button')->setText('Hello');
$field_set->getField('state', 'dropdown')->withNoResults('Nothing Here', 'fdsa', 'fdsa');

$form->withActionButton('My Action Button', 'https://google.com');
$button = $form->getButton('button_1');
$button->setType('submit')->setText('Submit Button')->setWorking('Submitting...');


$hidden_field = $form->getHiddenField('my_hidden_field');

//Create tab called "Table Example"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('Table Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Table Data');
$table = $field_set->getField('my_table', 'table');

    'lang_cols' => true,
    'class' => 'product_channels'

    'details' => ['sort' => false],
    'value' => ['sort' => false],

$table->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('product_channels')));
$table->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));
$data = [];
$data[] = [

    'No, Hello',
    'To You!',

//Create tab called "Filepicker Example"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('Filepicker Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Filepicker');
$file_picker = $field_set->getField('my_file_picker', 'file-picker');

//Create tab called "Grid Example"
$field_group = $form->getGroup('Grid Example');
$field_set = $field_group->getFieldSet('My Grid')->withGrid();
$grid = $field_set->getField('my_grid_field', 'grid');

    'field_name' => $grid->getName(),
    'reorder'    => true,

    'text example' => ['sort' => false],
    'select example' => ['sort' => false],
    'password example' => ['sort' => false],
    'checkbox example' => ['sort' => false],
    'textarea example' => ['sort' => false],
    'upload example' => ['sort' => false],

$options = ['foo' => 'Foo', 'bar' => 'Bar'];
$cols = [
    ['name' => 'foo-text', 'type' => 'text', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'barr-select', 'type' => 'select', 'value' => '', 'choices' => $options],
    ['name' => 'foo-password', 'type' => 'password', 'value' => ''],
    ['name' => 'bar-checkbox', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1],
    ['name' => 'foo-textarea', 'type' => 'textarea', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['name' => 'bar-upload', 'type' => 'file', 'value' => '', 'cols' => 2, 'rows' => 5],
    ['foo-text' => 'bar', 'barr-select' => 'foo', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => 1, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => ''],
    ['foo-text' => 'fdsafdsa', 'barr-select' => 'bar', 'foo-password' => 'fdsa', 'bar-checkbox' => true, 'foo-textarea' => '', 'bar-upload' => '']

$grid->setNoResultsText(sprintf(lang('no_found'), lang('table-thing')), 'add');
$grid->setBaseUrl( ee('CP/URL')->make($this->base_url ));

$test_form = $form->toArray();

In ExpressionEngine 7.2, Rich Text Editor fields can now be configured using JSON and custom CSS or JS files. This allows site admins more control over how the field and its content look and what editors are allowed to do. It also allows quicker configuration of these fields over the drag and drop toolbar interface if you have a standard toolset you use on most of your sites.

Custom CSS

In our first example, we want to allow content editors to format text as headers but only use H2 and H3 tags. We also want the headers to look just like on the frontend of the site (in our example that will be blue text-color and underlined).

Create The CSS Template

First, we will create a CSS template for the styles that we need. We do this by creating a new template in the Template Editor and selecting “CSS” as the type.

In our template, we will add some simple CSS. Again, our goal is to have H2 and H3 headers appear blue and underlined simply. For this example, we’ll use the following snippet:

h2,h3 {
    color: #36c;
    text-decoration: underline;

Configure RTE

Now that we have our custom stylesheet, we will edit the toolset configuration used by our RTE field and select the CSS template with our styles.

To do this, select the RTE configuration you would like to edit by navigating to the Rich Text Editor add-on, then selecting the configuration you want to edit from the “Available Tool Sets” section.

Next, we will select our stylesheet under “Custom Stylesheet” and toggle on “Advanced configuration.” Activating the advanced configuration will reveal the “Configuration JSON” field, which is being pre-populated with JSON config based on the currently saved configuration.

We will edit it by removing the options that we don’t need and end up with the following:

    "toolbar": {
        "items": [
    "heading": {
        "options": [
                "model": "paragraph",
                "title": "Paragraph"
                "model": "heading2",
                "view": "h2",
                "title": "Header",
                "class": "ck-heading_heading2"
                "model": "heading3",
                "view": "h3",
                "title": "Subheader",
                "class": "ck-heading_heading3"

The settings will only allow content editors to use the heading, bold, italic, and underline tools. The heading options will only be paragraph, Header (which will be an H2 using our custom styles), and Subheader (which will be an H3 using our custom styles).

Then Save the updated configuration.

Learn more about editing CKEditor configurations

CKEditor Docs

Learn more about editing Redactor configurations

Redactor Docs

Using Your Configuration

Now that your custom styles and toolset are saved, content editors will only see the available options with their respective styles when editing your field in an entry.

🙌 EE Conf Spring Summit 2021 Videos Sponsored by: Aquarian Web Studio (http://www.aquarianwebdesign.com/)

📺 Description: The State of ExpressionEngine Commerce

🙌 EE Conf Spring Summit 2021 Videos Sponsored by: Aquarian Web Studio ( http://www.aquarianwebdesign.com/)

📺 Description: Digital Accessibility has become even more important this year as work, school, and other aspects of life have transitioned online. However, almost every website and mobile app on the market is not accessible for blind, deaf, and keyboard-only users.

Learn about the ins and outs of accessible development from both blind and sighted developers, as well as some key tips, trends, and tricks for bringing your UX into compliance in 2021.

🙌 EE Conf Spring Summit 2021 Videos Sponsored by: Aquarian Web Studio (http://www.aquarianwebdesign.com/)

📺 Description: Most of the time, ExpressionEngine’s template processing “just works” the way you’d expect it to.

But occasionally, especially when creating pages with complex interlocking functions, it’s important to understand just how EE processes each of the tags, variables, commands, PHP and embeds in a given template.

This is called Parse Order, and we’re going to walk you through it and test your understanding of it with some interactive quiz questions. We’ll also share some clever ways to work around Parse Order problems without an add-on.

↓ ↓Links↓ ↓ Parse Order Reference Guide: https://hopstudios.com/blog/expressionengine_parse_order_quick_reference_guide

🙌 EE Conf Spring Summit 2021 Videos Sponsored by: Aquarian Web Studio (http://www.aquarianwebdesign.com/)

📺 Description: There are so many reasons for ExpressionEngine to take over for a website once the site has outgrown WordPress. Furthermore, as many as a thousand people a month who search for this hang in the balance. Part of our job as developers looking for work is to identify a good fit when we see it; so it’s up to us to bridge the gap and reach the people looking for us who may not have heard of ExpressionEngine. This talk will suggest ways to think about approaching potential clients who may be looking for a way out of the most ubiquitous CMS* on the planet.

🙌 EE Conf Spring Summit 2021 Videos Sponsored by: Aquarian Web Studio ( http://www.aquarianwebdesign.com/ )

📺 Description: The ExpressionEngine team gives updates on what they’ve been working on, what’s next for ExpressionEngine and the community, and host a live Q&A with the entire team.

Using Different fieldtypes in ExpressionEngine

By: Tom Jaeger

In this video course we’re going to walk through different fieldtypes in ExpressionEngine, how to configure them and start working with them.

Seeder by CartThrob (Seeder from here out) is a free ExpressionEngine focused data seeding tool. If you’re not familiar, a database seeding tool is one of the most aptly named tools in our universe; it seeds data into a database. Which solves so very many problems; they help with load testing, removes the dependence on client content for site structuring, and can really help push the limits on any UI.

Note that Seeder is a stand-alone tool; no other Add-on is required.

This being for ExpressionEngine means we’re Seeding Channel Entries and Members (out of the box). Basically, set up your Channel structure, execute a command, and, BOOM! you got data in your site.

But wait! There’s more.

Crap. I wrote that. Ugh… Sigh… It is true though. This well runs deep. Yeah, it Seeds Channel Entries and Members. But there’s also:

  1. A complete API to create your own Seeds.
  2. A Config based layer for defining the specific Seed data you want in your Seeds.
  3. An API to implement third party ExpressionEngine FieldTypes into Seeder.

As I said. Deep.

So, in this series, I’m going to go over Seeder by CartThrob and provide examples and explanations on how to get things done.

First, like any program, we have to understand the rules of its universe.

How Seeder Works

It’s important to understand that Seeder will rarely (99.99%) relate to “real” data; it works in its own sandbox. For example, as we know, every Channel Entry requires a Member as an Author; Seeder will only use a Fake Member for these situations.

Which brings us to Dependencies.


Every Seed can define its own Dependencies; the items, and how many of them, the Seed requires to be created before it can be created. Again, using the Channel Entry Seed as an example, it requires 100 Fake Members be created before it’ll install a single Channel Entry to be used as Author relationships.

Data Tracking

Seeder keeps a record of every fake item created so it can be rolled back at any time and provide a pool of relatable data points. This becomes extremely important when creating your own Seeds (more on this in a later post).


There are 2 points of execution with Seeder: ExpressionEngine Actions and the new Command Line Interface (released with ExpressionEngine 6.1). There aren’t any template tags; it’s a utility so is executed like one. For example purposes, I’ll be sticking to the Command Line Interface.

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:seed
./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:cleanup
./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:purge

Seed Data

To Seed data, you execute a command like so:

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:seed --type SEED_TYPE --limit TOTAL_TO_SEED --verbose

The above would create XX Seeds and show you the progress of it doing so. Depending on the Seed though, you may be required to add additional parameters.


Parameter Definition Type Required
type What Seed object to execute string Yes
limit How many of each type to seed (20 is default) int No
list When called with seeds, will display out the various Seed Types you can Seed with string No
channel The shortname for the channel you want to seed entries to string No
role The Member Role you want to assign to Seed Members string No
verbose Whether to display output on progress flag No

Seed Members

Seeding Members into your site will require you also provide a role that is the shortname for the Member Role you want to assign these Fake members to.

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:seed --type member --limit 10 --role members --verbose

Seeder will inspect your Member configuration, determine which Member Field Type you are using, and apply content to those fields.

Supported First Party Fields

Member Fields aren’t exactly extensible (*glares at Packet Tide) so the below is the complete coverage of Member Fields and how Seeder handles them.

Field Fake Data
Date Generates a DateTime object with now
Select Random selection from the setup options
Text 3 to 6 random words combined
Textarea A single paragraph of Lorem Ipsum
Url Random URL

Seed Channel Entries

When Seeding Channel Entries, you’ll be required to provide which Channel you want to assign your Entries to.

Note that the Entry Seed type requires there be 100 Member Seeds created prior to creation. It’s good practice to provide a role option just in case.

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:seed --type entry --channel blogs --role authors

Just like with Member Seeds, Seeder inspects your Channel Entry configuration and applies Fake data based on the Field(s) used.

Supported First Party Fields

The below is which FieldTypes are specifically are supported by Seeder. You’ll likely note a couple missing (Grid and Fluid) but they’re in the works no doubt.

Field Fake Data
Checkbox Random selection from the setup options
Colorpicker Random hex color code
Date Generates a DateTime object with now
Duration A random number between 1 and 200
Email Address A random email address
File The first file in the configured site
MultiSelect Random selection from the setup options
Relationship Uses the Field configuration to pick a random selection of Entries
Rte Between 2 and 20 paragraphs
Select Random selection from the setup options
Text 3 to 6 random words combined
Textarea A single paragraph of Lorem Ipsum
Toggle A random binary return
Url Random URL

In a future post, I’ll go into detail on how Third Party developers can configure their Add-ons to work with Seeder. For now though, there ya go. A list. Of things.

Cleanup Seed Data

If you want to manage your Seeds at a granular level, you can use the cleanup command to get rid of specific Seeds. Note that due to how ExpressionEngine relates data at the Model level which means if you remove an asset that “owns” another data point, it’ll cascade accordingly.

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:cleanup --type  SEED_TYPE --limit TOTAL_TO_SEED


Parameter Definition Type Required
type What Seed you want to remove string Yes
limit How many of each type to seed (20 is default) int No

Remove All Seed Data

If you want to set your system back to a usable state, the purge Command is where it’s at. Every Seed. Gone. Like it never ever happened.

./ee/eecli.php cartthrob:seeder:purge --verbose


Parameter Definition Type Required
verbose Whether to display output on progress flag No

Configuration Overrides

All that’s pretty great, right? You can create Seed data and remove Seed data. Good stuff. Something’s missing though; data has structure and context. Your Blog post doesn’t need 5 paragraphs in the blurb field. Your Titles might follow a specific format. You want to ensure a specific format for XXX instead of YYY.

Seeder has your back on that front with Configuration Overrides.

General Config Format

The format’s fairly straightforward (relying on ExpressionEngine’s structure) and boils down to an array full of closures using the Faker PHP library.

Config Location

Like all ExpressionEngine config files, it should be stored at system/user/config though this HAS to be named seeder.php. For Seed override, you use the index seeds as your parent array.

Config Format

Seeder will pass the Faker PHP Library to your closure which will allow you to generate any type of Fake data you require.

$config = [
    'seeds' => [
        'SEED_NAME' => [
            'DATA_POINT_OF_EMAIL' => function(Faker $faker) {
                return $faker->email();
        'OTHER_SEED_NAME' => [
            'DATA_POST_OF_NAME' => function(Faker $faker) {
                return $faker->firstName();

Entry Config Override

To override Channel Entry data, you’ll have to break it down by channel_name and then define your channel fields. It’s important to note that you’ll use the field name to denote data. For example:

use \Faker\Generator AS Faker;

$config = [
    'seeds' => [
        'entry' => [
            'CHANNEL_NAME' => [
                'title' => function(Faker $faker) {
                    return 'Order #'.$faker->randomNumber();
                'order_customer_phone' => function(Faker $faker) {
                    return $faker->phoneNumber();
                'order_customer_email' => function(Faker $faker) {
                    return $faker->email();
                'order_billing_first_name' => function(Faker $faker) {
                    return $faker->firstName();
                'order_billing_last_name' => function(Faker $faker) {
                    return $faker->lastName();

Member Config Override

Just like with Channel Entry configuration, to Seed Member data per field, you use the input name.

use \Faker\Generator AS Faker;

$config = [
    'seeds' => [
        'member' => [
            'first_name' => function(Faker $faker) {
                return $faker->firstName;
            'last_name' => function(Faker $faker) {
                return $faker->lastName;
            'join_date' => function(Faker $faker) {
                return $faker->dateTimeThisYear->format('U');

Next Steps

And that’s Seeder. About half of it. As mentioned at the top, Seeder also has a complete API for extending and personalizing the experience. In the next piece, we’ll go over creating Seeds and updating FieldTypes to work with Seeder.

So, we know how to build a form. A big ol’ array with a lot of options. But, I mean, that’s pretty unsatisfying. “Write out a complicated data structure in your Controller”, is a pretty terrible place to end things. So we’re not done. (Also, we really haven’t gone over Tables, Grid Fields, and Image Filepicker flows.)

So, in this Part, we’re going to go over what’s worked best for me to:

  1. Structure my Shared Form data into objects
  2. Working with Model objects and the Model Service with forms
  3. The complete POST flow working with Model Validation.

The Project Outline

To help keep things conceptually fun, let’s assume we have a client who wants us to build a Control Panel form that will allow editing of the ExpressionEngine Site details.

That’s it, pretty simple. Also, a huge waste of money but, also, a man’s gotta eat, so that’s what we’re building.

Which means we have the following flow for the program:

  1. Get the Site Model for the current site (ensure we have an accurate model)
  2. Setup our form details and set default values from the Model
  3. Check for POST request, validate the form data, and process
  4. Display form

So, really, I see 3 objects at this stage; the ExpressionEngine Control Panel object and a Form and Abstract object that’ll handle the generation of the particulars of a Form.

Little Pseudo

Just to keep me (personally) honest, I like to write out the general flow of my programs in pseudo code first. It helps me make sure I don’t miss anything and provides a reference point on the functionality that doesn’t require digging through emails or Pdf/Word docs.

$site = getSite();
if(!$site) {

$form = getForm();
$vars = [];
if(isPost()) {
    if($site->isValid()) {

    $vars = getErrors();

renderPage($form, $vars);

And, yeah, I really do want it that short and concise in the end; future me will be happy the code’s in a readable format.

So. Time to build.

The Form Object

When creating a Shared Form for a Model, it’s all about keeping things one to one in naming; your form fields should match your Model column names. They don’t have to match, but you’re going save yourself a ton of time not wrangling the data structures.

So, using the database table used by the Site Model (exp_sites) as an example, we can tell we’ll need form fields for:

I’m sure you can imagine how unwieldy this becomes if we put everything into the Control Panel object. Especially when you want to reuse the form (gotta create as well as update, after all).

So, to me, we need to abstract things a bit. I like my code to be lean and readable; I locked into the fat model skinny controller paradigm early and it really pays dividends in 2022.

The Form Abstract

For every project I do that requires Shared Form Views, I always start with an AbstractForm object that all the other Form objects will inherit. Just keeps things uniform; I want every form to work the same and have the same capabilities since clients are insane and shifting priorities are a thing.

At the most basic, it resembles the below:

abstract class AbstractForm
    protected $data = [];

    abstract public function generate(): array;

    public function setData(array $data): AbstractForm
        $this->data = $data;

        return $this;

    public function get(string $key = '', $default = '')
        return isset($this->data[$key]) ? $this->data[$key] : $default;

I have a more full fledged implementation that I use nowadays, but the above is really the core; an object that returns a form (to be defined) and a couple helpers for handling values.

Really though, all the above is is a simple base that allows setting an array as a data store and a getter to grab what we want without worrying about its existence. Just makes for a smooth dev experience for me since we don’t have to test return values.

A Form Object

The idea is that every Form I build is based off the Abstract, with one domain per Form. For example, a SiteForm and then a MemberForm, etc. Each stand-alone. Each contained to its own domain/namespace. And each able to be tested stand-alone.

So, let’s put it together.

class SiteForm extends AbstractForm
    public function generate(): array
        return [
                    'title' => 'site_label',
                    'fields' => [
                        'site_label' => [
                            'name' => 'site_label',
                            'type' => 'text',
                            'value' => $this->get('site_label'),
                            'required' => true,
                    'title' => 'site_name',
                    'fields' => [
                        'site_name' => [
                            'name' => 'site_name',
                            'type' => 'text',
                            'value' => $this->get('site_name'),
                            'required' => true,
                    'title' => 'site_description',
                    'fields' => [
                        'site_description' => [
                            'name' => 'site_description',
                            'type' => 'text',
                            'value' => $this->get('site_description'),
                    'title' => 'site_color',
                    'desc' => 'site_color_desc',
                    'fields' => [
                        'site_color' => [
                            'name' => 'site_color',
                            'type' => 'text',
                            'value' => $this->get('site_color'),
                            'required' => true,

Control Panel

The below may look like a lot but it’s really just a basic POST flow with Model validation and heavy use of the Cp/Alert object.

class Custom_module_mcp
    public function index()
        $base_url = 'addons/settings/custom-module';
        $site_model = ee('Model')->get('Site')
            ->filter('site_id', 1)

        if (!$site_model instanceof SiteModel) {
            ee()->functions->redirect(ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url . '/settings'));

        $variables = [];
        $form = new MyFormObject();
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] === 'POST') {

            $result = $site_model->validate();
            if ($result->isValid()) {
                ee()->functions->redirect(ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url . '/index'));

            }  else {
                $variables['errors'] = $result;

        $variables = array_merge([
            'cp_page_title' => 'Your Custom Form',
            'save_btn_text' => 'save',
            'save_btn_text_working' => 'saving',
            'base_url' => ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url),
            'sections' => $form->getForm() //returns the Shared Form array
        ], $variables);

        return [
            'body' => ee('View')->make('ee:_shared/form')->render($variables)

It’s actually pretty straightforward, though I admit; it looks complicated. So, let’s step through the index method.

Base URL Variable

To be honest, I usually make this a class property, so every Control Panel method can use this value, so it’s purely for example purposes in the example. Still, definitely want a $base_url variable since your view needs it and it’s handy for redirect URLs

$base_url = 'addons/settings/custom-module';

Get the Site Model and Handle Failure

When you’re working with Models (or, anything, really), always, always, ALWAYS, ensure its integrity matches the program’s expectations. Do you have what you expected? And handle failures gracefully for the user. In this case, “Do I have a Site Model?” and, if not, get the user out of there since everything relies on a healthy Site Model object.

$site_model = ee('Model')->get('Site')
    ->filter('site_id', 1)

if (!$site_model instanceof SiteModel) {
    ee()->functions->redirect(ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url . '/settings'));

Also, whenever the situation allows, I’m a big fan of dropping an Alert into the request to let the user know why they aren’t allowed to do what they wanted to do.

Define Things and Check Request

Once I know I have a valid Model, I start constructing the rest of the page, which includes checking if we have to process anything. Basically, “Is this a POST Request?” becomes a really important question at this point.

$variables = [];
$form = new MyFormObject();

Because, let’s start the form processing.

Form Processing

First things first, we set our POST data into our Model and validate the Model. This verifies we have the data, in the right format, that the Model requires to do any writes.

$result = $site_model->validate();
if ($result->isValid()) {}

This part’s a little bit of magic, which I know sucks, but the Model objects can define their own Validation Rules within themselves, so they’re a bit self moderating. Definitely a bigger discussion, but if you’re curious, the official ExpressionEngine docs are actually very informative on how Models are structured and how to handle Validation.

Upon Successful Validation

Upon a valid Validation check, we just call the Model save() method and redirect the user away with a handy success Alert.

ee()->functions->redirect(ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url . '/index'));
Upon Failed Validation

Upon a Validation check that fails, we let the View continue processing and let the Shared Form take over. It’ll automatically handle value keys and error message within form fields for us so we really only have to let the user know with a pretty Alert banner.

$variables['errors'] = $result;

Render View

If we’re just displaying the form, rather simple:

$variables = array_merge([
    'cp_page_title' => 'Your Custom Form',
    'save_btn_text' => 'save',
    'save_btn_text_working' => 'saving',
    'base_url' => ee('CP/URL')->make($base_url),
    'sections' => $form->getForm() //returns the Shared Form array
], $variables);

return [
    'body' => ee('View')->make('ee:_shared/form')->render($variables)

In Conclusion

So far, and still, easy enough, I think. Everything is nicely self contained, everything logically laid out and compartmentalized.

Next steps, Grid, Tables, and Filepicker. Later though. For now, it’s Friday and I don’t wanna do this any longer.

All About All The Fields

Here they are. Every single field option with every available setting. What you can do and what you get from it. Minimal snark.

Note that this is Part 2 of a series on the ExpressionEngine Shared Form View libraries. It’s assumed you’ve read Part One so if you haven’t yet, go nuts.

If it gets overwhelming, just remind yourself, “not all variables are needed depending on the ‘type’ value”. It’ll help. Maybe. What do I know.

Also, keep your pets nearby for moral support.

Universal Variable

Oh. Right. Yeah. There are 2 of them :shrug-emoji:

Variable Definition Type Required
name The value to use for the name parameter of the input field string No
type One of a ton of varying values, described below string Yes

Most Variables

These will work in about 90% of situations. FWIW, the parser doesn’t really care if you have variables for Fields that aren’t used. So there’s no real worry of anything breaking if you, for example, use the no_results variable on the text input field.

Variable Definition Type Required
class Any specific CSS class to apply. string No
margin_top Adds the CSS class add-mrg-top to the containing div boolean No
margin_left Adds the CSS class add-mrg-left to the containing div boolean No
value The data to populate the Field string No
required Denotes the field visually as being required for validation boolean No
attrs A complete key="value" string to apply to the field string No
disabled Whether the field can accept input/editing string No
group_toggle Used in conjunction with group to hide/show field sets. See the docs for details string No
maxlength Hard lock a field to only allow XX characters integer No
placeholder The string to use for the input fields placeholder parameter string No
group Used in conjunction with group_toggle to hide/show field sets. See the docs for details string No
note A raw string of text to output BENEATH the field string No
no_results Used to define quick links when choices are empty array No
choices A simple key=>value array pair to populate options array No


The no_results variable should follow the format of:

    'text' => '',
    'link_href' => '',
    'link_text' => '',

A Complete List of Fields

And now we’re here. The whole freaking point. All the fields. Leggo.


Adds a traditional input HTML field.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'text'


<input type="text" name="FIELD_NAME" value="">
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'text',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to wrapping div on input
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'value' => 'test@test.org',
        'maxlength' => 24,
        'placeholder' => 'Your Email Here',
        'note' => 'Another Place for copy',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored


<input type="text" name="FIELD_NAME" value="test@test.org" custom-param="12"  maxlength="24" placeholder="Your Email Here">

Back to Fields


Adds a small input HTML field wrapped in a div with flex-input as the class. Useful for stacking fields horizontally.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'short-text'


<label class="flex-input ">
    <input type="text" name="FIELD_NAME" value="">

The short-text field only has 1 custom variable lol

Variable Definition Type Required
label Will place a bold string under the field for users to clickety clackity on string No
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'short-text',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to wrapping label on input
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'value' => 'test@test.org',
        'maxlength' => 24,
        'placeholder' => 'Your Email Here',
        'label' => 'FIELD_LABEL_VALUE',
        'note' => 'Another Place for copy',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored


<label class="flex-input my-custom-class">
    <input type="text" name="FIELD_NAME" value="test@test.org" custom-param="12"  maxlength="24" placeholder="Your Email Here">
    <span class="label-txt">FIELD_LABEL_VALUE</span>

Back to Fields


Adds a traditional file HTML field to your form.

Note that to use the file field you’ll have to set 'has_file_input' => true in the view level variables you pass to ee:_shared/form so the form enctype is changed to allow file uploads.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'file',


<input type="file" name="FIELD_NAME" class="">
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'file',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to the input element
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'note' => 'Another Place for copy',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored


<input type="file" name="FIELD_NAME" disabled="disabled" class="my-custom-class">

Back to Fields


Adds your run of the mill password input field wrapped in magic that puts an eye in it users can click to deobfuscate the input.

It’s important to note the value you use for the name variable. If the value is verify_password or password_confirm, the autocomplete parameter is current-password otherwise the value is new-password.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'password'


<input type="password" name="FIELD_NAME" value="" autocomplete="new-password" class="">
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'password',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to the input field
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'value' => 'THE_VALUE',
        'maxlength' => 24,
        'placeholder' => 'PLACEHOLDER_VALUE',
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored


<input type="password" name="FIELD_NAME" value="THE_VALUE" autocomplete="new-password" custom-param="12"  maxlength="24" placeholder="PLACEHOLDER_VALUE" class="my-custom-class">

Back to Fields


Adds a hidden field to your form.

Note that if you care about visual dissonance, you REALLY don’t want to use this stand-alone in your form. It throws the spacing off. Like, WAY off. It’ll legit just look weird. Either append it to an existing field group at the bottom of your form (last element, basically), OR define your hidden fields in your view variables.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'hidden',
        'value' => 'VALUE'


<input type="hidden" name="FIELD_NAME" value="VALUE">
All Options

There are ony 4 for, hopefully, obvious reasons.

'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'hidden',
        'value' => 'THE_VALUE',
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',


<input type="hidden" name="FIELD_NAME" value="THE_VALUE">

Back to Fields


Adds a full textarea input field.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'textarea'


<textarea name="FIELD_NAME"></textarea>
Variable Definition Type Required
cols How many columns to set the field to use int No
rows The total rows int No
kill_pipes Flag to replace any ¦ delimiters with new lines (\n) boolean No
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'textarea',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to input field
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'value' => 'THE_VALUE',
        'maxlength' => 24,
        'placeholder' => 'PLACEHOLDER_VALUE',
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored
        'cols' => 20,
        'rows' => 30,
        'kill_pipes' => false,


<textarea name="FIELD_NAME" cols="20" rows="30"  custom-param="12" maxlength="24" placeholder="PLACEHOLDER_VALUE">THE_VALUE</textarea>

Back to Fields


Adds a “pretty” button style link to your form.

Note that action_button requires 2 additional variables by default.

Variable Definition Type Required
link The full URL you want to use string Yes
text The copy to use for the button string Yes
Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'action_button',
        'link' => 'https://u.expressionengine.com/',
        'text' => 'Ultra Double Secret Manual for ExpressionEngine Shared Form View Part Two'


<a class="button button--secondary tn " href="https://u.expressionengine.com/">Ultra Double Secret Manual for ExpressionEngine Shared Form View Part Two</a>
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'action_button',
        'link' => 'https://u.expressionengine.com/',
        'text' => 'Ultra Double Secret Manual for ExpressionEngine Shared Form View Part Two',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to wrapping div on input
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',


<a class="button button--secondary tn my-custom-class" href="https://u.expressionengine.com/">Ultra Double Secret Manual for ExpressionEngine Shared Form View Part Two</a>

Back to Fields


Allows for putting raw (unformatted) HTML inside your form.

Note that html requires 1 additional variable by default.

Variable Definition Type Required
content The HTML ahem content you want to output string Yes
Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'html',
        'content' => '<strong>my string</strong>'


 <strong>my string</strong>
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'html',
        'content' => '<strong>my string</strong>',
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to wrapping div around the content
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',


<div class="my-custom-class">
    <strong>my string</strong>            

Back to Fields


Adds a traditional select input field to your form.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'select',
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three'


<select name="FIELD_NAME"  class="">
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
Variable Definition Type Required
encode Whether to format text so that it can be safely placed in a form field in the event it has HTML tags. boolean No
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'select',
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three'
        'class' => 'my-custom-class', //note this is applied to input field
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'value' => 'THE_VALUE',
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',
        'disabled' => false, //note if true the `attrs` attribute is ignored
        'no_results' => [
            'text' => 'Nothing Here',
            'link_href' => 'URL_TO_ADD_OPTION',
            'link_text' => 'Add Option'


<select name="FIELD_NAME"  custom-param="12"  class="my-custom-class">
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>

Back to Fields

toggle / yes_no

Adds a Toggle control that returns either y or n respectively when yes_no is used or a traditional boolean when toggle is used.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'yes_no', // | toggle


<button type="button" class="toggle-btn off yes_no  " data-toggle-for="FIELD_NAME" data-state="off" role="switch" aria-checked="false" alt="off">
    <input type="hidden" name="FIELD_NAME" value="n">
    <span class="slider"></span>
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'yes_no', // | toggle
        'class' => 'my-custom-class',
        'value' => 'THE_VALUE',
        'note' => 'NOTE_STRING',
        'disabled' => false,


<button type="button" class="toggle-btn off yes_no  my-custom-class" data-toggle-for="FIELD_NAME" data-state="off" role="switch" aria-checked="false" alt="off">
    <input type="hidden" name="FIELD_NAME" value="n">
    <span class="slider"></span>

Back to Fields


Adds a fancy select input field especially useful for large data sets to choose from.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'dropdown',
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three',
            4=> 'Four',
All Options
Variable Definition Type Required
limit Magic integer No
filter_url Magic string No
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'dropdown',
        'value' => 2,
        'limit' => 100,
        'empty_text' => 'Whatever you want',
        'filter_url' => '',
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three',
            4=> 'Four',
        'no_results' => [
            'text' => 'Nothing Here',
            'link_href' => 'URL_TO_ADD_OPTION',
            'link_text' => 'Add Option'

Back to Fields


Adds a specialized widget for checkbox.

Note that if you have more than 8 options the widget becomes a unicorn with a beautiful horn.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'checkbox',
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three',
All Options
Variable Definition Type Required
disabled_choices A list of keys used in the options array to prevent selection array No
selectable Whether to allow user interaction with the field boolean No
reorderable Allow drag and drop ordering of the options? boolean No
removable Adds UI element to remove options boolean No
encode Whether to format text so that it can be safely placed in a form field in the event it has HTML tags. boolean No
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'checkbox',
        'value' => [2,1],
        'choices' => [
            1 => 'One',
            2 => 'Two',
            3 => 'Three',
        'disabled_choices' => [
        'selectable' => true,
        'reorderable' => false,
        'removable' => false,
        'editable' => false,
        'encode' => true,
        'attrs' => ' custom-param="12" ',
        'no_results' => [
            'text' => 'Nothing Here',
            'link_href' => 'URL_TO_ADD_OPTION',
            'link_text' => 'Add Option'

Back to Fields


This behaves just like checkbox with the exception of being scalar so uses a scalar for the value. See checkbox for details.

Note you can alias this with radio_block or inline_radio for reasons

Back to Fields


Deploys a series of select input fields together.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'multiselect',
        'choices' => [
            'bday_day' => [
                'label' => 'Day',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''
            'bday_month' => [
                'label' => 'Month',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''
            'bday_year' => [
                'label' => 'Year',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''


<div class="field-inputs">
    Day<select name="bday_day"></select>
    Month<select name="bday_month"></select>
    Year<select name="bday_year"></select>
All Options
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'multiselect',
        'note' => 'MY_NOTE',
        'choices' => [
            'bday_day' => [
                'label' => 'Day',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''
            'bday_month' => [
                'label' => 'Month',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''
            'bday_year' => [
                'label' => 'Year',
                'choices' => [],
                'value' => ''


<div class="field-inputs">
    Day<select name="bday_day"></select>
    Month<select name="bday_month"></select>
    Year<select name="bday_year"></select>

Back to Fields


Puts a slider widget into your form

Note that this field appears to still be expirmental. Hence why it’s not “officially” documented.

Basic Example
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'slider',


<input type="range" rel="range-value"
<div class="slider-output"><output class="range-value" for="FIELD_NAME"></output>%</div>
All Options
Variable Definition Type Required
min The lowest value in the range of permitted values integer No
max The greatest value in the range of permitted values integer No
step Specifies the granularity that the value must adhere to (if any is used, no stepping is implied, and any value is allowed (barring other constraints, such as min and max) mixed No
unit The symbol your data can best be represented by (defaults to %) mixed No
'fields' => [
    'FIELD_NAME' => [
        'name' => 'FIELD_NAME',
        'type' => 'slider',
        'min' => 100,
        'note' => 'MY_NOTE',
        'max' => 400,
        'step' => 3,
        'unit' => '$',


<input type="range" rel="range-value"
<div class="slider-output"><output class="range-value" for="FIELD_NAME"></output>$</div>

Back to Fields


It doesn’t exist. Don’t believe anyone. There is no image field.

Instead, take a look at this Forum post about how to get a head start on a future Part.

I know, pretty unsatisfying, but, I mean, whatever :shakes-head:

Wrapping Up

At this point, you should know everything you need to know to create a form using the Shared/Form View libraries. There are a couple more points to cover, for example adding Ajax requests and Grid Fields and Tables, but these are the high notes.

Next steps is to focus on form processing, Model objects, and Validation. Which should be a lot more fun.

But, Arrays Are Illegal!

​ One of the more understated changes to ExpressionEngine over the last few years is the Shared Form View. Easily, one of my top 3 favorite reasons for why to use ExpressionEngine as a programmer. If you’re not familiar, the nickle explanation is you create form views with array definitions. ​

I know. Sounds weird. And your instinct to finger wag and wellwhatabout is a natural instinct that’s served you well. Tamp it down for just a minute though; you won’t be disappointed. ​

Putting aside, “arrays are primitives and you can’t build abstractions around primitives *RAWR*” (except when YOU do it), the implementation ExpressionEngine created allows for some incredibly complex and nuanced solutions that go way beyond what the docs provide. And the docs, as a matter of fact, provide for a lot.

Fun fact; the majority of ExpressionEngine’s Control Panel forms are written using the Shared Form View, so, I mean, examples are all over the place if you’re curious how to do something. Just find it and roll up your sleeves. ​

The Basics

​ So, how do you make a form? No matter what anyone tells you (he says in regards to the straw-man just to make a point), there are really only 2 “chunks” required for your Shared Form View; the Control Panel View and the Shared Form array. ​

Control Panel View

​ At the most basic, the below is the minimum that’s required for the view within the mcp method. Same as every other Control Panel View you’ve created; declare some variables and return an array with a body key (and others, but that’s a discussion for another place). ​

$variables = [
    'cp_page_title' => 'Your Custom Form',
    'save_btn_text' => 'save',
    'save_btn_text_working' => 'saving',
    'base_url' => ee('CP/URL')->make('addons/settings/custom-module')->compile(),
    'sections' => $this->getForm() //returns the Shared Form array
return [
    'body' => ee('View')->make('ee:_shared/form')->render($variables)

Note that all the keys within the $variables array are required for use of the 'ee:_shared/form' view script (provided by ExpressionEngine). You’ll get PHP errors and undefined variables warnings. It’s ugly. Don’t do it. Show some pride in your work. Declare at least those. If you wanna go bare-bones, this is the way, though there are a ton of other options. ​

Keep in mind the above sections key within the $variables array; that’s where ALL form arrays are expected within the ee:_shared/form view script. Why it’s not named forms is none of our business, to be honest, and it’s rude to ask.

Shared Form Array

To keep things sane, don’t be that developer that just dumps the entire form array into the Controller creating a 1,000 line method within a sea of other 1,000 line methods; separate your code by concern, dammit! I mean, not like I’m about to do. Do better than the below method within the Control Panel object. The below is dumb ‘cause writing examples give me a free pass to be bad at designing my software and double standards are fun.

protected function getForm()
    return [
                'title' => 'Email',
                'fields' => [
                    'email' => [
                        'name' => 'email',
                        'type' => 'text',
                'title' => 'Name',
                'fields' => [
                    'name' => [
                        'name' => 'name',
                        'type' => 'text',

Let’s break this down. It’s obviously an array of arrays that contain arrays (O.o) which define form fields. Pretty straight forward concept but this implementation is deceptive; it’s really more a collection of field groups that can contain field sets that can contain multiple fields. The key (puns are fun!) to this is fields; it, too, is an array of arrays.

A Different Way​

Consider the below:

protected function getForm()
    return ['My Name Fields' =>
                'title' => 'Contact Details',
                'fields' => [
                    'email' => [
                        'name' => 'email',
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'placeholder' => 'Email',
                    'name' => [
                        'name' => 'name',
                        'type' => 'text',
                        'placeholder' => 'Name',

​ Same form fields, just presented differently. And because they’re arrays (even though primitives ARE stupid, I know), we can really make our forms as nuanced as… well… how can I put this… our forms can be as nuanced as our clients believe they need their interpretation of a solution to the problem they’re solving… requires…

Note the array key My Name Fields allows you to put a header (h-something-or-other) in the HTML to delineate your field group. I’m not going to go into it because the docs cover it nicely but check out using Tabs within your Shared Form Views. It’s pretty snazzy.

Available Control Panel Variables

​ So, one of the things the docs don’t cover very much is the shear number of variables you can pass to a Shared Form View. Here’s a complete example with every option: ​

$variables = [
    'save_btn_text' => 'save',
    'save_btn_text_working' => 'saving',
    'ajax_validate' => true,
    'has_file_input' => true,
    'alerts_name' => '',
    'form_hidden' => [],
    'cp_page_title_alt' => 'Hello',
    'cp_page_title' => 'Will not show',
    'action_button' => [],
    'hide_top_buttons' => true, //note if 'action_button' is defined this is ignored
    'extra_alerts' => [],
    'buttons' => [],
    'base_url' => ee('CP/URL')->make('addons/settings/custom-module')->compile(),
    'sections' => $this->getForm()
return [
    'body' => ee('View')->make('ee:_shared/form')->render($variables)

Variable Definitions

Variable Definition Type Required
save_btn_text Used as the label value within default form buttons string Yes
save_btn_text_working Clicked form buttons will have their value changed to this string Yes
base_url The URL string to use for form processing string Yes
sections The Shared Form View array array Yes
cp_page_title Text to display on the View Header string Yes
ajax_validate Adds the CSS class ajax-validate to the form tag presumably for reasons boolean No
has_file_input Adds enctype="multipart/form-data" to the form to allow files to be uploaded along with POST boolean No
alerts_name The name for the alerts data specific to your form. Defaults to shared-form string No
form_hidden Any form specific hidden fields you want to attach. Note it MUST be compatible with the form_open() method's parameter array No
cp_page_title_alt An alternative Text to display on the View Header. Useful for multi form views (I imagine) string No
extra_alerts A simple array containing the shortname for additional Alerts you want this form to output. See the Cp/Alert Service for details. array No
hide_top_buttons Whether to remove the top most submit button from your form. Note if an action_button is defined this setting is ignored. boolean No
action_button An array containing a complete replacement for the top most button (see below) array No
buttons Complete override of the buttons on the bottom of the form (see below) array No

Most of the above are pretty self explanatory, but the buttons and action_button also have some nuance. ​


​ The format for this array should look like this: ​

    'rel' => '',
    'href' => '',
    'text' => '',

​ This is a multidimensional array that contains definitions for multiple buttons: ​

'buttons' => [
        'shortcut' => '',
        'attrs' => '',
        'value' => '',
        'text' => '',
        'name' => '',
        'type' => '', //submit|button|reset (yeah, reset, 'cause 1998 happened once and it can happen again)
        'class' => '',
        'html' => '',//prepends to 'text' value
        'working' => '',

Field Set Definitions

​ So, we’ve already gone into the basics on how a Shared Form View form is created, but just like with the Control Panel there are quite a few hidden gems available to developers. Unfortunately, it’s broken up into 2 separate layers, with the second layer being conditional. ​

Consider this form array containing 2 fields:

$form = ['member_details' =>
            'title' => 'Email',
            'fields' => [
                'email' => [
                    'name' => 'email',
                    'type' => 'text',
            'title' => 'Name',
            'fields' => [
                'name' => [
                    'name' => 'name',
                    'type' => 'text',

​ Looking at the commonalities, it’s easier for me to consider this 2 parts that make a whole; the fields key and everything BUT the fields key (we’ll call that “Top”). ​

Top Keys

​ Here’s a breakdown of the accepted keys: ​

Variable Definition Type Required
title The colloquial name for the field (processed through the lang() method) string Yes
fields An array of key => $fields that define the actual input layer array Yes
desc A longer description for the field (processed through the lang() method) string No
desc_cont A second description to use for the field that'll be displayed on its own line (processed through the lang() method) string No
example A simple string output (processed through the lang() method) string No
button An array that defines a button; will attach button next to field(s) array No

​ So a more full fledged example of our form could look like this: ​

$form = ['member_details' =>
            'title' => 'Email',
            'desc' => 'Put Email here',
            'desc_cont' => 'My did I capitalize Email above?',
            'example' => 'WHY DID I DO IT AGAIN THOUGH?!?',
            'fields' => [
                'email' => [
                    'name' => 'email',
                    'type' => 'text',
            'button' => [ //only one per field (apparently)
                'text' => 'Clickety clackity click',
                'rel' => '',
                'for' => '',//adds to the data-for attribute
            'title' => 'Name',
            'fields' => [
                'name' => [
                    'name' => 'name',
                    'type' => 'text',

Next Steps

Believe it or not, all the above just barely scratches the surface when it comes to the Shared Form View layer of ExpressionEngine. We’ve covered everything up to defining individual fields. Which is a lot. But I’m not going to go into the rest of it for now since dealing with Fields is well documented and they really do provide a good jumping off point at the official docs. ​ For now, we’re done. Go play. Copy/paste the above into a project and tilt your head at how easy it is to create Control Panel forms with ExpressionEngine.

This article assumes you understand how “simple” conditionals work.

Generally speaking a “simple” conditional lets you evaluate only two things in one way, “advanced” conditionals lets you evaluate many things in many ways.

There are near limitless ways to use advanced conditionals so instead of trying to cover everything, this article deals with commonly used examples and patterns.

Yes/no or true/false conditionals

Let’s say you have a custom field with values of “yes” and “no” and you want to display a custom message depending on the value, you can do something like this:

{if my_option_field == "yes"}
  The answer is yes
  The answer is no

If the answer is yes show the yes message, else show the no message.

By using {if:else} you tell ExpressionEngine to evaluate the first condition, if it’s true do something, if it’s not true do something else.

You could reverse what you evaluate first:

{if my_option_field == "no"}
  The answer is no
  The answer is yes

If the answer is no show the no message, else show the yes message.

You could express this particular example as two simple conditionals:

{if my_option_field == "yes"}The answer is yes{/if}
{if my_option_field == "no"}The answer is no{/if}

For binary yes/no or true/false type answers either method will work fine.

What if you need a “don’t know” answer as well? You can evaluate two things with a fallback answer:

{if my_option_field == "yes"}
  The answer is yes
{if:elseif my_option_field == "no"}
  The answer is no
  Don't know

If the answer is yes show the yes message, else if the answer is no show the no message, else show the “don’t know” message.

You don’t always need the last {if:else}, if you just wanted to output something for either value you could something like this:

{if my_option_field == "yes"}
  The answer is yes
{if:elseif my_option_field == "no"}
  The answer is no

If the answer is yes show the yes message, else if the answer is no show the no message, otherwise do nothing

You can use as many if:elseif statements as you need:

{if my_color == "red"}
  I like red
{if:elseif my_color == "blue"}
  I like blue
{if:elseif my_color == "green"}
  I like green
{if:elseif my_color == "black"}
  I like black
{if:elseif my_color == "white"}
  I like white
  I'm undecided

Evaluating multiple values

On occasions you may want to evaluate various combinations of information to refine the answer. Here’s an example:

{if my_option_field == "yes" AND my_color_field == "blue"}
  Yes, my favourite color is blue

If the answer is yes and blue output the message, otherwise do nothing.

The AND logical operator lets you evaluate two parameters, so if both are true you get a result, if none or neither are true nothing happens.

You can evaluate as many parameters as you want:

{if my_option_field == "yes" AND my_color_field == "blue" AND my_date_field == "Friday"}
  Yes, my favourite color is blue, but only on Friday

If the answer is yes and the colour is blue but only show the result of the day is Friday.

You can use other comparisons instead of == (equals to) such as this one that uses != (not equal to):

{if my_option_field == "yes" AND my_color_field != "blue"}
  Yes, but my favourite color is not blue

If the answer is yes and the colour is not blue output the message, otherwise do nothing.

You can always include custom field tags to output values dynamically:

{if my_option_field == "yes" AND my_color_field == "blue" my_date_field == "Friday"}
    {my_option_field}, my favourite colour is {my_color_field}, but only on a {my_date_field}

Conditionals with dates

In these examples I’m using the {current_time} variable to get the date values in tandem with the various date format values that are available. Note how the {current_time} variable is wrapped in double quotes, and the format parameter value is wrapped in single quotes. While this is often the case, conditionals can sometimes work without them. If unsure test both ways!

Compare the current year

{if "{current_time format='%Y'}" == "2021"}
  It's 2021
  It's not 2021

Compare a specific date

You can be more specific with the date format, in this example it will only output the message if the current date is 1st January.

{if "{current_time format='%d/%m'}" == "01/01"}
  It's the first day of the year

Compare the current day name

{if "{current_time format='%D'}" == "Sun"}
  Sorry we're closed on Sundays

Compare current, past and future

In this example I’m using the < (less than) and > (greater than) logical operators.

{if "{current_time format='%Y'}" == "2021"}
  It's 2021
{if:elseif "{current_time format='%Y'}" < "2021"}
  It's so last year
{if:elseif "{current_time format='%Y'}" > "2021"}
  This is the future if you hit 88mph

Comparing an entry date

In this example I’m evaluating whether an entry was published this year or in a previous years.

{if "{current_time format='%Y'}" == "{entry_date format='%Y'}"}
  Published this year
{if:elseif "{current_time format='%Y'}" < "{entry_date format='%Y'}"}
  This entry is old hat

Nesting conditionals

You can evaluate one conditional inside another:

{if my_option_field == "yes"}

  My favourite color is:  

  {if my_color_field == "red"}
  {if:elseif my_color_field == "blue"}
  {if:elseif my_color_field == "green"}

{if:elseif my_option_field == "no"}
    not specified

Bear in mind that nesting conditionals many layers deep can sometimes have an impact on performance - the deeper you nest the more database queries may be needed or EE needs more memory to parse the template contents. As usual with these things it depends on what you’re doing, but if you add some deeply nested conditionals and get slower loading pages it could be a culprit.

Commonly used conditions in a channel entries tag


On occasions you may want to evaluate combinations of information to refine the output. Here’s an example:

{if status == "featured"}
  Featured article
{if:elseif status == "open"}
  This article is merely open, not featured

Different content for logged in members

Lets start by just checking if someone from any member role is logged in or not:

{if logged_in}
  Member content
  This page is private, please login

Or if you need the messages in two different places you could do simple conditionals:

{if logged_in}
    Member content

{if logged_out}
  This page is private, please login

Restricting content by member role (group)

{if logged_in_role_id == "7"}
  Gold member!
{if:elseif logged_in_role_id == "8"}
  Silver member
{if:elseif logged_in_role_id == "9"}
  Bronze member
{if:elseif logged_in_role_id == "1"}
  Super admin!

Summing up

Hopefully these examples will help solve some of your advanced conditional problems, or at least point you in the right direction.

Headless is all the rage, and for good reason. People and devices consume content in a variety of ways that have needed a different approach to the CMS as a single platform to handle both the managing of content and displaying the content. The idea of a headless CMS focuses the responsibility of the CMS to only administrating content, while the presentation of content is left to a different stack of tools. The presentation can also benefit from static CDN caching for scaling, and increased security. We are not talking about just blog posts, but also data like the current temperature outside, rocket launch times, and infection rates.

In the world of headless, ExpressionEngine is considered a hybrid CMS. It is able to deliver on many headless concepts, so the final answer depends on which part of the definition is the most useful for your case. Let’s first cover what ExpressionEngine does well around the scope of headless out of the box.

What ExpressionEngine Can Do

ExpressionEngine excels at content management through user-defined custom fields that are grouped into channels of content. Said another way, content can be broken into highly structured fields that fit the needs of the site. It has robust roles & permission management for users, and a template engine able to output text in most formats, from JSON to HTML and XML. ExpressionEngine can also be wildly extended by add-on modules. All of this is managed by an intuitive control panel.

ee entry editing screen

What ExpressionEngine is Not

ExpressionEngine is not offered as a SaaS, or built with microservices, and is not currently offered as a fully maintained cloud option. ExpressionEngine is a traditional monolithic PHP application that must be downloaded and installed on a LAMP-like stack. Like most CMS’s in this category, the core can be auto-updated with a single click. It also does not have GraphQL, and editing entries through the API takes a little bit of extra work.

Out of the Box

Most APIs for a headless CMS are typically going to return JSON, and this is absolutely possible in ExpressionEngine! To create a JSON-formatted template, simply create a new template, select the type of javascript, and create a tag loop to output entry data. Since templates are independent of each other, it is also possible to run both a standard HTML website alongside various API endpoints in the same ExpressionEngine install.

ee template editor


No rate limits

Since these behave like normal web pages, there is not a way to limit page requests per API key.

Lack of access control with something like tokens

API keys and tokens in the header of a request to control access or enforce limits are not supported.

GET is the only request type

Requests that modify data such as POST, PATCH, and DELETE would not be supported out of the box. See further down the article for more information.

GET Example

To display a list of upcoming events at, say, a conference center, first create a channel to hold the event information such as the title, event date…etc. Conference rooms in the facility would have their own channel and contain information like hall capacity, name, and photos and then be related to the event. This structure can then be outputted in templates:

Example of an HTML template at /events/item/my-event

{exp:channel:entries channel="events"}

  <!-- Event Info -->
  <time>{entry_date format="%m/%d/%Y"}</time>

  <!--- Room Relationship -->
    <h3>Room: {conference_room:title}</h3>
    <p>Capacity: {conference_room:size}</p>


Example of the same data in JSON at /api/events/my-event

{exp:http_header content_type="application/json"}
  {exp:channel:entries channel="events" backspace=’1’}
    // Event Info:
    'title' : '{title}',
    'entry_id' : {entry_id},
    'description' : ' {description_custom_field}',

    // Room Relationship:
    'conference_room' : [
      {conference_room backspace='1'}
        'room_title' : '{conference_room:title}',
        'size' : '{conference_room:size}'


Creating Better Queries

The vanilla channel entries loop is a bit cumbersome to fine-tune queries using the URL like a typical REST API. To get more control, URL query parameters can be used through the first-party add-on Low Search. They can be any of the standard fields such as date, status, or title plus all custom fields, and relationships.

The most common use for this approach is updating a page with search results using asynchronous javascript (AJAX). Andy McCormick wrote a series on this. While in Andy’s series the templates returned HTML, it can be easily changed to JSON:

Entries Template /group/entries

{exp:http_header content_type="application/json"}
  {exp:low_search:results query="{segment_3}" backspace="1"}
      'title' : '{title}',
      'entry_id' : {entry_id},
      'custom_field_1' : '{custom_field_1}',


Static HTML File:

const request_url = '/group/entries?status=open&channel=events&limit=10';

const entries  = await fetch(request_url).then(response => response.json());

entries.forEach( entry => {



Extending with Add-ons

ExpressionEngine can be extended with Add-ons written by 3rd party developers through the ExpressionEngine Store, or can be custom-written per-project. Here are just a few to check out:

Bones by TripleNERDScore


Bones combines both the Low Search query URL feature, plus gives a full output of entry data in a predictable format. This skips a lot of custom template authoring. Data can be returned as JSON through an action URL (see below), or template. Bones also provides the ability to require an API key in order to access data, adding to security. Like the Low Search approach, data queries are made through the URL parameter. Bones also helps with counting objects, and better error handling than a standard template.

Webservice by Reinos


This add-on provides a highly customized web service for ExpressionEngine that includes GET and POST processes.

Custom Add-ons

If none of these options suit your needs, you can create your own custom add-on. Add-ons can tap into control panel events such as when entries are updated, or someone logs in, to have their own custom logic and endpoints for data.

When building an ExpressionEngine module there is a service called Action ID, or “ACT”. A module method can be run when a specific URL is requested. This can be the start of your API and can accept GET as well as POST and other requests to update ExpressionEngine. For example, by visiting the URL below, the function act_action would be called.


// On install, ExpressionEngine can
// create a new ACT ID to the method name of your choice.
function act_action()

  if (ee()->input->post('action') === 'get_entries')

    $entries = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry')->all();

    return json_encode($entries);



Modifying Entries

Creating and updating entries in ExpressionEngine will take a little bit of work, and require building a Module add-on.

When installing an add-on’s ACT action, setting the csrf_exempt to 1 will disable the token check as shown below. At this point any data can be submitted to your method, so be careful how this is used.

Also to note, updating Grid and Fluid fields take additional steps to be updated and are beyond the scope of this writeup.

Within the add-ons’s upd.myaddon.php file:

$data = array(
    'class'     => 'MyClass' ,
    'method'    => 'my_act_method',
    'csrf_exempt' => 1 // Important, use with care.
ee()->db->insert('actions', $data);

From here, the my_method function can alter data in ExpressionEngine. For example, to update the title of an entry we could do something like the following:

POST Request:

curl -d 'title=NewTitle!&entry_id=5' -X POST https://example.com/index.php?ACT=23

mod.myaddon.php :

function my_act_method()

    // Get fields from POST using sanitized methods:
    $entry_id  = ee()->input->post('entry_id');
    $new_title = ee()->input->post('title');

    // Use ExpressionEngine models to get an entry.
    $entry = ee('Model')->get('ChannelEntry', $entry_id)->first(); 
    $entry->title = $new_title; // Change the title.
    $entry->save(); // Save changes.


Final Thoughts

Using ExpressionEngine to power a headless application is absolutely possible, with some limitations. ExpressionEngine excels at content management while providing the possibility for a hybrid of standard HTML and API templates in the same open-source system. It can deliver that data in numerous ways. ExpressionEngine can also be extended with existing or custom add-ons to build more functionality where the native options are limited. Where ExpressionEngine may not fit is if you are looking for a fully-hosted and maintained CMS on a monthly or annual fee with a little extendability, or if a lot of data is being updated outside of the ExpressionEngine control panel.

Headless ExpressionEngine

By: Doug Black

In this two-part series, we’ll introduce Bones, an ExpressionEngine add-on for headless implementations. We’ll first use Bones to feed data to your front-end JavaScript framework. Once we’re comfortable with that, we’ll make ExpressionEngine completely headless while building out an API and integrating with Jigsaw, a static site generator.

Headless ExpressionEngine: Using Bones to Create a Static Site

Using ExpressionEngine To Power Your JavaScript Frontend Using Bones

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the
ExpressionEngine Forums!

ExpressionEngine is so powerful under the hood when it comes to managing content. In this example, we’ll use Bones to use the data from our EE site to build out a static site, using a static site generator called Jigsaw. We’ll explore a bit of API safety, as well as managing data coming from EE.

If you haven’t, watch the first part of our series on Bones here: Using ExpressionEngine To Power Your JavaScript Frontend Using Bones

Bones is a super simple way to utilize ExpressionEngine as a headless content management system for use in javascript frontends, static site builders, and more!

Bones Hello World: https://github.com/dougblackjr/bones-hello-world

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Let’s take a look at building a Vue.js frontend powered by headless ExpressionEngine using the Bones add-on.

Bones is a super simple way to utilize ExpressionEngine as a headless content management system for use in javascript frontends, static site builders, and more!

Find more information here:

Bones Hello World: https://github.com/dougblackjr/bones-hello-world

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Configure Outgoing Email Settings in ExpressionEngine

In ExpressionEngine, navigate to Settings > Outgoing Email. Change the Protocol to SMTP which will open the SMTP Options. Use the following settings:

Server address
Server port
The SMTP username/email address as specified in your Office 365 settings.
The SMTP password as specified in your Office 365 settings.
Connection type

Lastly make sure your Newline character setting on this page is set to \r\n.

That’s it!

You are finished and ready to start sending emails through your Microsoft Office account. Visit Tools -> Utilities, and from the Communicate utility, send yourself a test email to verify that everything is working.

The Consent module isn’t always specifically for cookies, rather it relates to collection (and use) of any personal information, whether stored in cookies or otherwise.

This is just one approach to creating consent forms, the module has many other tags and variables you can use to build your own consent mechanism, see the Consent documentation for full details.

The consent ‘popup’ form

The various consent requests (e.g. ee:cookies_functionality) are found in System settings > Security & privacy > Consent Requests

This form you’d probably display as an overlay, popup or fixed to the bottom of the screen.

{!-- form tag with all default consent= requests --}
{exp:consent:form consent="ee:cookies_functionality|ee:cookies_performance|ee:cookies_targeting"}

  {!-- message --}
  <p>What consents do you want to allow?</p>

  {!-- loop through requests --}
          <input type="checkbox" name="{consent_short_name}" value="y">

  {!-- submit/save button--}    
  <button type="submit">Save</button>

  {!-- link to privacy/cookies page --}
  <a href="{path='site/cookies'}">Manage options</a>


I prefer to add this form in an embed template which is then added to my layout template. The embed template can then be run uncached - because you need it to be dynamic.

Hiding the ‘popup’ form after it’s been actioned

When a visitor has saved their preferences you’ll want to hide the form. ExpressionEngine doesn’t do this automatically so we need to wrap the form in a conditional like this:

{if ! consent:has_responded:ee:cookies_functionality}
{exp:consent:form consent="ee:cookies_functionality|ee:cookies_performance|ee:cookies_targeting"}

 ...form code here


Basically this conditional says if the form has not been actioned/saved, show the form, otherwise don’t show it.

Dealing with opted in consents

Using the default consents (Functionality, Performance and Targeting), once the consent form has been actioned/saved you can then output any scripts or code that collect personal data.

To do this I add some extra tags to my consent embed template like this:

{!-- performance related opted-in consents --}
{exp:consent:requests consent="ee:cookies_performance"}
  {if consent_granted}

    // performance scripts, typically analytics


{!-- targeting related opted-in consents --}
{exp:consent:requests consent="ee:cookies_targeting"}
  {if consent_granted}

    // targeting scripts, typically 3rd party adtech tracking


Note: I’ve omitted a tag for “Functionality” consents because you probably wouldn’t need to run any consent driven scripts here. Feel free to add if you need it!

Making the form always available

After a visitor has saved the consent form you’ll still need to offer the same options so they can opt in and out at any time. To do this I create another template so I can display the consent form on its own page.

The form tag is the same but the output is a little different:

{exp:consent:form consent='ee:cookies_functionality|ee:cookies_performance|ee:cookies_targeting'}

  {!-- no consents message --}
  {if no_results}
    <p>No Consent Requests to Display</p>

  {!-- loop through consents --}

      {!-- name of the consent --}

      {!-- current status of the consent, accepted or declined --}
      {if consent_granted}(currently accepted){/if}
      {if ! consent_granted}(currently declined){/if}


    {!-- consent description--}

    {!-- radio buttons to accept or decline --}     
          <input type="radio" name="{consent_short_name}" value="y" {if consent_granted}checked{/if}> Accept
          <input type="radio" name="{consent_short_name}" value="n" {if ! consent_granted}checked{/if}> Decline</label>


  {!-- save button --}
  <button type="submit">Save</button>


Using a consent form to hide and show content

It’s not all about privacy laws and cookies, you can also use the consent mechanism to hide content and make visitors click a button to see it.

You’ll need to create a new consent in System settings > Security & privacy > Consent requests - I’ll call mine “ee:promo”.

Here’s an example:

{!-- consent form tag  --}
{if ! consent:has_responded:ee:promo}
{exp:consent:form consent="ee:promo"}

  {!-- pass the consent value in a hidden input --}
    <input type="hidden" name="{consent_short_name}" value="y">

  {!-- HTML --}
  <p>Do you want to see this thing?</p>

  {!-- submit button--} 
  <button type="submit">Yes please!</button>


{!-- show the content after the form has been submitted --}
{exp:consent:requests consent="ee:promo"}
  {if consent_granted}

    <p>THIS THING</p>


You could even reverse this idea to show something by default and use the consent mechanism to hide it.

EEConf Fall 2021, Sept 30 - Oct 1

EEConf is a 2-day event that includes hand-picked topics and summit style sessions so you can follow along with the presenter, ask questions, and meet others in the community.

🎤 Presenter: Creative Arc Team, https://creativearc.com

📺 Description: The team from Creative Arc will walk you through everything you need to build an E-commerce site with ExpressionEngine and CartThrob. They will cover planning the schema, configuring CartThrob, and building the templates that allow it all to come together. This is a great opportunity to learn what ExpressionEninge and CartThrob can do from an experienced team. The team from Creative Arc will walk you through everything you need to build an E-commerce site with ExpressionEngine and CartThrob. They will cover planning the schema, configuring CartThrob, and building the templates that allow it all to come together. This is a great opportunity to learn what ExpressionEninge and CartThrob can do from an experienced team.

🎤 Presenter: Robin Sowell, ExpressionEngine, https://www.expressionengine.com

📺 Description: Learn more about debugging ExpressionEngine from ExpressionEngine’s chief debugger.

🎤 Presenter: Erik Reagan, Focus Lab, https://focuslabllc.com

📺 Description: How much does your business rely on you as the owner? Many agency owners and executives have built their business up to a point where their customers are continually pleased and impressed with their products or services. But the owner is attached to the process, the product, the service, or the results in a very tangible way. They can’t be absent from the business for more than a week or so, or things start to fall apart. But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you want to fix this in your own business, but aren’t sure how this is a great starting point. By the end of this session, owners will see a new possible future. And they’ll know what to do to get themselves there.

🎤 Presenter: Blair Liikala, University of North Texas College of Music, https://recording.music.unt.edu

📺 Description: Hear a short case-study using ExpressionEngine to build an automated live streaming and media archive in a university environment, and how that lead to a stand-alone module using the Mux service for live and on-demand streaming. Learn about the strengths this add-on brings to video workflows and if it is right for your next project.

🎤 Presenter: Tim Hoppe, Creative Arc, https://creativearc.com

📺 Description: Creative Arc recently implemented Mouseflow, a user tracking and heat mapping tool, on one of our larger clients who is consistently looking to improve their site performance and UX. Since then, we have started using it for most of our redesigns as a way to focus in on the undiscovered pain points for users, and increase the clients interest and investment in a redesign/redevelopment effort. I will go through a site we have been tracking to show you how to leverage the data available into suggestions on projects.

🎤 Presenter: Alex Brabant, eMarketing 101, http://emarketing101.ca/ 🎤 Presenter: Travis Smith, Hop Studios, https://www.hopstudios.com/

📺 Description: Are you currently spending money advertising with Google Ads, but you’re worried that your dollars are not being well-spent? Or are you considering running Google Ads but daunted by the complexity of configuring a new campaign?

Join Travis Smith (Hop Studios) and Alex Brabant (eMarketing101) as they discuss how to set up and use all the various Google Ads products. They’ll discuss the current system, and share ways to improve the performance of your existing Google Ads campaigns. This interview-style presentation will examine goals and funnels, geo-targetting, keyword strategies, novel ad types, as well as the psychology behind online PPC advertising.

🎤 Presenter: Andy McCormick, ExpressionEngine, https://expressionengine.com/

📺 Description: ExpressionEngine Pro works pretty well out of the box. However, depending on your site’s design and functionality you may need to do a little work to make it work best for your users. Andy will walk you through the initial setup and implementation of ExpressionEngine Pro, as well as how to use template tags and tag parameters to make it work seamlessly with your site.

🎤 Presenter: Donata Skillrud, Termageddon, https://termageddon.com

📺 Description: Did you know that collecting as little as an email address via a website contact form may require you to comply with multiple privacy laws?

This presentation tackles three core concepts about privacy laws and why a Privacy Policy needs to make specific disclosures to comply with these laws.

Which websites need a Privacy Policy; Why Privacy Policies are important; Why you should be the one to talk to your clients about privacy.Did you know that collecting as little as an email address via a website contact form may require you to comply with multiple privacy laws?

This presentation tackles three core concepts about privacy laws and why a Privacy Policy needs to make specific disclosures to comply with these laws.

  1. Which websites need a Privacy Policy;
  2. Why Privacy Policies are important;
  3. Why you should be the one to talk to your clients about privacy.

🎤 Presenter: Neil Williams, ZealousWeb, https://www.zealousweb.com/

📺 Description: What is digital accessibility and why is it important? How do you demonstrate the value of DA to a non-technical audience as part of a sales process and use it as part of our value proposition and as a key differentiator when pitching for project work.

🎤 Presenter: Yuri Salimovskiy, ExpressionEngine, https://expressionengine.com/

📺 Description: We’ll be going through using Cypress IO to test the functionality of your add-ons as well as the contributions to ExpressionEngine core. I will guide you through setting up a testing environment, wring the tests for Control Panel pages and front-end templates, as well as running the tests manually and automatically. This mini-workshop will consist of a presentation and Q&A session.

🎤 Presenter: Andy McCormick and Tom Jaeger, ExpressionEngine Team Members, https://www.expressionengine.com

Building an E-commerce Website With ExpressionEngine

By: Paul Larson

This is a five-part series on how to build an ecommerce website in ExpressionEngine from scratch using the CartThrob add-on.

This walkthrough is in 5 parts, covering the following:

1 - Building an E-commerce Website With ExpressionEngine, Part 1

The team from Creative Arc will walk you through everything you need to build an E-commerce site with ExpressionEngine and CartThrob. They will cover planning the schema, configuring CartThrob, and building the templates that allow it all to come together. This is a great opportunity to learn what ExpressionEngine and CartThrob can do from an experienced team.

Part 1: Setting the stage

CartThrob is an ecommerce add-on we’ve used for many years, building sophisticated stores that integrate with ERPs, event ticketing sites, or even basic invoice payment forms. This series provides a foundation for building a CartThrob commerce website from scratch, covering field creation, channel configuration and assignment, payments, shipping, taxes and order notifications. A high-level overview of template tags is found in Part 5 of the walkthrough, along with a zip archive of the full example templates.

Disclaimer: This is a way to build a CartThrob store, not the way. The power of CartThrob is in how it extends ExpressionEngine. You can bring your ExpressionEngine skills to bear and simply extend into commerce.

Acknowledgements: These example templates, and the general configuration covered in this walkthrough are developed by Greg Crane from store builds for our clients.

Introducing our demo store, FakeBowling.shop!


As you might have guessed, our chosen demonstration store is one that sells bowling accessories. Such a store would likely have Simple Products such as a bowling ball, or Optioned Products such as a shirt with size options, or Virtual Products such as League dues where shipping and weight don’t apply.

This is a speed run starting from an existing ExpressionEngine website; our journey begins just after the CartThrob add-on has been installed but none of the configuration has been completed. Two basic channels exist in our ExpressionEngine site for this example: {simple_products} and {optioned_products}.

Let’s get started!

1a) Simple Products: field creation and entry configuration

We’re going to create our simple product fields and then review how those appear on the front end, then configure CartThrob so it knows about that simple product channel. Within the Fields menu, you’ll see we already created field groups for our Simple and Optioned products, but for now we’re going to focus on the Simple Product Field group.

Simple Product Field group

The first field we need to add is the price. Create a new field within this field group; use the field type “CartThrob - Simple”. I’ll call this Simple Product Price , {simple_product_price}, making it required.

Simple Product Price field

The next field is the Quantity, or the Inventory Tracking field, and this can just be text input with “Integer” as the Allowed Content setting. In our case we used {simple_product_inventory}.

Simple Product Inventory field

The third field to create is a Text input field, named {simple_product_weight} with Number set for Allowed Content.

We have three demo products in our store (two bowling balls and one accessory). Note that Products within CartThrob are simply ExpressionEngine channel entries: everything you’re accustomed to from a standard ExpressionEngine website applies; we are simply introducing CartThrob field types.

Simple Product Entry List

Let’s look at one test product entry as an example (8-pound Hello Kitty ball). We already have the photo and the body and the SKU in there, but I’ll just give this a price of $53 and a quantity of 98 in stock.

Hello Kitty, example item

Following suit, the Yoda ball is $103 with a Inventory of 5, followed by the Bag Roller product, priced at $80 and a quantity of 60.

A quick peek at one of these items on the frontend:

Hello Kitty, frontend

Now, we can go to the CartThrob add-on within the ExpressionEngine backend, which at the moment doesn’t know this channel exists. From the Products tab, we’ll assign the channel Simple Products. Our Price Field name is the Simple Product Price, the weight field name is Simple Product Weight and the quantity field is Simple Product Inventory.

Simple Product Channel Assignments

So now CartThrob knows that products are coming from that channel, and it knows which fields to use for the pricing and for the shipping/weight calculations. On to Optioned Products!

1b) Optioned Products

So we have the basics of the simple product configured and populated. Now we have our more complicated Optioned products that are in a different channel, and just as we did for the Simple products, we have to make some fields, populate the products, and then configure CartThrob to use the appropriate channel and fields. As a reminder, Optioned products refer to T-shirt with sizes of small, medium, and large, for example.

The CartThrob price modifier field

Returning to the Fields menu, navigate to the Optioned Product Field Group. Create a new field of type CartThrob price modifier. The name of my field is simply “Options,” with a Short name of {optioned_product_options}. Note: On the frontend, the name of the field (Options) is what’s going to display next to the dropdown with the options, shirt sizes and colors, for example.

Optioned Product Channel Assignments

Next, we’ll make a basic Text input field {optioned_product_weight} with Number as the Allowed Content setting.

Add Product Options to Entry

Go to “Edit” menu and bring up our Optioned Product channel. We’ll use our Shirt product (The Andy) as an example.

Optioned Product Channel Entries

As we scroll down that product entry page, we’ll see our blank CartThrob Price Modifier field with default columns of Option Short Name, Option Label, and Price.

Next, a detail that is easy to miss the first time you do it: we can add additional columns; in our case, Inventory and SKU. (We’re making the assumption that the option prices here are what the customer will see on the frontend. Another option is to have a separate base price for which the price modifiers would add or subtract the prices from that base price). For this example, though, there is no base price, and the Option price is what the customer will see in their cart.

Optioned Product Entry

Sizes (Options) have been added: Small, Medium, and Large with their associated price, inventory, and SKU.

Note: Within the Options (CartThrob Price Modifier field), the “Save” action is for the Preset, you’ll need to save the Entry afterwards. The preset makes data entry easier as you add more products.

Setup Optioned Product Channel within CartThrob

CartThrob doesn’t know this “Optioned Products” channel exists yet, so we’ll head back to the CartThrob add-on, “Products” tab. You’ll see our simple products are still there but we’re going to add another channel (click “Add Another Channel”). We’ll choose Optioned Products with the settings below:

Optioned Product CartThrob Assignment

So far so good! Now we have to save by clicking Submit at the bottom of the page. We should be ready to move on.

1c) Frontend Add to Cart Demo

We now have our products created, both the simple and the optioned products. Upon adding the Yoda bowling ball to the cart, it’s good to see it has the proper line-item cost and then a subtotal cost. Updating the cart to a quantity of 2, for example, properly adjusts the subtotal and listed quantity.

Simple product Add to cart test on frontend

Next, we add the Andy product, size Medium, to the cart.

Optioned product Add to cart test on frontend

Both simple and optioned products are together in the same cart with a proper subtotal, all responding to quantity changes by clicking “Update Cart.”

We have the basics of the cart working in terms of the product information and calculations. Next, we’ll continue and configure CartThrob to handle the orders.

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Part 2: Channel installation and Discounts

2a) Orders/Discount Channel Installation

Back in the ExpressionEngine backend, go to the CartThrob add-on, and then the “Installation” tab. (We’re not going to Orders Tab which would be the logical next step)

Of these available installation options, we actually skip most of them because we’re starting with pretty basic templates that we’ve created. Our store is not really complicated enough for Packages or Discounts channels. Instead, we will only choose Store - Orders and then Store - Coupon Codes channels. (Remember, our FakeBowling.shop ExpressionEngine site already had a Products channel) If you’re curious, Store - Purchased items would be used to if you want to show “Customers Also Bought..” on a product page, which is a cool feature.

We are not installing any templates, as we already have those completed.

CartThrob test channels install

Click Install Templates & Channels.

Navigate to the Channels menu, and you’ll hopefully see that the two new channels were created.

Now, head back to CartThrob, navigate to the Orders tab, and this one’s sort of settle. You have to first click your order channel, Store - Orders, and then be sure to select “Yes” for “Save completed orders to a channel?”

CartThrob channel mapping

Upon submitting these changes, we should see statuses that need to be assigned. Scroll down to the Order Status section and map each status accordingly.

CartThrob status mapping

We’ll follow suit with Order Data Fields. (this one takes a while!)

CartThrob field mapping

Now CartThrob knows about our Orders channel and its Status and Data fields.

2b) Coupon Code (Discounts)

Next, we’re going to make some fields to store coupon codes. In the Fields menu, there’s now a field group called Coupon Codes with a default field {coupon_code_type}. We’re going to supplement this with two more fields of our own.

Coupon Code field

Add a text input field, we’ll call it just “Coupon Code”, shortname {coupon_code}. This will be the field that we put the actual code the customer would type in on the cart page, e.g. “Black Friday” coupon.

Coupon Code field

Follow up by creating another text field as the {coupon_description}. This field would be for a frontend display, such as, “You now have a 10% off your order” to display in the cart.

Coupon Description Field

With the discount fields created, it’s back CartThrob settings and then the Discounts tab. Our fields haven’t yet been assigned to the new channel, so we’ll add that setting and click Submit.

Coupon Mapping

Now we are ready to make a coupon code entry within the Store - Coupon Codes channel. Our title is “Ten Percent Off EE CONF Special,” a Type of “Percentage Off,” and Percentage Off value of 10. And finally, a Coupon Code of “abc123” and a Coupon Description.

Coupon entry creation

We’re done! These coupon codes can be tested on the frontend.

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Part 3: Shipping / Tax / Payments

3a) Shipping

Within CartThrob, navigate to Shipping. There’s several plugins to choose from; for this example I’m using By weight - Threshold. The settings are self-explanatory. The shipping plugin uses a tiered system so any order weight total of up to 5 lbs will match the first row, resulting in a shipping charge of $8, and so on.

Shipping Plugin

For the last row I have a really high threshold of 500, so anything after 15 lbs will just cost $500.

Click Submit to save the plugin selection and its values.

On the frontend we’ll test the Yoda Bowling Ball. The cart tallies shipping as $13, because the By Weight - Threshold plugin matches the order total of 10 lbs. (Totals up to and matching 10 lbs will match the $13 calculation.)

Shipping frontend test

3b) Taxes

Within CartThrob, navigate to Taxes. I’ll leave “Calculate taxes using shipping address” as No, since I want to calculate by billing address.

For the Tax Plugin, we’ll use “Tax by Location - Percentage”. Each row represents a tax rate, region, and zip. CartThrob will use these values to match to the customer’s billing address to tally the proper tax rate. For this example, I’ll use 7.7%.

Like shipping, I added a second row with a high value to catch all other situations. Anything that doesn’t match the first row would be match by this global rule which is 20%. We could put in more rows and more zip codes and regions, but we’ll leave this simple for now!

Tax plugin

Click Submit. Taxes are done! Add an item to your cart on the frontend and give it a try!

3c) Payments

Now that our shipping and tax are behaving, I’ll look at the payment gateways. Within CartThrob, navigate to Payments, and focus on the first menu, Choose your primary payment gateway. I’m using the Stripe plugin developer mode. (Stripe and Authorize are the gateways I use the most. I prefer Stripe because it’s just easier to test compared to Authorize or Paypal)

Payment Gateway selection

You can choose the various gateways that CartThrob has available. The first select menu is showing you what gateway is chosen, the second is giving you the chance to edit that gateway’s settings. (the settings will appear below, without a page reload, upon making this selection)

Below is where I have my test modes selected, and I have my Test Mode API key (secret), and Test Mode API key (publishable) that I configured within my Stripe account.

Payment Gateway config

Everything else I can leave as-is. Click Submit to save the changes.

3d) Submit an order on the frontend

Now we can actually complete an order! At the bottom of my checkout page, I’m using the default Stripe test number, 4242 4242 4242 4242, providing any CVV code and a valid expiration date.

Submit test payment

Our test order was hopefully successful! Head over to Stripe (or your gateway), and view the appropriate Dashboard for test orders to confirm.

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Part 4: Notifications and Order management

4a) Notifications

We have most of the puzzle pieces of a working store in place. Next we’ll quickly review Notification setup and Order Management within CartThrob. Navigate to the Notifications tab.

Starting at the top of the page with the Log email? setting; I typically don’t log email unless it’s a troubleshooting situation. When enabled, it writes debug info to a CartThrob database table.

We are going to setup two email notifications. The first notification is intended for the customer, while the second is intended for the store owner.

In the CartThrob settings, the first block is what we’ll use for the Customer notification. CartThrob likely created a few of these email configuration blocks by default.

Customer notification

Everything is pretty self-explanatory here. The To email address is dynamically assigned from the order itself using the ExpressionEngine variable.

Next, the Email template needs to point to a standard ExpressionEngine template, in our case a fairly basic HTML table template geared for email delivery.

The Event setting is used to match a CartThrob event that must be triggered to send this email. In this case, a successful transaction.

We are ready to move on to the next email block for the store owner. The setup is nearly identical, only differing in subject line, recipient, and email template. The Event setting remains as “Successful Transaction,” which means two emails are sent by CartThrob for each successful order. Marked in yellow, below, are the subtle differences in the owner email compared to customer

Owner notification

On the frontend, we’re ready to submit a test order to test the notifications. I’ll add a couple of items to my cart, even specifying an order note. Here is what the email notification looks like to the customer:

Email preview

4b) Order Management

Where does CartThrob store all this?

Order entries

If you remember when we used that installation function within the CartThrob Installation Tab, it created the Coupon Codes and the Orders Channels.

The Orders Channel looks like a standard ExpressionEngine channel with the title being the order number, and then the statuses that we have assigned to the channel.

Order Entries List

If I look through a sample Order entry, it’s pretty standard; just a lot of custom fields. In this case, the actual line items for the order appear on the order items CartThrob field.

Order Entry

The expected order and customer data is found in the entry fields. Note the layout tabs that capture the billing, shipping payment. It’s all here in the ExpressionEngine Entry!

Order Manager

The CartThrob order manager is a separate Add-On; you can add both to your ExpressionEngine control panel menu manager as you see fit.

Order Entry

Within Order Manager, you’ll have basic reports around order totals by month, product reports, etc.

Order Reports

Within Order Manager, the Orders menu appears above the Reports. I’m just going to look at a single order I just made. It looks like an ExpressionEngine channel entries interface but it is slightly different, supplementing with some CartThrob-specific functionality.

Order List

Click on a test entry and you’ll see the contents of this order, with functions for deleting the order, re-sending the order notification, or issuing a tracking number.

Order Entry

This concludes our tutorial of the CartThrob setup and frontend review. On to our final installment to cover Templates!

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Part 5: Templates

5a) Structure leads the way

To introduce the templates, I want to show how we have our checkout steps configured.

We use the popular Structure add-on to manage the content in our FakeBowling.shop, which has very few Structure pages including “Your Cart,” “Your information,” “Shipping options.” etc, which are tied to the steps of the checkout process as customers progress through their order.


If you look at one of these entries, it’s a blank, placeholder page for with a Structure setting pointing it to our template: main/ecommerce.

Structure detail

In our template groups, you’ll see the ecommerce template, which through a series of embeds looks at the segment of the URL, and then loads the appropriate template code. In other words, we simply pair the Structure page relating to a step in the checkout process to the appropriate master ecommerce template for our site.

Template embeds

Those embeds intern call a series of hidden templates within a template group called _e-commerce with template code for all the conditions and situations that come up during a checkout.

5b) Template highlights and considerations

The CartThrob documentation is the best resource for all available tags, but I’ll focus on those used in our Fakebowling.Shop example. Let’s look at a few key (not all) templates from the list above, in the order that they would be encountered during our 5-step customer checkout.

1) exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form

The first logical action to consider in any shopping cart is adding a product to the cart. Sounds like a job for {exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form}.

Notes about this block of code: We are in an entry template, within an {exp:channel:entries} loop. Note the return=”/your-cart” parameter, which will post the form submission and send is into the first segment of our cart journey. Note another loop inside {exp:cartthrob:add_to_cart_form}, {exp:cartthrob:item_options entry_id="{entry_id}"}. Any options for that product (size, color) will be displayed such that they can be selected in the form. If there are no options, no problem! The customer can simply specify a quantity and click ‘Add to Cart’.


    <div class="productAddToCart">

        {exp:cartthrob:item_options entry_id="{entry_id}"}
            <div class="formField">
                <div><label class="addToCartFormRowLabel">{option_label}</label></div>
                        <option {selected} value="{option_value}">{option_name} {if sku}&nbsp;&nbsp;(SKU: {sku}){/if}&nbsp;&nbsp;{option_price}</option>

        <div class="formField">
            <div><label class="required" for="quantity">Quantity</label></div>
            <div><input id="quantity" name="quantity" required="required" type="text" value="1" style="max-width: 100px;"></div>

        <input class="button expanded" type="submit" value="Add to Cart" />


2) exp:carthrob:update_cart_form, exp:cartthrob:cart_items_info

The item is now in your cart, and the product page sent us to /your-cart, where we see our cart contents on display (to be edited or confirmed).

Notes about this block of code: We are displaying the cart contents within an {exp:cartthrob:update_cart_form} tag pair. Why? Well, if the customer wants to change quantities or delete an item entirely, we’ll be able to furnish those changes to CartThrob. If no changes are needed in the cart, this tag simply won’t be submitted.

After update_cart_form, the power {exp:cartthrob:cart_items_info} makes an appearance. From the CartThrob docs, “The cart_items_info tag works similar to the channel entries module, and is intended to print out the contents of the customer’s cart.” Finally, another loop of {exp:cartthrob:item_options} to display any chosen options.



        <div class="cartRow">

            <div class="cartItemImage">
                {embed="_ecommerce/.product-image" entry_id="{entry_id}"}

            <div class="cartItemDescription">

                {exp:cartthrob:item_options entry_id="{entry_id}" row_id="{row_id}"}
                    <div class="formField cartItemOption">
                        <div><label class="cartOptionsLabel">{option_label}:</label></div>
                                <option {selected} value="{option_value}">{option_name} {if sku}&nbsp;&nbsp;(SKU: {sku}){/if}&nbsp;&nbsp;{option_price}</option>

            <div class="cartItemQuantity">
                <input id="quantity_{row_id}" name="quantity[{row_id}]" required="required" type="text" value="{quantity}">

            <div class="cartItemTotal">

            <div class="cartItemRemove">
                <label><input name="delete[{row_id}]" type="checkbox">Remove</label>



    <div class="cartPageButtons">
        <input class="button" type="submit" value="Update Cart">
        <a href="/your-information" class="button">Continue</a>


I’m not going to make any edits to my cart, so I’ll click the Continue button, which is a simple HTML button linking to the next step in the process, /your-information.

Cart Review

3) exp:cartthrob:customer_info, exp:cartthrob:save_customer_info_form

These particular tags are very robust and have many parameters. In our checkout, we present both a Billing and Shipping address to the customer and give them a chance to adjust either before they continue.

Notes about this block of code: I redacted several repetitive address fields to not confuse the CartThrob logic that is at play. We need to wrap the bulk of the template in a {exp:cartthrob:customer_info} tag to access the stored address information (should they have a member profile, for example). Within the next tag layer is a {save_customer_info_form} which will take the address information and post it to the form.

From the CartThrob docs:

exp:cartthrob:customer_info: “This tag pair provides a simple method of accessing customer data that has been saved to SESSION* using save_customer_info_form or update_cart_form”

exp:cartthrob:save_customer_info_form: allows “you to save customer info during your customers visit to simplify the creation of a multi-page checkout.”



        <div class="cartFieldGroup">
                <label for="email_address" class="required">Email</label>
                <input id="email_address" name="email_address" required="required" type="email" value="{email_address}">
                {if error:email_address}<br><span class="error">{error:email_address}</span>{/if}
                <label for="phone" class="required">Phone</label>
                <input id="phone" name="phone" required="required" type="tel" value="{phone}">
                {if error:phone}<br><span class="error">{error:phone}</span>{/if}

        <div class="ecommerceBlocks">

                <div class="cartFieldGroup">
                    <h3>Billing Information</h3>

                        <label for="first_name" class="required">First Name</label>
                        <input id="first_name" name="first_name" required="required" type="text" value="{first_name}">
                        {if error:first_name}<br><span class="error">{error:first_name}</span>{/if}
                    ... hidden ...
                        <label for="zip" class="required">Zip</label>
                        <input id="zip" name="zip" required="required" type="text" value="{zip}">
                        {if error:zip}<br><span class="error">{error:zip}</span>{/if}
                    <input name="country_code" type="hidden" value="USA">


                <div class="cartFieldGroup">
                    <h3>Shipping Information <a href="#" id="copyBillingInfo">Copy billing</a></h3>

                        <label for="shipping_first_name" class="required">First Name</label>
                        <input id="shipping_first_name" name="shipping_first_name" required="required" type="text" value="{shipping_first_name}">
                        {if error:shipping_first_name}<br><span class="error">{error:shipping_first_name}</span>{/if}
                    ... hidden ...
                        <label for="shipping_zip" class="required">Zip</label>
                        <input id="shipping_zip" name="shipping_zip" required="required" type="text" value="{shipping_zip}">
                        {if error:shipping_zip}<br><span class="error">{error:shipping_zip}</span>{/if}
                    <input name="shipping_country_code" type="hidden" value="USA">



        <div class="cartPageButtons">
            <input type="submit" value="Continue" class="button">



I’ve specified my Billing and Shipping info, so I’m ready to click Continue to progress to /shipping-options.

4) exp:cartthrob:cart_shipping, or perhaps exp:cartthrob:get_live_rates_form

Our shipping setup for Fakebowling.shop is very. Since we used the By Weight - Threshold plugin, there’s nothing for the customer to select. We display the calculated amount with a simple one-liner.

Your calculated shipping cost is: <strong>{exp:cartthrob:cart_shipping}</strong>

Need something more robust? Shipping so simple is the above example is pretty rare. Below is a snippet to demonstrate how live rates calculation might be used.

Notes: the exp:cartthrob:get_live_rates_form has a return value to send the customer to the final page in the checkout process, /review-and-payment. Key tags:

get_shipping_options: “This tag pair outputs available shipping options. For instance, it will return available options used in conjunction with the shipping plugin called “Customer Selectable Flat Rates”. The information it returns varies by shipping plugin.”

liverates_price: Calculated value of the chosen liverates shipping plugin ({price} variable with liverates_ variable prefix)

{exp:cartthrob:get_live_rates_form shipping_mode="shop" id="shippingOptions" return="/review-and-payment"}

    <div class="cartFieldsetWrapper">
        <div class="cartFieldGroup">

                <div class="cartFieldGroupLabel"><label for="shipping_option">Shipping Method</label></div>
                <p class="required">Required</p>

                <div class="formRow">
                    <div class="formField">
                                    <legend>Shipping Options</legend>

                                    {exp:cartthrob:get_shipping_options variable_prefix="liverates_"}

                                        {if liverates_rate_short_name == 'ups'}
                                            <label for="{liverates_rate_short_name}"><input id="{liverates_rate_short_name}" name="shipping_option" value="{liverates_rate_short_name}" type="radio" checked="checked" required="required">&nbsp;&nbsp;{liverates_rate_title}</label><br><br>
                                            {if error_message}{error_message}{/if}

                                            <label for="{liverates_rate_short_name}"><input id="{liverates_rate_short_name}" name="shipping_option" value="{liverates_rate_short_name}" type="radio" {liverates_selected} required="required">&nbsp;&nbsp;{liverates_rate_title} ({liverates_price})</label><br>
                                            {if error_message}{error_message}{/if}






    <div class="cartPageButtons">
        <button type="submit" form="shippingOptions" value="Review &amp; Payment" class="button bigCartButton"><span>Proceed to Review &amp; Payment</span></button>


5) exp:cartthrob:checkout_form

We’ve now confirmed cart contents, addresses, and shipping, and we’re ready to submit our order!

{exp:cartthrob:checkout_form}: No surprise here; this important tag “outputs a checkout form, gathers values for payment processing and initiates processing & payments.”

{gateway_fields}: “Use the “gateway_fields” variable to automatically output all required and optional fields used by your selected payment gateway.” (You can override and handle these form inputs manually, as we often do).

Notes: Just a few parameters for our store, setting the return URL (/order-complete) and setting the gateway value of stripe. We offer an order_note field that is a standard ExpressionEngine field, but CartThrob looks for that name specifically. “You add custom data to entire orders in the checkout_form. If you have a custom field in your orders channel named order_notes”.


    <h3>Order Note</h3>
    <textarea name="order_note" cols="75" rows="4"></textarea><br><br>


    <h3>Payment Details</h3>

    <div id="checkout_form_gateway_fields">
        <div class="control-group" style="margin:auto;width:80%">
            <!-- placeholder for card elements -->
            <div id="card-element"></div>

    <div class="cartPageButtons">
        <input class="button" type="submit" value="Submit Order">


We have what we need! All that remains is the final Submit Order action, and we’ll hopefully:


CartThrob is a mature, robust ecommerce platform. Coupled with ExpressionEngine, one can build stores of high complexity, but it’s well-suited for smaller stores as well.

Like ExpressionEngine, CartThrob is built to be customized. That also means it can feel a little “bare” to a beginner. It doesn’t roll out the red carpet to guide you through all the steps of the store build, but when you have command of the template tags, you can scale the features of your store pretty quickly. ERP integration and inventory sync, APIs, and all manner of communication with other systems are possible.

We only scratched the surface of what is possible with CartThrob, but hopefully this walkthrough has you well on your way!


I’ll reiterate that Greg Crane developed these example templates, and the general configuration covered in this walkthrough is from his own successful store builds.


Please download our example templates to follow the steps of our walkthrough. Download Templates

Have questions or comments about this course? Be sure to join the discussion and post in the ExpressionEngine Forums!

Getting Started with the ExpressionEngine Command Line Interface (CLI)

By: Tom Jaeger

In this video course we’re going to walk through basic usage of the ExpressionEngine Command Line Interface (CLI)

In this video, we will start with a site freshly upgraded from ExpressionEngine 2 and we’ll talk about how to install ExpressionEngine Pro. We will also give a quick overview of EE Pro and highlight a few of the new features.

What We Do



In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, we set up a search feature on our site where users could search and filter entries, and results were displayed on the page via AJAX. To wrap up our search experience for our users, we're going to add another helpful feature: favorites.

Favorites can be implemented in many forms, such as a favorites list, a wish list, a "save for later" list, or many other variations. For our example, we're simply going to allow the user to just have one favorites list to which they can add their favorite add-ons. To accomplish this, we're going to use EEHarbor's Favorites add-on and some AJAX techniques which we just learned in Part 2.

Building on what we've learned, this feature has a few requirements:

Great! Let's get started

In This Article

  1. Installing and Configuring Favorites Add-On
  2. Adding Favorites with AJAX
  3. All Favorites Listings
  4. Next Steps

Installing and Configuring Favorites Add-On

Favorites is a pretty robust add-on that allows users to save their favorite entries, create favorite lists, show the most popular entries on a website, and much more. In this article, we're only going to use a small percentage of Favorites' features. Let's get started by installing and configuring the add-on.

  1. Download and install Favorites.
  2. Add your license key in the add-on settings.

That's actually all you need to do for our needs. No need to create a collection or anything else.

Adding Favorites with AJAX

Now we're going to jump right into the thick of it. Using the amazing AJAX skills we learned in Part 2, we're going to allow users to save their favorites. To do this, we're going to give them a familiar-looking icon that is commonly recognized as a favorite icon, a heart. When the entry is a favorite, the heart icon will be solid in color ( ). When the entry is not a favorite, the heart icon will just be an outline ( ).

Adding Our Button

We're going to add the heart icon to our {partial_search_results} partial.

Current version of the partial from Part 2: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ops-andy/eeu-search-favorite-tutorial/main/04-partial_search_results

Couple of notes:

  1. Add the button element with the heart icon.
    <div id="header" class="flex"> 
        <img alt="addon icon" class="rounded-md border-2 border-gray-300" style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{add_on_icon}"/>
        <div id="body" class="flex flex-col ml-5">
            <h4 id="name" class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{title}</h4>
            <button class="w-1">
                {!-- notice that we're using the class "favorite-toggle" so we can query this element in the DOM later on --}
                <i class="far fa-heart favorite-toggle"></i>
            <p id="job" class="text-gray-800 mt-2">{add_on_description:limit characters='100'}</p>
            <div class="flex mt-5">
                <p class="ml-3">
                    {if add_on_price == '0'}
  2. Now add the CSS for our heart. You can do this either with a <style> element in your template or through an included CSS file.
    .fa-heart {
        background: 0 0;
        color: #ba1f3b;
        padding: 4px;
        cursor: pointer;
  3. Finally, let's give our listing cards a class that we can easily use in our JavaScript to query the DOM and find our elements. We'll use the class addon-card.
    <div class=" flex flex-col my-1 px-1 w-full md:w-1/2 lg:my-4 lg:px-4 lg:w-1/3 addon-card">
        <div class="max-w-2xl bg-white border-2 border-gray-300 p-5 rounded-md tracking-wide shadow-lg flex-1">

Activating Our Heart

Next, let's bind an event listener to our heart button. When clicked, we'll add the class "active" and display a solid color heart. When clicked again, the heart will go back to just an outline.

We're eventually going to bind to the form's submit event to the heart icon, but it's good practice as we build on the concept to start small and refactor. So we'll start by binding to the click event.

We already have some JavaScript from our previous article that we are calling on the DOMContentLoaded event. We also know that, similar to our pagination, this event binding will have to take place every time we load new content to the DOM (think about the AJAX responses). Therefore we're going to put this in its own function and then call that function as needed.

  1. Let's pseudo-code this out
    If user clicks heart and entry is not in favorites
        entry is added to their favorites list
        heart icon is filled in with color
    If user clicks heart and entry is already in their favorites
        entry is removed from their favorites
        heart icons color is removed leaving an outline
  2. Since we're just focusing on the click event, we will not worry about adding the favorites list just yet.

    //toggles favorited items
    //must be called AFTER ajax calls are complete.
    function addClicktoFavoritesToggle () {
        //find all buttons in our add-on cards
        favoriteToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.addon-card button');
        favoriteToggles.forEach(favToggle => {
            favToggle.addEventListener('click', event => {
                var favHeart = favToggle.querySelector('.favorite-toggle');
                //We are using Font-awesome style prefixes to switch between the regular style ("far") and the solid style ("fas")
                //remove font-awesome classes, then add respective classes
                //if the heart is already active then switch back to the outline only (regular) style. 
                if (favHeart.classList.contains('active')) {
  3. Now, let's just update our DOMContentLoaded event to call our new function after results are loaded.
    //on load create AJAX request
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event =>{
        //submit the response with fetch()
        fetch(baseUrl() + "/ajax/addon-results")
            // take our response and get the HTML we really want
            .then(response => {
                return response.text();
            // take our HTML and replace the contents of our #addon-results element
            .then(data => {
                resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;
                //call our new function

    If all went as planned, your heart icons should now switch between the regular and solid styles when you click on them.

  4. As we know, we're not actually adding anything to our favorites list yet when the hearts are clicked. Next, let's explore how Favorites works and connect our hearts.

Understanding Favorites and Tags

There are two main actions that we want to be able to do with Favorites:

Special Notes:

  1. Let's look at the tags we'll need to connect Favorites.

    According to the docs, to create a form that will allow a user to add an entry to their favorites, we need to use the {exp:favorites:form} tag, and to remove an entry from a list of Favorites, we use the {exp:favorites:edit} tag.

    That's great if you're going to have different templates that display favorites vs non-favorites. However, for our needs, we need to flip-flop between an add-to favorites form and a remove-from favorites form in the same place and without reloading the page. Let's pseudo-code this:

    On page load
    If entry is already in favorites
        display edit tag with a solid heart
    If entry is not in favorites
        display form tag with an outlined heart
  2. The EEHarbor website has an example of how to do this using the {exp:favorites:info} tag: https://eeharbor.com/favorites/documentation/form#examples. So next we apply this to our {partial_search_results} partial.

    First, here is just the code for the heart button and our Favorites form.

    {!--favorites:info list info about an entry --}
        {!-- display the edit form if an entry is found in Favorites --}
            {!-- tells the edit form we want to delete the entry from favorites --}
            <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="yes">
            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{entry_id}">
            <button class="w-1" type="submit" value="Remove">
                <i class="fas fa-heart favorite-toggle active"></i>
        {!-- if no entry is found in favorites, then it's not in a favorites list yet
        Thus display the favorites:form tag --}
        {if favorites:no_results}
            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{entry_id}">
                <button class="w-1" type="submit" value="Add">
                    <i class="far fa-heart favorite-toggle"></i>

    Now combine that with the rest of our entry listing in {partial_search_results}

    <div class="max-w-2xl bg-white border-2 border-gray-300 p-5 rounded-md tracking-wide shadow-lg flex-1">
        <div id="header" class="flex"> 
            <img alt="addon icon" class="rounded-md border-2 border-gray-300" style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{add_on_icon}"/>
            <div id="body" class="flex flex-col ml-5">
                <h4 id="name" class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{title}</h4>
                            <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="yes">
                            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{entry_id}">
                            <button class="w-1" type="submit" value="Remove">
                                <i class="fas fa-heart favorite-toggle active"></i>
                        {if favorites:no_results}
                            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{entry_id}">
                                <button class="w-1" type="submit" value="Add">
                                    <i class="far fa-heart favorite-toggle"></i>
                <p id="job" class="text-gray-800 mt-2">{add_on_description:limit characters='100'}</p>
                <div class="flex mt-5">
                    <p class="ml-3">
                        {if add_on_price == '0'}
  3. Switching between forms on page load is a good start, but what about when a user clicks on our heart icon? In that case, the form itself should change. To plan this out, we'll grab our pseudo-code from the click event above and combine it with what we just wrote.
    If user clicks heart and entry is not in favorites
        entry is added to their favorites list
        heart icon is filled in with color
        Favorites form changes from form tag to edit tag
    If user clicks heart and entry is already in their favorites
        entry is removed from their favorites
        heart icons color is removed leaving an outline
        Favorites form changes from edit tag to form tag.

    This is all good, except we just have template tags to work with, and we can't reload template tags without reloading the page. Therefore we have to manipulate the DOM and change the form manually.

    To accomplish this, we will create the Favorites form in another template, then use AJAX to call out to that form each time a heart icon is clicked. This will render the respective Favorites tag in the other template and allow us to replace the form in our entry with the output of the other template. I promise that it sounds more confusing than it really is.

    Note: The first time I did this, I tried to just change the inputs and properties of the form on the fly. However, Favorites writes data to the database and then looks for that data when updating entries. Thus, we actually need to re-render the template tag for everything to work properly, and that is why using another template is the best method.

Connecting and Hijacking Favorites

We now understand a little more about what work we have to do. Let's roll up our sleeves and get started.

First, we're going to update our click event listener from above. We now are dealing with a form element (rendered by the Favorites template tags). This means that a click event won't cut it anymore. Similar to what we did to Low Search forms in previous lessons, we now need to hijack the form and submit it via AJAX.

  1. Refactor the click event to capture the form submission and prevent the default form action which would redirect the user to another page on success.
    //toggles favorited items
    //must be called AFTER ajax calls are complete.
    function addClicktoFavoritesToggle () {
        //notice we now are updating our selector to find the form, not the button
        favoriteToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.addon-card form');
        favoriteToggles.forEach(favToggle => {
            favToggle.addEventListener('submit', event => {
                //stop the user from being directed to the add-on page
                var favHeart = favToggle.querySelector('.favorite-toggle');
                //We are using Font-awesome style prefixes to switch between the regular style ("far") and the solid style ("fas")
                //remove font-awesome classes, then add respective classes
                //if the heart is already active then switch back to the outline only (regular) style. 
                if (favHeart.classList.contains('active')) {
  2. Now let's submit the form via AJAX using formData()
    //toggles favorited items
    //must be called AFTER ajax calls are complete.
    function addClicktoFavoritesToggle () {
        favoriteToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.addon-card form');
        favoriteToggles.forEach(favToggle => {
            favToggle.addEventListener('submit', event => {
                //stop the user from being directed to the add-on page
                var favHeart = favToggle.querySelector('.favorite-toggle');
                //make the ajax request to favorite the entry
                var formData = new FormData(favToggle);
                fetch(favToggle.action, {
                    method: 'post',
                    body: formData
                .then(response => {
                    return response.text();
                .then(data => {
                    //if the heart is already active then switch back to the outline only (regular) style. 
                    if (favHeart.classList.contains('active')) {
  3. Right now, you should be able to submit the form, have it sent over AJAX, and then the heart icon will now toggle regular/solid styles.

    This is good, except every click is just either continually adding to Favorites or removing from favorites (which will cause errors) depending on what the initial state of the form was. This is because we are not updating the form on successful AJAX responses.

    So now, we'll create our secret weapon, a Favorites form-only template. This template will render our heart icon and form based on the current status of a given entry. We'll grab the output of that form and replace the current form in the DOM.

    We'll call this template addon-favorites-form and put it in our "ajax" template group. This will allow us to access the template via the URL: /ajax/addon-favorites-form

            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{segment_3}">
            <input type="hidden" name="delete" value="yes">
            <button type="submit" value="Remove">
                <i class="fas fa-heart favorite-toggle active"></i>
        {if favorites:no_results}
            <input type="hidden" name="entry-id" value="{segment_3}">
                <button type="submit" value="Add">
                    <i class="far fa-heart favorite-toggle"></i>

    As you can probably tell, this is the same form our results initially load with.

  4. Now that we have our form in our template, let's update the JavaScript to request the contents of that template via AJAX after a successful response when adding the selected entry to our Favorites.
    //toggles favorited items
    //must be called AFTER ajax calls are complete.
    function addClicktoFavoritesToggle() {
        favoriteToggles = document.querySelectorAll('.addon-card form');
        favoriteToggles.forEach(favToggle => {
            favToggle.addEventListener('submit', event => {
                //stop the user from being directed to the add-on page
                var favHeart = favToggle.querySelector('.favorite-toggle');
                //make the ajax request to favorite the entry
                var formData = new FormData(favToggle);
                fetch(favToggle.action, {
                    method: 'post',
                    body: formData
                .then(response => {
                    return response.text();
                .then(data => {
                    //if the heart is already active then switch back to the outline only (regular) style. 
                    if (favHeart.classList.contains('active')) {
                        //here we're grabbing the entry-id from the form's input
                        var entry = favToggle.querySelector('input[name="entry-id"]').value;
                        //submit an AJAX request to our new form template
                            .then (response => {
                                return response.text();
                            .then (data => {
                                //now that we have a response. let's delete our current form and replace it with
                                //the html in our response
                                //we're about to delete the form we clicked on so we need
                                //another point of reference. This will select the <h4> previous
                                //to the form element
                                var formPositionSibling = favToggle.previousElementSibling;
                                //now lets remove our current form from the DOM
                                //next we insert our form from the AJAX response immediately 
                                // after our <h4> element.
                                //the form is new to the DOM, so we need to make sure The
                                // the new form's submit event has an event listener as well.
  5. The final step is to double-check that you are calling addClicktoFavoritesToggle();

Fantastic! You should now be able to load your page, click your heart icons to favorite/unfavorite entries, and click through searches and pagination with your favorites still saved. All this while remaining on the same page and no screen refreshes.

All Favorites Listings

Creating a template to display all of a user's favorite entries isn't really that hard. Favorites provides the {exp:favorites:entries} tag which makes listing these entries super easy. Of course, we don't want the user to have to navigate to a new URL, so we will use some more AJAX. Let's jump right in.

To keep ourselves DRY, we'd rather not repeat all the code we have in the {partial_search_results} partial. So we need to make one adjustment: moving our {if low_search_no_results} conditional from {partial_search_results} to our ajax/addon-results template. You can figure out where it goes, or check out the link

  1. We'll start by adding a new template in our "ajax" template group named "addon-favorites".
        status="not closed"
        {!-- if no results, let the user know --}
             {if no_results}
                    <div class="alert alert--empty">No add-ons have been added to your favorites.</div>
  2. Now we need a way for our users to see their favorites, so we'll add a simple link to the sidebar. When users click on this link, we'll make an AJAX request to our new template and return the results. This should be pretty simple based on the work we've already done.

    First is the link. We're adding this to the top of our partial_search_functions partial where the rest of the sidebar lives.
    div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-2 inline-block align-top">
        <a href="ajax/addon-favorites" id="see-all-favorites">View My Favorites</a>
        <div class="font-bold">Search All Add-Ons</div>
  3. Next, let's wrap it up with some JavaScript. Again, just put this wherever you've been putting your JavaScript up to this point.
    function showFavoriteResults() {
        //get results for users favorites
        document.getElementById("see-all-favorites").addEventListener('click', event => {
            //stop the user from being redirected
            .then(response =>{
                return response.text();
            .then(data => {
                resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;

    Be sure to add a call to our new function in our DOMContentLoaded event listener.

That's it! You should now have a fully working favorites form on each entry as well as a link that allows the user to see all their favorites

Next Steps

If you've followed all three parts of this series then congratulations! Here is a link to the final templates folder: https://github.com/ops-andy/eeu-search-favorite-tutorial/tree/main/final_template_folder.

There's still more you can do though! On expressionengine.com, we have a sidebar component that shows a user's 5 most recent favorited entries. There are also several JavaScript functions that could be combined to be a little more DRY. Same thing with templates. What else do you think would improve the user's experience, make our site more performant, or add clarity to the code?

Let me hear about how you implement this or new ways to do the same thing! I'd love to hear from you as we help grow the community together!


In Part 1 of this series, we set up our data in ExpressionEngine, installed Low Search, and created templates allowing our users to search and filter entries.

In this article, we're going to pick up where we left off as we improve the user's experience and begin introducing AJAX.

With AJAX, we'll have 2 goals:


In This Article

  1. Moving and Refactoring Templates To Be Used By AJAX
  2. Writing Our JavaScript
  3. Ensuring Pagination Works With AJAX

Moving and Refactoring Templates To Be Used By AJAX

Since we're going to use AJAX to request data from our templates and then populate the DOM with the data from those templates, we no longer need a landing page and a separate results page. Our users will navigate to /addons and will remain at that URL throughout their searching. To accomplish this, we're going to have to do a little moving and refactoring of templates to keep things nice and organized.

  1. Create one template we can use that will give us our initial set of results, paginated results, and our search results after a search is submitted
  2. Refactor our addons/index template to handle responses from our AJAX calls

One Results Template

  1. Let's start by first creating a new template in a new template group we'll call "ajax." I like to do this so that I know what templates are only meant to be used with AJAX and keep those separate from other templates
  2. With our new "ajax" template group, we need a template that we'll call "addon-results". The URL for this template will be /ajax/addon-results and will be the URL we'll use when making AJAX requests to get search results.
  3. Now that we have our template, let's think about what data this template will need to provide:
    • An initial set of results (technically this could be AJAX or not)
    • Results when someone clicks on a pagination link from the initial results
    • Results from a submitted search
    • Results when someone clicks on a pagination link from the search results
    This sounds like a lot, so let's use some pseudo-code to plan out our ajax/addon-results template.
    if this is a request for initial set of results
        then send initial results set back
    if this is a request for search results
        read the query string and send back results of the search
    if this is a pagination request
        then send back next page of results based on current results

    Great, we've got the start of a plan. The next step is to determine how the template will know what we're requesting. Personally I like to do this with URL segments. So let's plan out our segments next.

    • If the template should be sending the initial set of results, then let's use the url /ajax/addon-results
    • If the template should be sending the results of a search, then Low Search will be appending our query to the end of the URL. Thus, our URL would look like /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string]
    • If this is a paginated request, then ExpressionEngine uses the syntax P[page number] in the URL. Therefore, our URL will look like /ajax/addon-results/P[page number]
    • Finally, if this is a request for another page from a set of search results, then we'll have the encoded query string followed by the page number. So our URL will look like /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string]/P[page number]

    Now, we have our plan for the template and the URLs that will be used to access our template. Let's update our template from pseudo-code, to fill in the URLs. We'll go ahead and start using template code and comments here.

    Note that Low Search results tag natively knows how to handle pagination, so we don't have to write separate conditionals for those.

    {if segment_3 =="" || segment_3~"#^P(\d+)$#"}
        {!-- this would match /ajax/addon-results and /ajax/addon-results/P[page number]--}
        {!-- @TODO: then send initial results set back or next page of initial results--}
        this would match both /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string] and /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string]/P[page number] 
            since Low Search results tag natively knows how to handle pagination we don't need to catch pagination separately here.
        {!-- @TODO: read the query string and send back results of the search or the next page from the results --}
  4. Now that we have the scaffolding of our results template, let's start to fill in the blanks. Thanks to ExpressionEngine parsing order (never thought I would say those words), we can use conditionals to have different opening {exp:low_search:result} tags.
    The first opening tag we need is for our initial results set. All we need here is the opening tag from our current addons/index template.
    {if segment_3 =="" || segment_3~"#^P(\d+)$#"}
        {!-- this would match /ajax/addon-results and /ajax/addon-results/P[page number]--}
    For our second opening tag, we again just need to use the opening tag from our current /addons/results template.
    {if segment_3 =="" || segment_3~"#^P(\d+)$#"}
        {!-- this would match /ajax/addon-results and /ajax/addon-results/P[page number]--}
        this would match both /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string] and /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string]/P[page number] 
            since Low Search results tag natively knows how to handle pagination we don't need to catch pagination separately here.
        @TODO send back HTML for results. This will include the cards and the pagination
  5. Since we already have the HTML for our results in a partial, we just need to add that to complete the ajax/addon-results template.
    {if segment_3 =="" || segment_3~"#^P(\d+)$#"}
        {!-- this would match /ajax/addon-results and /ajax/addon-results/P[page number]--}
        this would match both /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string] and /ajax/addon-results/[encoded query string]/P[page number] 
            since Low Search results tag natively knows how to handle pagination we don't need to catch pagination separately here.

Cleaning Up Templates

Now that we have our search results code in one template we can go ahead and delete our addons/results template and clear out some of our addons/index template.

  1. Delete the addons/results template.
  2. In our build, we are going to be using the data in the response from our AJAX request and populating the DOM with the data. To do this, we need a place for the data to go.
    We already have a place in the addons/index template where our results live, so we are just going to use that. Go ahead and delete the {exp:low_search:results} tag pair and everything in between.
    <div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
        <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4">
            {!-- this will be populated by AJAX --}
  3. We're also going to go and jump ahead here and give our container an ID. This will give us an element on the DOM to target when populating the data.
    <div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
        <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4 id="addon-results">
            {!-- this will be populated by AJAX --}
  4. Since we are going to submit our Low Search form on user input, we can also go ahead and remove our submit button from the {partial_search_functions} partial.
  5. Finally, we no longer want our search form to submit to /addons/results since we deleted that template. Instead, we want to go ahead and tell it to submit to our new template ajax/addon-results. Low Search will use that param to create the action property of the form, which we will in turn use for our AJAX requests.

  6. Voilà, we now have our templates prepped and ready for some AJAX.

Writing Our JavaScript

Now that we have our templates ready, we can write our JavaScript that will be used to trigger the AJAX requests and handle the responses.

Note that you can either write this JavaScript to a separate .js file (just make sure you include it in your HTML) or you can just place it in your /addons/index template. For our purposes, I'm just including it in our template.

As always, let's start by thinking through what we need our JavaScript to do with some pseudo-code.

{!-- when /addons page is first loaded --}
when the search page is first loaded
    request initial results set

{!-- handle search functions --}
if user types a keyword and presses enter/return on keyboard
    submit search results and return data

if user selects a sort order
    submit search results and return data

if user selects a Compatibility option
    submit search results and return data

if user selects a category option
    submit search results and return data

{!-- AJAX request --}
when called, submit AJAX request to passed in URL
    if AJAX is successful, populate response in the element with an ID of "addon-results".

Now that we have our plan, let's get to work.

Getting Initial Results via AJAX

  1. Let's set the stage for everything else by getting our initial results.
        //on load create AJAX request
        // get response from AJAX and populate #addon-results element
  2. Start out by setting some variables.
        //we're going to need the baseURL for several things here
        function baseUrl() {
            return location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port: '');
        const resultsTarget = document.getElementById("addon-results");
        const rp = baseUrl() + '/ajax/addon-results';
        //on load create AJAX request
        // get response from AJAX and populate #addon-results element
  3. Now we are able to use the Fetch API's fetch() method to submit our form data via a POST request.
        //we're going to need the baseURL for several things here
        function baseUrl() {
            return location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port: '');
        const resultsTarget = document.getElementById("addon-results");
        const rp = baseUrl() + '/ajax/addon-results';
        //on load create AJAX request
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event =>{
        fetch(baseUrl() + "/ajax/addon-results")
            // get response from AJAX and populate #addon-results element
  4. Now that we have created the request, we need to handle the response. This whole section is one that's a lot easier with many JavaScript libraries, but we're keeping things vanilla here. So we're going to hopefully get a response, then grab the text from that response which is the HTML from our ajax/addon-results template.
        //we're going to need the baseURL for several things here
        function baseUrl() {
            return location.protocol + '//' + location.hostname + (location.port ? ':' + location.port: '');
        const resultsTarget = document.getElementById("addon-results");
        const rp = baseUrl() + '/ajax/addon-results'
        //on load create AJAX request
        document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event =>{
            //submit the response with fetch()
            fetch(baseUrl() + "/ajax/addon-results")
                // take our response and get the HTML we really want
                .then(response => {
                    return response.text();
                // take our HTML and replace the contents of our #addon-results element
                .then(data => {
                    resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;

Great! At this point, you should be able to load your /addons page and get an initial set of results. If all goes well, your /addons page shouldn't look any different in the browser than it did after Part 1.

There's still more work to do though, so let's keep going

Hijacking The Search Form

While our /addons page looks good there are a few issues. Mainly that if you submit the search form, it tries to navigate to the page ajax/addon-results/[encoded query]. Let's fix that by hijacking the form and getting the data via AJAX.

We know that we want the form to submit via AJAX whenever a search function is updated and not reload the page. To do that, we'll need to bind an event listener to each element in our search functions section, and fire an AJAX request each time they are changed. We also need to prevent the form from submitting on its own (which would then redirect the user to a separate page in the browser.

Note: Continue to add this code wherever you were including the JavaScript from above (either in a separate .js file or in the addons/index template like I am ).

  1. So that we don't have to reinvent the wheel, we'll want a function to use which will handle our AJAX requests and responses. We also know that currently results are returned when a form is submitted. This means that we'll need to hijack the Low Search form to not submit as normal, capture the data, and submit the data to the webserver via AJAX.

    Let's see what that looks like.

        // ... continuing JS from above
        function ajaxFormSubmit () {
            //get the form data
            //submit the data via AJAX
            //return the results
  2. If you were going to reuse this for multiple forms on a page, then you may want to allow for a DOM element to be passed into the function allowing it to bind itself to a specified form. For our work, there's only one form we want to target, so we're just going to tell the function what form to target by searching the DOM for an element with the ID of addon_filter.
        // ... continuing JS from above
        function ajaxFormSubmit () {
            //get the form data
            var searchForm = document.getElementById("addon_filter");
            //submit the data via AJAX
            //return the results
  3. Next we're going to use the FormData interface to create an object containing our form's data.
        // ... continuing JS from above
        function ajaxFormSubmit () {
            //get the form data
            var searchForm = document.getElementById("addon_filter");
            var formData = new FormData(searchForm);
            //submit the data via AJAX
            //return the results
  4. Now we are able to use fetch() again to submit our form data via a POST request.
        // ... continuing JS from above
        function ajaxFormSubmit () {
            //get the form data
            var searchForm = document.getElementById("addon_filter");
            var formData = new FormData(searchForm);
            //submit the data via AJAX
            fetch(searchForm.action, {
                method: 'post',
                body: formData
            //return the results
  5. Just like when we loaded our initial results, we are going to take our response and extract the HTML that is returned from our ajax/addon-results template.
        // ... continuing JS from above
        function ajaxFormSubmit () {
            //get the form data
            var searchForm = document.getElementById("addon_filter");
            var formData = new FormData(searchForm);
            //submit the data via AJAX. Since we updated the results page of our Low Search parameters, fetch() will use that action url to fetch the data.
            fetch(searchForm.action, {
                method: 'post',
                body: formData
            // take our response and get the HTML we really want
            .then(response => {
                return response.text();
            // take our HTML and replace the contents of our #addon-results element
            .then(data =>{
                resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;
  6. Now let's use our ajaxFormSubmit() function to allow the user to submit the search form without being redirected.

    To do that, we're simply going to bind a change event listener to each element.
    • First to our sort option. Put this in the same place you've been putting the other JS.
          //fire search form when sorting filters are updated
          document.getElementById("searchResultsSortSelect").addEventListener('change', event => {
    • Next we're going to catch any attempts to submit the form via keyboard or other means (think typing a keyword and pressing enter) by binding an event listener to the submit action. We're going to prevent the default action (which is to redirect the user to a results page), and run our ajaxFormSubmit() function.
          // catch any submit events on our search form.
          document.getElementById("addon_filter").addEventListener('submit', event =>{
              // prevent the default action
              //submit the form via our function
    • Now to each checkbox. For this we're going to go back to our {partial_search_functions} partial and update our JavaScript to submit the form when checkboxes are clicked.
          const filterAccordions = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-accordion');
          filterAccordions.forEach(filterAccordions =>{
              let filterCheckbox = filterAccordions.querySelectorAll('[data-action-uncheck]');
              filterCheckbox.forEach(filterBox => {
                  filterBox.addEventListener('change', event => {
                      var showAllFilter = filterBox.getAttribute("data-action-uncheck");
                      document.getElementById(showAllFilter).checked = false;
                      //submit the search form now
    • Again in our {partial_search_functions} partial we'll update the event triggered when a "Show All" box is checked.
          function showAll(cn,cbId){
              if (document.getElementById(cbId).checked){
                  var cbarray = document.getElementsByName(cn);
                  for(var i = 0; i < cbarray.length; i++){
                      if (cbarray[i] != document.getElementById(cbId)){
                          cbarray[i].checked = false;
                  //submit the search form now   

Ensuring Pagination Works With AJAX

At this point, you should be able to see search results populate on your page as you change search inputs. However, if you try to click on the pagination, you'll notice that the user is redirected to the ajax/addon-results template.

If you haven't figured it out, this is because the pagination still thinks it's being rendered at /ajax/addon-results URL. Instead, we've asked JavaScript to reach out to that URL, grab the contents, and insert the HTML on our page.

There are probably several ways to handle this. To keep things simple and just use what we're given, I like to simply bind an event to the pagination links that will again make an AJAX request when a user clicks one of the links.

One last thing before we start writing code. It's important to understand event listeners and loading new content into the DOM. Typically, you would write an event listener and bind it to whatever elements on the page you want to (e.g., our submit event listener that we're binding to the search form). Typically these listeners are bound once the DOM has loaded. However, when working with AJAX, content is being loaded after the DOMContentLoaded event takes place. So, if we want to bind a click event listener to our pagination links, we need to bind that after the pagination is loaded. We also need to bind that event every time that new content is loaded into our DOM (i.e., every time we get a response from our AJAX request).

With that being said, let's get started by writing a function we can call every time we load new content (specifically new pagination links). We'll continue to add this to the JavaScript in our addons/index template.

  1. Let's go ahead and plan this out first.
        //must be called AFTER ajax loads
        function paginationLinks() {
            //find all pagination links
            // when the links are clicked
                // -> do not redirect the user
                // -> grab the page link url and fetch the contents of that URL using AJAX
                // -> replace the contents of our #addon-results container with the next page of results
  2. Great! We have a plan. Let's write some JavaScript. At this point I think you get the idea of what we're doing, so I'm just going to put this out here in one big chunk.
        //adds event listener to pagination
        //must be called AFTER ajax loads
        function paginationLinks() {
            //find all pagination links
            document.querySelectorAll('.pagination__page').forEach(pageLink => {
                //bind the click event to each pagination link
                pageLink.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
                    //prevent the default action (following the link to another page)
                    //grab the link from the pagination link
                    var pageUrl = pageLink.href;
                    //fetch the contents of the pagination link URL
                        .then(response => {
                            return response.text();
                        .then(data => {
                            resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;
                            //since new data is loaded, we need to bind this event to new pagination links every time. No, this does not cause a loop.
  3. Almost done. The last thing we need to do is actually call our new paginationLinks() function after we get our AJAX responses. We've already done this above when we load pages. However we still need to do this after our initial search results and after we submit the search form.
    • In our ajaxFormSubmit() function
          function ajaxFormSubmit () {
              .then(response => {
                  return response.text();
              .then(data =>{
                  resultsTarget.innerHTML = data;
    • And after our inital results load
      document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', event =>{
              .then(data => {

Congrats! At this point you should have a fully functioning search page that retrieves results using AJAX.

Next Steps

In Part 3 of this series, we're going to continue updating our search feature by allowing users to select results as their "favorites". This will help users easily find items they search for often.

If that doesn't interest you, then your journey can still continue. Here's a few other items to consider with what we've done in these first two parts:

Good luck, and never hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!

Series Introduction

This is a three-part series on how we have built the searching/filtering and Favorites feature in our own Add-on Store. While we're not going to build the exact same thing, the basic logic and template code will be very similar.


In This Article

  1. The Schema
  2. Installing Low Search
  3. Creating Our Templates

The Flow

I'm a big fan of architecting my solution before writing code. This can be done with pseudo-code or with flowcharts. In this example, the flow is pretty straightforward:

  1. The user will input their keywords, select the sort order, select any checkboxes for filters, and submit their search.
  2. Results will be shown on a new page to the user.

1. The Schema

The first step is to, of course, set up our channel and data in ExpressionEngine.

  1. Create a new channel.
    • Name: Add-on Store
    • Short Name: add_on_store
  2. Create some fields and add them to your new channel
    (Fieldtype | Name | Short name).
    • File | Add-on On Icon | add_on_icon
    • Textarea | Add On Description | add_on_description
    • Input | Add-on Price | add_on_price
    • Multi Select | Add-on Compatibility | add_on_compatibility (with options 1-6)

  3. Categories
    To make things easy we're just going to create a few categories in a group called "Add-ons" (make sure to add that group to your Add-on Store channel):
    • Forms
    • Membership
    • SEO
  4. Create some entries

2. Installing Low Search

For this to work as expected, we need to first download and install Low Search and then update some settings.

  1. Purchase and install Low Search from EEHarbor.com.
  2. Since we want to use the keyword search, we also need to set up a Collection in Low Search.
    • Collection Label: Add-on Store
    • Collection Name: add_on_store
    • Channel: Add-on Store
    • make sure to add weight to your searchable fields.

3. Creating Our Templates

Now we're ready to connect everything together in the templates. This could be done with one template, but I'll let you figure that out on your own if you so desire. To make this tutorial easier to follow we are going to use two separate templates:

Initial Landing Page With Results

To start, the users will land on a page which will present them with an initial set of results.

  1. Since we're using the default theme that comes with ExpressionEngine, we will use the html-wrapper template included with the theme. Remember that when using layouts, the {layout ...} tag should always come first in your template.

  2. We'll first use a Low Search results tag pair to show an initial set of results. You can also just simply use a native {exp:channel:entries}. However, for now, we'll use {exp:low_search:results} to keep everything in Low Search and make it easier to break this up into reusable components in following lessons.

            channel='add_on_store' //only show entries from the addon store
            limit='4' // limiting results to only 4 per page
            paginate="bottom" // show pagniation at the bottom of the results
  4. Don't forget a message to the user if there are no results. This lets the user know that they didn't do anything wrong, there are simply no results. To do this, we'll use the {if low_search_no_results} conditional .
    {!-- if no results, let the user know --}
    {if low_search_no_results}
        <div class="alert alert--empty">No Add-ons</div>
  6. For each result found we're going to display a card on the page with information and a link to the results' individual entry page.
    {!-- the card used to display the add-on information --}
    {!-- Tailwind card component source: https://tailwindcomponents.com/component/quote-card-with-image-1 --}
        <div class=" flex flex-col my-1 px-1 w-full md:w-1/2 lg:my-4 lg:px-4 lg:w-1/3">
            <div class="max-w-2xl bg-white border-2 border-gray-300 p-5 rounded-md tracking-wide shadow-lg flex-1">
                    <div id="header" class="flex"> 
                        <img alt="addon icon" class="rounded-md border-2 border-gray-300" style="width:100px;height:100px;" src="{add_on_icon}"/>
                        <div id="body" class="flex flex-col ml-5">
                            <h4 id="name" class="text-xl font-semibold mb-2">{title}</h4>
                            <p id="job" class="text-gray-800 mt-2">{add_on_description:limit characters='100'}</p>
                            <div class="flex mt-5">
                            <p class="ml-3">
                                {if add_on_price == '0'}
  8. Within our low_search_results tag pair, we want to include our pagination code, just like you would for native ExpressionEngine channel:entries
        <div class="container py-2">
            <nav class="block">
                <ul class="flex pl-0 rounded list-none flex-wrap">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
                            <a href="{pagination_url}" class="first:ml-0 text-xs font-semibold flex w-8 h-8 mx-1 p-0 rounded-full items-center justify-center leading-tight relative border border-solid border-blue-500 {if current_page}text-white bg-blue-500{if:else}bg-white text-blue-500{/if}" style="width:30px;">
  10. Make sure to close out all tags and divs.

Add Search Functions

Now that we have our initial results set let's add our search functions. To do this, we'll split the page into two columns (search functions and results).

Our goals for the search functionality are:

  1. We will need {exp:low_search:form} tag to open a search form with Low Search.
        result_page="addons/results" //where users will be taken after submitting the search
        form_id="addon_filter" //an ID to identify this form
  2. Keywords: Low Search makes searching by keyword reasonably easy.
        name="keywords" //important for Low Search to recognize this as a keyword search
        placeholder="Search Add-Ons"
  3. Sort: Low Search once again makes this easy with the orderby_sort filter.
    <select name="orderby_sort" class="filter-bar__item" id="searchResultsSortSelect">
        {!--  <option value="name-az">Sort By</option>  --}
        <option value="date|desc">Newest</option>
        <option value="date|asc">Oldest</option>
        <option value="edit_date|desc">Recently Updated</option>
        <option value="title|asc">Name: A–Z</option>
        <option value="title|desc">Name: Z–A</option>
  4. Compatibility: Compatibility search is a little more complicated as we are using a custom multi-select fieldtype and want the user to be able to choose multiple options, including a "Show All" option. In much the same way you submit a checkbox type field where multiple options are allowed with HTML and PHP, you use an the Low Search Field Search as an array: search:add_on_compatibility[]
        class="sidebar__list" id="addon-compatibility-filters"
            <label for="show-all-compatibility">Show All</label>
            <label for="EE6">EE 6</label>
            <label for="EE5">EE 5</label>
            <label for="EE4">EE 4</label>
            <label for="EE3">EE 3</label>
            <label for="EE2">EE 2</label>
            <label for="EE1">EE 1</label>

    If we want to show add-ons that are compatible with any version, then we need to make sure search:add_on_compatibility[] array is blank. To ensure that, we'll use some JavaScript when the user clicks on "Show All".
    For "Show All" input, we'll add an onclick property:

            <label for="show-all-compatibility">Show All</label>
    And the Javascript. To uncheck all boxes in a section when Show All is clicked:
    //uncheck all boxes with given name when box with specified ID is checked
    function showAll(cn,cbId){
        //we're calling this when a checkbox is clicked. So we first need to see
        //if this action is checking or unchecking the checkbox
        if (document.getElementById(cbId).checked){
            //let's get all the elements with the same name attribute we passed in
            var cbarray = document.getElementsByName(cn);
            //for each page element we find we're going to uncheck those boxes.
            for(var i = 0; i < cbarray.length; i++){
                if (cbarray[i] != document.getElementById(cbId)){
                    cbarray[i].checked = false;
    To uncheck the Show All option when a specific option is checked:
    // when the dom loads, we're going to bind a change event listener to each
    // element that matches our query.
    const filterAccordions = document.querySelectorAll('.filter-accordion');
    filterAccordions.forEach(filterAccordions =>{
        let filterCheckbox = filterAccordions.querySelectorAll('[data-action-uncheck]');
        filterCheckbox.forEach(filterBox => {
            filterBox.addEventListener('change', event => {
                var showAllFilter = filterBox.getAttribute("data-action-uncheck");
                //uncheck the matching Show All checkbox
                document.getElementById(showAllFilter).checked = false;

  5. Categories: Similar to the Compatibility, we will allow the user to select multiple Categories or All Categories. Here we are going to us the {channel:categories} tag to list all categories used in the "Add-On Store" channel combined with the Low Search Categories filter:
            <label for="show-all-categories">Show All</label>
        {exp:channel:categories channel='add_on_store' parent_only='yes' style='linear' show_empty='no' status='not closed'}
                <label for="{category_url_title}">{category_name}</label>
    We've already created the JavaScript for the Show All option above, so we don't need to rewrite it here.
  6. Now, we need a Submit button.
    <button type="submit" class="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded">Submit</button>
  7. Next, let's add this form to our landing page. We're simply going to use some widths and inline-block to align these two columns. This will give us a template like so:

Move Components To Partials

Now that we have a landing page with an initial set of results and search functions in place, we need a new template to show the search results. Since this page is going to look much like the landing page, we should move some of our components to template partials so they are easy to reuse and we follow DRY principals.
Looking at our page so far, there are two parts that can easily be broken into components: The Search functions are going to be the same on each page. While the {exp:low_search:results} opening tag will be different, the template code inside of the {exp:low_search:results} will also be the same.

  1. Search Functions:
    • Copy the search functions section div of the page to a new template partial: _partials/partial_search_functions
    • Also copy the Javascript needed for the search functions section. We'll include this in the partial_search_functions partial to ensure the proper JavaScript is always available when needed.
    • Then replace the code in our addons/index template with the template tag {partial_search_functions}
  2. Results Template Code:
    • Copy the template code inside of the {exp:low_search:results} to a new partial: _partials/partial_search_results.
    • Replace the code in our addons/index template with the template tag {partial_search_results}.

Refactoring our landing page brings the template from 290 lines to just 17.

New landing page (addons/index):


<div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4">
    {!-- Low Search tag pair to display initial set of results--}



Create Results Template

Now that we have our code nicely broken out and we're staying DRY, let's quickly make our results page.

  1. Copy our addons/index as a new template named addons/results.
  2. Since we're now dealing with a query and search filters, we need to update our opening exp:low_search:results tag in our new template:
    • keywords parameters allows us control how results are filtered using the keyword input.
    • collection parameter tells Low Search what collection to use in conjunction with our keyword input.
    • query parameter tells Low Search where the query string from the search is found in the URL
    • dynamic_parameters allows us to submit a sort order to the results tag

Our opening tag in the results template will now look like the following:


At this point, our results template should work as expected.

Current Results Page:


<div class="container my-12 mx-auto px-4 md:px-12 w-10 inline-block align-top">
    <div class="flex flex-wrap -mx-1 lg:-mx-4">
    {!-- Low Search tag pair to display initial set of results--}




Retain Search Values

Everything is working good as it is now. However, after a user submits a search, all values from their search are cleared from the search functions. To retain this, Low Search gives us a few tags to use.


At this point, we should have 2 templates and 2 template partials. When put together allows a user to search and filter our add-on entries.
In Part 2, we'll take this to the next by adding AJAX which will automatically submit searches when search function elements change and load the results on the page without refreshing the page or navigating to a new URL.

Create an Order Manager Dashboard using Channel Forms

Wouldn’t it be great if you could view and edit all your Ecommerce Orders in one place, in a concise format, without distractions?

Need to give your client’s order management staff a cleaner and simpler way to process website orders? The Channel Form tools in ExpressionEngine can open up a whole new set of options when it comes to processing order data controlled by EE.

Whilst the user interface in ExpressionEngine is very easy to use, managing order data within ExpressionEngine itself can be overwhelming and confusing for the average user, so we like to give clients some additional external screens to manage website content and data, to make life a little easier or even to achieve something not currently possible within EE itself.

We use Channel Forms to build custom-designed Dashboards, to help clients:

Ecommerce Order Manager Dashboard

Jumping in and out of editing Entries within ExpressionEngine is fine, and the Order Manager tools provided by the EE ecommerce plugins, such as CartThrob, are getting better all the time, but sometimes it’s necessary to provide simpler day-to-day tools.

An Ecommerce Order Manager Dashboard, arranges all the Order Entries from a specified Orders Channel into a standalone frontend and just presents the basic order info in a single view, so you can easily process the orders. This helps improve order processing efficiency and helps prevent any data from being accidentally edited, prior to Shipping.

Simple Order Manager Dashboard Example

In this screenshot, you can see an Order Manager Dashboard displaying all the most recent orders for a website selling soap products. This includes key data such as customer name, customer location, total amount, date/time, order number, and the order status.

Order Manager Simple Dashboard - Channel Form

You can see it simply list all the orders with the latest at the top, with a “View” button to display an invoice or packing sheet, and a Status change dropdown menu with Update button. The Order Number button on the left, links through to an Edit screen, but I wont cover that functionality here.

The main code used to output this information, which is styled using the Bootstrap CSS framework, is as follows:

{exp:channel:entries channel="orders" status="Paid|Printed|Shipped" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
    {exp:channel:form channel="{channel_short_name}" entry_id="{entry_id}" return="dashboard"}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{url_title_path="edit"}">{title}</a></div>
            <div class="col-md-2">
                <strong>{order_billing_first_name} {order_billing_last_name}</strong>
            <div class="col-md-1">&pound; {order_total}</div>
            <div class="col-md-2">{entry_date format="%D %j<sup>%S</sup> %M %Y<span>%g:%i %a</span>"}</div>
            <div class="col-md-1">{status}</div>
            <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{url_title_path="view"}" target="_blank">View</a></div>
            {if status == “Paid”}
                <div class="col-md-3">
                    {status_menu}<select name="status">{select_options}</select>{/status_menu}
                    <button type="submit">Update</button>

You can see this code mostly just outputs data already stored in the database, but there is a simple Status dropdown menu and Update button, which will submit the Channel Form to change the order status from ‘Paid’ to ‘Shipped’, or whatever you like.

Detailed Order Manager Dashboard Example

However, I find there is a need for more data on this Dashboard and for a little more logic, to give this screen more features.

In the following screenshot, this is how the Dashboard looks if we introduce more options for each Order’s row.

Order Manager Detailed Dashboard - Channel Form

Each order summary row now includes:

Additionally, there are separate screens available to list orders of a specific Status, such as “Awaiting Payment” or “Failed”. These use essentially the same {exp:channel:entries} code loop, but have the required Status set in the Parameters.

To achieve this added functionality, the main code is now as follows:

{exp:channel:entries channel="orders" status="Paid|Printed|Shipped" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
    {exp:channel:form channel="{channel_short_name}"  entry_id="{entry_id}" return="dashboard"}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{url_title_path="edit"}">{title}</a></div>
            <div class="col-md-2">
                <strong>{order_billing_first_name} {order_billing_last_name}</strong>
            <div class="col-md-1">
                &pound; {order_total}
            <div class="col-md-2">{entry_date format="%D %j<sup>%S</sup> %M %Y<span>%g:%i %a</span>"}</div>
            <div class="col-md-1">{status}</div>
            <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{url_title_path="view"}" target="_blank">View</a></div>

            {if status == "Paid"}
                <div class="col-md-3">
                    <input type="hidden" name="status" value="Printed" />
                    <button type="submit">Printed</button>

            {if:elseif status == "Printed"}
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    <input type="text" name="order_shipping_tracking" id="order_shipping_tracking" value="" placeholder="Tracking No" />
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    <input type="hidden" name="status" value="Shipped" />
                    <button type="submit">Shipped</button>

            {if:elseif status == "Shipped"}
                <div class="col-md-2">
                    {if order_shipping_tracking}{order_shipping_tracking}
                    {if:else}Shipped without tracking{/if}

The small amount of logic {if}{if:else}{/if} used with the Entry Status, is just there to output the desired content or form field, depending on the current Status of the order. Used alongside the submit button and a hidden Status field, the order’s Status can be changed with a single click.

The next step?

This is just the tip of the iceberg, where Dashboards and Channel Forms are concerned. There are so many other options and uses, that they can be utilised for, to help in so many situations.

With this Order Manager Dashboard, for example, I have also provided the following features and functions:

Have a go yourself and see how useful they can be. And, of course, if you get stuck, you can always check out the EE Docs for help with Channel Forms or reach out to the community for help!

Wouldn’t it be great if you could see all your Headings and META tags in one place to make your SEO management simpler and easier?

The Channel Form tools in ExpressionEngine can open up a whole new set of options for website owners, content managers and end-users alike.

Whilst the user interface in ExpressionEngine is very easy to use, it’s sometimes nice to give your clients (or yourself) some additional screens to manage website content and data, to make life a little easier or to achieve something not currently possible within EE itself.

We use Channel Forms to build custom-designed Dashboards, to help clients:

SEO Management Dashboard

When trying to manage your site’s SEO strategy - or just trying to make sure you’re spreading your target key phrases out nicely across all your content - a bird’s eye view of the pages is a really beneficial way of slotting the right key phrases into the right place.

Jumping in and out of editing Entries within ExpressionEngine is fine, but being able to take a further ‘step back’ from your content, helps to get some perspective on what needs improving.

An SEO Management Dashboard, arranges all the Entries from specific Channels into a different screen and presents everything in a single view, so you can easily compare Entries against each other. This helps to focus on spreading the SEO-love across all your META tags and key page content, whilst keeping everything visible in one place.

Simple Dashboard Example

In this screenshot, you can see an SEO Dashboard displaying all the most relevant SEO tags for a website selling soap products. This includes the page heading, sub-heading, META Title and META Description, along with the Entry ID.

SEO Dashboard - Entry Listing

You can see how easy it is to find gaps and opportunities in the content - sometimes there are big holes and sometimes there are auto-generated content blocks (highlighted with an *), which could possibly be better written by hand.

The main code used to output this information, which is styled using the Bootstrap CSS framework, is as follows:

{exp:channel:entries channel="collections" dynamic="no"}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{site_url}system/index.php?/cp/publish/edit/entry/{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a></div>
        <div class="col-md-2">{title}</div>
        <div class="col-md-3">{collection-subheading}</div>
        <div class="col-md-3">{if collection-meta-title}{collection-meta-title}{if:else}* {title} Collection from Posh Soaps{/if}</div>
        <div class="col-md-3">{if collection-meta-description}{collection-meta-description}{if:else}* {collection-subheading}{/if}</div>

Although this example doesn’t use a Channel Form, it does provide the visual overview. The Entry ID is linked back to the Edit Entry screen in EE, so the site manager can quickly jump to where the modifications are required.

Dashboard Example With Channel Form

What would be nice, however, is if the Entries could be edited without leaving the Dashboard itself.

In the following screenshot, this is how the Dashboard looks if we introduce the Channel Form functionality to each Entry’s row.

SEO Dashboard - Channel Form

It now possible to edit an Entry’s content for each displayed Field, all from one screen. Where there is content missing, either just the empty form field is displayed, or the auto-generated content, so the user can see what’s currently being output on the site’s live frontend.

To achieve this added functionality, the main code is now as follows:

{exp:channel:entries channel="collections" dynamic="no"}
    {exp:channel:form channel="{channel_short_name}" entry_id="{entry_id}" return="seo/{segment_2}"}
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-1"><a href="{site_url}system/index.php?/cp/publish/edit/entry/{entry_id}">{entry_id}</a></div>
            <div class="col-md-2"><input type="text" name="title" value="{title}" /></div>
            <div class="col-md-2">{field:collection-subheading}</div>
            <div class="col-md-3">
                {if collection-meta-title}<textarea name="collection-meta-title">{collection-meta-title}</textarea>
                    <p>* {title} Collection from Posh Soaps</p>
                    <textarea name="collection-meta-title"></textarea>
            <div class="col-md-3">
                {if collection-meta-description}<textarea name="collection-meta-description">{collection-meta-description}</textarea>
                    <p>* {collection-subheading}</p>
                    <textarea name="collection-meta-description"></textarea>
            <div class="col-md-1"><button type="submit">Update</button></div>

Here you can see there a couple of methods used to output the editable Fields. A manual method has be used for the Entry Title, META Title and META Description. However the Sub Heading Field, has been output using the {field:my_field_name} notation which will generate all the code automatically.

Then there is a simple Submit button, which will submit the Channel Form and update the database.

The small amount of logic {if}{if:else}{/if} used with the META Title and META Description fields, are just to help aid the user. If there is content available, then it just outputs the editable field. But if there is no data, then it outputs the auto-generated content along with the empty form field, so it can be added.

The next step?

This just the tip of the iceberg, where Dashboards and Channel Forms are concerned. There are so many other options and uses, that they can utilised for, to help in so many situations.

Have a go yourself and see how useful they can be. And, of course, if you get stuck, you can always check out the EE Docs for help with Channel Forms or reach out to the community for help!

For your business to succeed online today, you have to enlist the help of Google. Your Google rank will likely determine the likelihood of someone visiting your business or finding your product online. There are over 4.5 billion Google searches each day, and the number is steadily increasing.

It is no longer an option to create a website, throw it on the internet, and expect people to find you. In that case, your site will fall to the last page of google. To rank, you have to use Google’s SEO guidelines.

As consumers ourselves, and as digital marketing professionals, we spend hours pouring over strategies to help our customers succeed in SEO. We take the time to learn best practices and scour Google for updates and changes to their policies and ranking factors. SEO is a landscape that changes significantly every six months to a year.

In this blog, we’ll discuss some of SEO’s trends as well as trending directions. You can use this knowledge to help improve your website’s SEO and rank in 2021.

User Experience (UX) 

Google has been moving in this direction for a long time, but now they say that user experience will weigh more than it has in the past. In essence, how user-friendly your website is will count towards your ranking position overall score on search engines.

Users aka “people” in 2020 want their information quick, accessible, and well, user-friendly. Take some time to audit your website, and ask these questions:

  1. Is vital information readily available and within 1 to 2 clicks from the homepage?
  2. Are there annoying pop-ups that drive users away?
  3. How quick is your load speed? People aren’t willing to wait longer than 1-2 seconds.
  4. Is your website friendly on smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desk computers? What about iOS and Android?

Google is working hard to get people the information they want, and they want it to be as easy as possible. We worry a lot about aesthetics, but functionality is much more critical. You might forego that video plugin to make your site more simple. The more user-friendly your website is, the more Google will reward you with search visibility.

Google My Business

Google My Business is going to continue to be essential to local search efforts. If people are searching for a business like yours in your area, your Google My Business profile must be up to date, accurate, and helpful.

People expect to see photos, business details, phone numbers, reviews, services, prices, addresses, and business hours. The more information, the better. People expect to know what they’re getting themselves into before ever leaving the couch. These profiles need to be updated continually.

High-Quality Content

Google is paroling for high-quality content, and that will continue. You may have heard the phrase “content is king,” and nothing is more accurate. Websites with high-quality, thoughtful, useful content are getting rewarded.

No one wants to be directed to a website that knows some of their answers, but instead one that knows all of their answers. People want to hear from experts! So if you are an expert in your field or industry, try to produce high-quality content and resonate with people.

Marketing experts have coined the term– 10x Content Pillar Pages, and these are pages that provide 10x the quality of content as most other pages. If you can, strive to produce these kinds of pages in your area of expertise. These are the kinds of pages that you bookmark for future use.

Voice Search

According to TechCrunch, “Smart devices like the Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Sonos One will be installed in a majority – that is, 55 percent – of U.S. households by the year 2022. By that time, over 70 million households will have at least one of these smart speakers in their home, and the total number of installed devices will top 175 million.”

So we hope you like your Alexa, because voice-enabled devices are the future! To keep up with the audio questions in search, you have to consider the way people talk. For example, someone might ask Siri, “how do I change my tire?” but type “change tire.” Voice search tends to favor long strings of words.


You might be noticing that many ads are coming in the form of videos on your social media platforms. Video is only expected to rise and grow. And more and more, we see amateur video production, because people like to see authentic people giving their real experiences. If you aren’t creating video yet, it might be time to consider it.

Featured Snippets

Google started showing “featured snippets” back in 2017, and since they’ve stolen the spotlight. When you search for something in Google, an answer appears without you having to click on a website – that’s a featured snippet.

By having a featured snippet, you’ll steal Google’s top spot and get lots of traffic. So optimizing your website to include key phrases and questions is also essential. An excellent way to look for featured snippets is under the suggestions that Google shows, the “people also ask” feature.

These snippets quickly answer a question, show a how-to guide, or give information. Consider trying to rank for some featured snippets in your industry.

Load Speed

If you navigate to a website, and the page isn’t loading, what do you do? You close out the page or navigate back to search. People do not have the patience for slow websites.

Web speed is increasing worldwide, and phones are moving towards 5G. So at this point, two seconds is too slow.

You can test your website’s speed here. Slow pages mean no business. Try to optimize all of your pages for speed, and don’t compensate for cool plugins or video features.

The Intent Behind Search

Google is a brilliant engine fueled by artificial intelligence and machine learning, and it’s getting increasingly good at figuring out what we were “trying to say.” You’ve likely noticed your search getting better and better in the last few years.

The search engine is trying to read between the lines and get you to the answer as quickly as possible. Humans sometimes spell things wrong and don’t string the words together correctly. Based on the time of day or geographic location, Google can use its algorithms to assist you in your quest for information.

Google is adapting to our move towards conversational questions that seem more natural to us. The intent is redefining the marketing funnel, and Google is no longer looking for short keywords, but instead useful key phrases that help people get where they want to go.

The situation in 2020 with COVID has exposed many businesses’ weak spots, and it has shown us all how vital web presence is. We saw Google make many adjustments to help out with the COVID crisis; they started favoring government and official websites. They even temporarily stopped the Google Review feature from helping businesses in times of crisis.

Knowing what we know now, it is crucial to have a plan ready for the next time a pandemic or disaster hits. We all need communication plans that are easy to manipulate and change. And we need to be able to update our websites quickly and easily, and we need to share accurate and helpful information. We hope these insights were valuable!

Leveraging Your Online Presence In Difficult Times thumbnail

It goes without saying that we are living through difficult times (and that is putting it mildly) with the COVID-19 pandemic. First, we hope all of you reading this are healthy and safe and we sincerely wish that to continue.

Here at Tunnel 7 we remain open. We are now working from home offices but are able to keep in touch with co-workers and clients alike through Skype, our video conferencing line and the good old phone. Over the past week we have been working with a number of clients helping them to get through in few different ways.

Utilizing the alert feature on your website 

During this time when things are changing rapidly, being able to get news out to your customers and clients quickly is very important. Many of the websites that we have built have a global alert notification built in (for example, Finck & Perras Insurance) that allows you to quickly get the word out to your website users.

We’re also helping to add this feature to sites that don’t currently have it and will continue to do so.

Conducting online workshops & trainings via your website

With all of the changes lately, we know many of you are having to quickly shift how you do business and in some cases, change what you’re offering your clients and customers altogether.

Given the shift away from in-person gatherings to virtual spaces, we’ve been helping clients leverage their websites by adding sections for online trainings. This allows for the easy upload of video and other multimedia files, allowing clients to continue to conduct business and keep revenue coming in.

Creating effective content 

If you’re like us, you’re navigating a lot of information being thrown at you daily right now. You’re also probably working hard to create effective messaging and to keep up with content on your website, social media and other platforms. We have been helping clients with this, writing updates and other related content to ensure continuity.

Adjusting your marketing strategy 

For those businesses that remain open it is important to keep your daily workload as normal as possible. We’re keeping up with current marketing trends and are managing clients’ marketing campaigns across multiple platforms. We’re also supporting clients in making necessary adjustments to their marketing strategies. 

Like all of you, we don’t know what the future holds but we are taking pride in the work that we do and the support that we are able to offer clients. That feels really good right now. If there is anything we can help you with, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

It is a bit cliché, but together we will get through this. 

The Benefits Of Using Landing Pages thumbnail

First and foremost, we hope you’re all doing well out there, navigating these challenging times. We’re sending our very best wishes to you, your families and your communities.

We know that a lot of businesses and nonprofits are thinking about new ways of utilizing their online resources right now and we wanted to take a minute to talk about landing pages.

What are landing pages?

For those of you who are already running digital marketing campaigns, you’re probably already familiar with landing pages. For those who aren’t, these are the pages you land on after clicking on a digital ad.

They’re pages on your website (or pages built and hosted through a third-party platform) that have the look and feel of your site, but have a simplified navigation and are meant to keep users focused on taking a specific action. The idea is that landing pages can be built quickly, that they communicate a specific message and encourage a specific action from your website users.

Berkshire Choral International’s website has a landing page channel which allows them to create landing pages as needed for marketing campaigns.

Why use them?

Well-built landing pages are effective. They generally have higher conversion rates than regular pages on your website. You can also build them quickly which makes creating unique pages for your different marketing efforts a breeze.

Some ways you can use them right now

For businesses and nonprofits (especially those that have had to close their doors), you may want to use landing pages to encourage users to: 

How do I do it?

Many of our clients already have a landing page channel built into their websites. We encourage you to make good use of it right now. For clients who don’t, it’s a relatively simple thing for us to add to your site.

There are also third-party landing page platforms available which we can get set up for you. And if you’re not sure which route to take (website vs third-party platform) we can talk through some of the pros and cons of each with you. 

As always, we want to help you get the most out of your online presence and landing pages are a very helpful tool to have in your toolkit during this time.

On the web today, there are more attack vectors than ever before. Keeping your site secure is incredibly important, doubly so if your site accepts credit card payments. Hackers these days aren’t just taking sites down or stealing data, now you must also deal with ransomware, hijacked domain names, and hidden cryptocurrency miners, just to name a few new threats. At Hop Studios, we take your site’s security very seriously, and as part of that, one of the services we offer is a full-site security audit.

This audit covers the basics like cycling sensitive passwords and ensuring that your site is secured with an SSL certificate, as well as more complex topics, such as ensuring that third-party plug-ins on your site can be trusted, and keeping your site compliant with up-to-date Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS).

Here are a few security tips that we share quite often, some of which you can likely address yourself, and others that we would be delighted to take on for you!

Back up your data

This is a big one, so of course it’s first in the list. If you’re not backing up your site files and databases, you could find yourself in real trouble! Regular site backups are critical, and not only to restore from in case of a site failure. Backups can also save you from ransomware attacks, which is when hackers lock you out of your own site and hold it hostage.

We implore all of our clients to have a reliable and tested backup system in place. The best backups are always offsite, or at least on a different server!

Keep your passwords secure!

Regularly changing the password to sensitive services is critical to your site security. We recommend going one step further and using a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass to generate passwords for you. Generated passwords more secure, and PCI DSS requires that you not only change your password every 90 days but also prevents you from using any of the last four passwords you’ve used. Generated passwords ensure this happens.

Add a CAPTCHA to all user submitted forms

A climber's hands secure a safety knot
Safety first! photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

Even if you’re not familiar with the word CAPTCHA, you’ve no doubt seen one of those forms that require you to type in a certain word or click on all the pictures of ducks before you can hit the submit button. That box is a CAPTCHA, and it’s designed to stop automated form submissions. Hackers use programs to submit to your forms over and over again, sometimes hundreds of times per minute, in an attempt to gain access to your system or collect valid email addresses.

Aside from blocking automated hacking attempts (and as a bonus benefit) CAPTCHAs block out a majority of email spam, which means they also help protect you from nefarious phishing attempts. And honestly, the less spam of any kind the better in our opinion.

6.3 Incorporate information security throughout the software development life cycle

On the more technical side, it’s important to ensure that your processes comply with PCI DSS section 6.3 requirements. That long section title up there is pulled directly from PCI DSS and essentially means that security measures should be addressed all throughout the development process. Developers should be trained to know what to do to maintain healthy levels of security, and the code itself should be audited and tested to meet PCI requirements. Typically code auditing is done through automated scans, though at times it is required to investigate some modules manually. This section of the PCI requirements covers a broad range of material and is often overlooked!

Properly secure your site with SSL

You may already be aware that in Chrome, Edge, and most others browsers, an unsecured site will show either a grey box or a “Not Secure” warning next to the URL in the browser. What you may not have noticed is that in the current Chrome, this grey warning will change to a bright red warning if text is entered into ANY input field on the site. This applies not only to forms with personal information such as credit cards, but also to simple search boxes as well. Even if your site does not collect any personal information, you still risk alarming visitors if your site is not properly secured.

Insecure Chrome browser
Insecure Chrome browser

A properly installed SSL certificate is more than just a lock icon next to the website address bar. It’s actually promising three things to your users.

  1. All of the data sent by this site is encrypted. This makes it much less likely that any third-party is able to intercept and steal any data sent to the user.
  2. Data from this site cannot be modified during the transfer. This means that if a malicious person does somehow intercept the data, it cannot be changed to appear differently than you intend.
  3. Your site truly belongs to you, and is not a clone or imposter site. Clicking the lock icon will display the company name that the domain is registered under. This is an extra assurance that users are visiting your real site, and not a fake site set up to look like yours.

Spam links are generally not an immediate priority when beginning a content strategy workflow. They emerge as a factor when a domain’s authority appears to be artificially low. When Moz scores you as having more spam links than your competition, for instance, it’s time to take a look. What is there to do about other webmasters linking to you and trying to enhance their reputation by tanking yours? Not much, but Google does have a disavow process that’s easy to use that could improve your domain authority score overnight. Let’s take you through it.

Spam links table image

Steps to disavowing spam links

  1. Using an SEO tool like Moz or this free tool from ahrefs, identify any spam links, observe and prioritize those with high spam scores and a low Domain Authority, per the above figure.
  2. Compile a list of spammy URLs and/or domains that you would like to disavow in the disavow.txt format. We have created a sample file to get you started. The complete instructions will give you tips on how to make specifics work. Disavow links process screen shot
  3. Upload your file to the Google Disavow tool. You will need to log in to Google under your Webmaster Tools account and have Webmaster Tools validate you as the site owner if you have not already done so. Choose the web property you want to affect and upload the list. You should get the above screen (without red comments) when you’re done.
  4. Keep the file that you submit in your local website development area. Add to it and re-submit as needed. Keep old entries on this list and submit all entries every time.

With a newly working disavow.txt and artificially-low domain authority, your website’s domain may see an improvement in domain authority without invasive development projects or content overhauls. It may be a relatively quick way to do your website ranking a huge favor.

‘Content strategy’ is probably a term that you’ve heard thrown around, but it’s a broad, sweeping concept that web developers, marketers and designers approach from a multitude of equally important angles. Content strategy is the intentional planning of content for a specific audience in order to achieve a specific goal (usually to attract and convert that audience into consistent followers, customers or both).

On a website, this includes everything from the hidden, back-end structure of the site to the words and graphics you see on the page. If you’re doing it right, then your content strategy puts thought and purpose into each and every one of these areas that impact your website’s success:

How content strategy works in three steps

To get the most out of your content strategy, take a three-step approach to developing, implementing and reporting back on its success:

Why content strategy makes websites stronger

For a website, the greatest value of content strategy is to create a series of informed decisions over time in order to improve the site’s standing in search engines and with its users. Intentional, goal-driven web development, marketing and UX/UI can help organizations expand their online presence, acquire new customers and see dramatic growth.

When it comes to creating a content strategy to begin with, the decisions to change, update and add content get their foundations from analytical data about the website. Many decisions are abstracted from this, however, involving attached significance to events, and sometimes hunches and opinions. This is where the data’s interpreter really matters.

woman stands with visual analytical data

Use keywords to make your content stand out

Unlike classic SEO, which focuses on page structure and the HTML side of legibility in order to deliver improved organic results in search engines, content strategy acknowledges that newer algorithm updates primarily favor page content for ranking keywords while structural standards need to be met.

You can calculate how well your pages are doing, in part, from perceived satisfaction metrics, like bounce rate, in top-ranking content. It’s not just a mathematically solid presentation, it turns out, but also whether the user thinks so, too. A solid content strategy should therefore include new and original content that feature a healthy spread of keywords and key phrases, as well as consistent housekeeping and improvements to existing content alongside the classic SEO standards.

While there’s a bit of legwork involved in doing this, doing it consistently has advantages that are well worth the effort:

Why make changes so gradually?

You’ll want to roll out big, strategic content changes to your website gradually. Here are two reasons why:

Step-by-step adjustment and modification is how this is done. It keeps your provider sane, and it allows for a story to unfold from what we started with, and where your goals are directing us. First this, then this, then this; without the ability to think about where we are going in a narrative, all we have are disparate, unrelated facts that are unnecessarily difficult to relate and talk about.

Narrative is key to keeping a strategy organized and understood, which is critical for all stakeholders and us to be on the same page.

A long-established feature of ExpressionEngine is the Moblog, or mobile weblog, which has been part of the installation since version 1.6. Simply put, a moblog allows one to email content to a specific address, which will automatically import into a blog.

I originally used the moblog when I was in Lithuania adopting our son Darius. This was in 2007, and in that part of Europe widespread internet wasn’t common outside of a hotel or an internet cafe. So while my wife and I were going through the adoption process, doing some sightseeing here and there, we would blog to our family and friends via the moblog, writing ourselves emails on our antiquated smartphones.

The emails would stay in the outbox our phone, and when we were back to an internet connection, the messages would send to a predefined email inbox (e.g. ourblog@oursite.com).

Moblog: the unsung hero

We had a private ExpressionEngine blog for our adoption journey which, employing the moblog, would parse the message content and import into channel entries defaulting to “Draft” status. We would then log into the website backend to review the messages of the day and make final tweaks before publishing.

In this niche use case it was perfect. I always thought more useful applications would emerge, particularly for our website customers, but this hadn’t been the case until recently.

Why use it?

At Creative Arc, we have used Basecamp as a project management system for a very long time, long enough where we’re not really keen to switch even though there are compelling alternatives. 

E-mail communication is a huge part of serving clients for any agency. Most of our customers respond to our project messages by logging in to Basecamp, or by replying to Basecamp threads directly in their e-mail client. A sizable portion of our contacts don’t (or won’t) use Basecamp for a variety of reasons, instead writing us direct e-mails. 

Unfortunately, when emails are filling our inboxes, they might not get the prompt attention they deserve because our entire team does not have visiblity. So, I’m often faced with posting or pasting a customer’s email back into Basecamp so we have access to it as a team. As a one-off, it’s not that much work. But when it’s a dozen occurences every day, it gets unwieldy pretty quickly.

Moblog to the rescue

This continual struggle of coralling client emails led me to consider the Moblog again. If ExpressionEngine could collect the e-mail content, we would be able to get that content to the proper projects in Basecamp. The basic steps are as follows: 

  1. Install the first-party Moblog module
  2. Create an e-mail account to collect submissions
  3. Create a channel to store Moblog entries
  4. Configure the Moblog
  5. Test E-mail collection
  6. Configure Moblog cron
  7. Configure EE template display
  8. Integrate the Basecamp API

Let’s get started! (the following image examples are current as of ExpressionEngine 6.0.3, June 2021)

1) Install the first-party Moblog module

2) Create an e-mail account to collect submissions

This is self-explanatory, but you should absolutely limit allowed senders. So in our case, we limit submissions to emails originating from our company in the moblog settings (“Valid ‘From’ Emails for Moblog”). More on that later.

3) Create a channel to store Moblog entries

You shouldn’t need many fields; the Title of the entry will default to the email subject. A body field should suffice, unless you want file fields for email attachments.

4) Create and configure the Moblog

Navigate to the Moblog addon in the ExpressionEngine backend. The settings are self-explanatory to any seasoned EE developer. Below is an example of what we use. The Moblog documentation can point you to the specifics.

The configuration gives you several useful options. You have to define the email address and server credentials for ExpressionEngine to be able to retrieve the messages. You can decide if you want to handle file attachments and also whether or not entries stay in draft mode or go directly to publish.

In our case, we used Gmail which was nice because it allowed me to restrict receiving messages from only particular accounts. This allows us to limit Moblog entries being created by our own company domain.

5) Test E-mail connection

Let’s see if our configuration worked. Write a basic email with a minimal Subject and Body, addressed to your Moblog email address (myblog@mydomain.com).

Navigate to the Moblog module in the EE backend and click “check now.”

Ideally, the Moblog will report that no new emails could be found, or that it had success retrieving:

Navigate to your Moblog channel, and you’ll see the content that was just imported from your email.

6) Configure Moblog cron

The Moblog needs a URL that we can use with a cron job using curl or wget.

Create a template, such is mydomain.com/my_moblog/check. A one-liner wins the day!

{exp:moblog:check silent="no" which="emails_to_tasks"}

Then, a simple crontab (I chose 5 minute interval) to hit the URL and trigger the Moblock check-email process.

*/5 * * * * curl -s ‘https://mydomain.com/my_moblog/check’ > /dev/null;

If you simply need a basic Moblog, you’re done! For an example of taking it further, please read on.

7) Taking it further: Configure the ExpressionEngine templates

Remember, our goal is to corral one-off emails from customers and get them back into Basecamp. The Moblog succeeded in retrieving the emails and saving them as channel entries. Next, we need to get the content to Basecamp.

The code snippet below is a fairly basic Channel Form. The form loops through the entries that have been imported into our Moblog channel, and our EE templates present a basic interface we’ll use to tell Basecamp what to do with the content: namely, are we posting a new thread? A ToDo? And who are the asignees and recipients?

{exp:channel:entries channel="et_email_to_task_channel" dynamic="no" status="not Submitted"}
{if count==1}
<div class="postions-list constrainedContent clearFix">

        <li class="position">
            {exp:channel:form channel="et_email_to_task_channel" return="tasks" entry_id="{entry_id}"}
            <div class="row{if count==1} active{/if}">
                    <div class="header">Subject</div>
                    <div class="interior"> <textarea name="task_subject" type="text" cols="50" rows="2">{title}</textarea>
                    <div class="header">Body</div>
                    <div class="interior">
                        <textarea name="task_body"  value="{task_body}" cols="50" rows="4">{task_body}..</textarea>
                    <div class="header">From</div>
                    <div class="interior">{task_from}
                    <div class="header">Date/Entry ID</div>
                    <div class="interior">{entry_date format="%M %d, %Y - %g:%i %A"} / {entry_id}


            <div class="row {if count==1} active{/if}">
                    <div class="interior">
                        <select {if count==1}  name="task_project" id="task_project" class="project_list" {/if}>
                        <option value="">Select</option>
                    <div class="interior">
                        <select {if count==1} name="task_list" id="task_list" class="project_todo_list" {/if}>
                        <option value="">Select ToDo List</option>
                    <div class="interior">

                        <h3>Create ToDo?</h3><br>
                        <input type="checkbox" name="category[]" id="categories" class="create-todo" value="2">Yep<br><br>

                        Assign to:<br>
                        <input type="radio" name="todo_assignee" value="193399">Luke <br>
                        <input type="radio" name="todo_assignee" value="13932451">Han <br>
                        <input type="radio" name="todo_assignee" value="193357">Lando<br>
                        <input type="radio" name="todo_assignee" value="193676">Leia <br>
                        <input type="radio" name="todo_assignee" value="193086">Chewbacca <br>

                    <div class="interior">
                        <h3>Create Message?</h3><br>
                        <input type="checkbox" name="category[]" id="categories" class="create-message" value="1">Yep<br><br>
                        {if count==1}
                        <div class="notification">
                            <input type="checkbox" name="task_notification_list[]" value="193399">Luke<br>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="task_notification_list[]" value="13932451">Han<br>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="task_notification_list[]" value="193357">Lando<br>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="task_notification_list[]" value="193676">Leia<br>
                            <input type="checkbox" name="task_notification_list[]" value="193086">Chewbacca<br>

            {if count==1}
            <div class="submit-box">
                Send to Basecamp, or ignore?<br>
                <select name="status" id="status">
                    <option value="Submitted">Submit</option>
                    <option value="closed">Ignore</option>
                <button class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit">Submit</button>
        {if count==total_results}

The rendered HTML looks something like this:

Key functions of this Channel Form: we can select a project, such as ACME Construction, then choose to post the message content to a particular ToDo list, and/or create a Basecamp thread, while assigning individuals as recipients or todo assignees. Upon submitting the form, the channel entries are fed to another template that is easy for the Basecamp API to process, which we detail below.

8) Integrate the Basecamp API

In this example, the only piece created outside of ExpressionEngine was a little bit of middleware in the way of a shell script. This could be PHP, an ExpressionEngine addon, however you want to handle it. The Basecamp API is too much to cover here, but the process of using the Moblog to get email content into an EE channel proved to be the biggest step.

I won’t get into the specifics of the shell script because it’s fairly convoluted, but it is limited to a few fairly basic Basecamp API calls. 

curl -u moblog@mydomain.com:myApiKey -H 'Content-Type: application/json'  -H 'User-Agent: mydomainBashScripts (moblog@mydomain.com)' -d '{ "content": "<span style="color:red">{title}</span>", "due_at": "{entry_date format="%Y-%m-%d"}", "assignee": { "id": {person_id}, "type": "Person" } }' https://basecamp.com/8675309/api/v1/projects/{task_project}/todolists/{task_list}/todos.json;

In this curl statement, note the EE template tags of title, {person_id}, entry_date, and {task_project}. The shell script is simply looping through the output from the Moblog channel, running the necessary curl command in each case.


We have found this to be an immensely useful tool, because we can use the systems we are familiar with (namely Basecamp) without having to abandon them for a new system that might do more than we need. ExpressionEngine and the Moblog provided a great way of filling this tiny void that keeps client communication in front of our team where it needs to be.

We put together this one-page ExpressionEngine parse order reference guide (version 1.0.1 2021/04/28) for anyone to download and print out.

We also gave a presentation at the EEConf Spring Summit in 2021. https://youtu.be/l7wPeYrbGg8

The slide deck is also available if you’re interested in reliving the talk 🤔 .

Download the guide here

When I first started in web development (and I’m about to age myself seriously), this meant creating sites on Geocities with very crude styling, and, in my case, lots of <blink> and <marquee> tags. It meant creating Myspace profile themes to bring a splash of flair to my mall emo self.

Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

Things have changed quite a bit!

Nowadays, it is a vital skill to know how to write your styles and scripts with modern methods, which means learning how to use asset compiling to make sure your code is clean and works well with your project.

Although there are a thousand different options out there, my favorite has been using Laravel Mix and Webpack. And while we are mentioning another project here, Mix and Webpack are easy drop-in options for your next ExpressionEngine project!

Why Compile Your JS and CSS?

There is nothing wrong with building straight CSS or JavaScript files. It works perfectly fine, and allows you to build in a familiar way.

But there are some core reasons to move from writing and wrapping up your own code to running it through a compiler.

Use Modern Methods

CSS is great, but what about modern building processes like PostCSS or SASS/SCSS? Or what if you want to build your JavaScript with modern ES6 or beyond? Browsers don’t work well with modern methods. Running your assets through a compiler also allows for them to be transpiled down to methods and modes that your users’ browsers can understand.

Compile To One File

Let’s say you want to split up your styles into a modular setup, to better help you and other developers on the project find the style they need. Or you want to split your Vue components out into their respective component files. But, you also don’t want your HTML to bring in 30,000 files.

Using an asset compiler allows you to pair down all of your assets into a few files. In our case, we can put a thousand styles files and a million JS components, and we’ll still bring in only two optimized files to our ExpressionEngine site.

Make It Ugly!

Your Google page speed is vital to your site being both SEO and user friendly, but it will get punished for having resources that are not minimized. Mix allows you to uglify and minify your assets when you are ready to build for production, so that your users get a better user experience and you look like a rockstar!

Installing Mix and Webpack

You’ll want to make sure you have the most up-to-date versions of Node and either NPM or Yarn before proceeding. For the examples below, I’ll be using npm.

Run npm init if you don’t already have a package.json file in your root. You’ll be asked a number of questions to set it up.

An example npm init

Then, in the root of your web project, you’re going to install Mix and Webpack as dev dependencies.

npm install --save-dev laravel-mix webpack webpack-cli

This will create a package.json file in your root directory with a few other dependencies. (NOTE: This won’t install all of Laravel or anything like that).

In the scripts section of your package.json file, you’ll want to create a few scripts that you can run to compile your assets.

"scripts": {
    "dev": "npm run development",
    "development": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --progress --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",
    "watch": "npm run development -- --watch",
    "watch-poll": "npm run watch -- --watch-poll",
    "hot": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development node_modules/webpack-dev-server/bin/webpack-dev-server.js --inline --hot --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js",
    "prod": "npm run production",
    "production": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js --no-progress --config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js"

These are some standard scripts that will allow you to compile your assets in a super simple way: - dev / development compiles your assets without uglifying and minimizing. It also enables any debugging in dependencies you may be using. - prod / production compiles and applies any uglification you may be using. - watch runs dev and watches for any changes, so you can live reload your files.

Setting Up Your Mix Setup

Now, we need to set up Webpack and our root folders.

In the root of your project, create a directory called resources. This will be where your new CSS and JS files will live. Create a folder for each of these in your resources, so you have a place for each.

- resources
  - css (or scss if you want)
    - main.css (or main.scss)
  - js
    - main.js

These folders will be where the files you will work on will live.

So my entire project looked like this:

  - public
    - images
    - themes
  - resources
    - scss
      - main.scss
    - js
      - main.js
  - system (where all of the EE files live)

(It’s always recommended to move your system folder out of your webroot. In this example, my webroot is the public folder)

Then, in the root of your project, we’ll create a webpack.mix.js file, which will act as the configuration for our project. This is where we tell Mix how to build out our assets, when to uglify, or set up other dependencies that are run when your assets are being built. For this project, my webpack.mix.js file looked like this:

const mix = require('laravel-mix');

mix.js('resources/js/main.js', 'public/js')
    .sass('resources/scss/main.scss', 'public/css');

This is a base setup that does two things: Take all of my JavaScript files that are processed through resources/js/main.js and compile them to public/js/main.js. Take all of my styles that are processed through resources/css/main.css and compile them to `public/css/

We’ll also need to add our styles and scripts to our site. This will differ depending on how you are building your site. Assuming you are using ExpressionEngine’s template layouts, you may have a layout file that looks like this.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html class="no-js" lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>My Site</title>
    {!-- Our Compiled Styles --}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/main.css">

    {!-- Our Compiled Scripts --}
    <script src="/js/main.js" async></script>

Building Your Assets

The hard part is over! Now, we can run npm run watch to start compiling our files! An example of npm run watch output

This will begin taking what is in your resources directory, run them through the magic of Webpack and Mix, and build out your files!

Spam, the bane of everyone’s lives. Worst of all, clients get unhappy if their ExpressionEngine powered forms let endless spam through, and it can reflect on you as the developer (rightly or wrongly).

ExpressionEngine’s inbuilt CAPTCHA isn’t always effective so you often have to reach for 3rd party addons to stop the tide of “amazing” offers and other junk. Addons like Snaptcha and Freeform do a good job weeding out spam submissions but you have to fork out a bit of cash for them. That’s not a bad thing because you’re supporting developers, but what if your budget is stretched and you need a quick fix?

Fortunately, it’s easy to add a simple “honeypot” field to the form and use server-side filtering to stop spam email from being delivered to your inbox.

Let’s take a simple example form:

{exp:email:contact_form user_recipients="false" recipients="hello@example.com" charset="utf-8"}

  <label for="subject">Subject</label>
  <input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" value="">

  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="">

  <label for="from">Email address</label>
  <input type="email" id="from" name="from" value="">

  <label for="message">Message</label>
  <textarea id="message" name="message"></textarea>

  <button type="submit">Send</button>


A spammers paradise!

To add the honeypot field we need to tweak two things:

  1. Rename the name parameter value for each field you want in the email body to message[] (note the addition of brackets to the value, EE needs this)
  2. Add the honeypot field, I use a checkbox field with a generic value inside a div container with some CSS to hide it offscreen so real people won’t see it. Note that the name parameter also has a value of message[].
<div style="position:absolute;left:-999em;">
  <label><input type="checkbox" name="message[]" value="ABC123"></label>

Here’s an updated version of the form with the tweaks:

{exp:email:contact_form user_recipients="false" recipients="hello@example.com" charset="utf-8"}

  <label for="subject">Subject</label>
  <input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" value="">

  <label for="name">Name</label>
  <input type="text" id="name" name="name" value="">

  <label for="from">Email address</label>
  <input type="email" id="from" name="from" value="">

  <!-- modified message field -->
  <label for="message">Message</label>
  <textarea id="message" name="message[]"></textarea>

  <button type="submit">Send</button>

  <!-- honeypot field -->
  <div style="position:absolute;left:-999em;">
    <label><input type="checkbox" name="message[]" value="ABC123"></label>


When a spam bot comes along it will most likely tick the hidden checkbox, thus passing the value (ABC123) into the email body.

At this stage spam email will still get to your inbox, so the last piece of the puzzle is to add some server-side email filtering that looks for the value “ABC123” in the email body. Set up a filter on your server or in your email provider’s settings to delete any emails that contain the string “ABC123”.

Job done, you should notice a drop in the amount of spam you get from the form.

A few points worth noting:

  1. For the checkbox use a text value that won’t be used by a real person. I used “ABC123” as an example.
  2. Avoid using obvious words like “honeypot” or “spam” in the form field or text string. Spammers are clever and may program their bots to recognize and bypass it.
  3. Once you’ve set it up test it to make sure valid email gets through!

I’ve tried this approach on a few sites and it seems to eliminate most spam from forms, and clients are happier! It’s not a perfect method by any means but as a free, quick, and easy way to reduce spam it might help you out.

So you need a page of questions and answers with an optional Table of Contents (TOC)? This technique could be used for a FAQ or LFAQ section, a help document, or a step by step guide to do something.

In this tutorial, I’ll be using Grid and Radio Buttons custom fields.

What you’ll need

  1. A working copy of EE with at least one Channel to test with (not recommended on a live site!)
  2. An understanding of how to create new channel fields
  3. An understanding of how EE templates tags words
  4. The ability to add and edit template code

The grid field

Create a new Grid Field

Field name: Questions & answers
Field short name: qa

Now create two column fields inside the Grid field, a Text field for the question, and a Textarea or RTE field for the answer:

Column 1

Grid column type: Text Input
Grid column name: Question
Grid column short name: qa_question

Column 2

Grid column type: Textarea
Grid column name: Answer
Grid column short name: qa_answer

In the real world, you’d probably want to make both columns required because one is useless without the other!

Add an on/off field for the TOC

Depending on the circumstances, you may want to allow authors to enable or disable the TOC. Your questions and answers would still show as normal.

To do this, I’ll add a separate Radio Buttons field with Yes/No options (you can use a Select or Toggle field if you like, though the template tag syntax for Toggle is slightly different).

Create a new Radio Buttons or Select field:

Field name: Show TOC?
Field short name: qa_show

Add yes/no options, I prefer to use “Value/Label pairs” for setting options so I can control the wording:

Value: no
Label: No

Value: yes
Label: Yes

Note that the first value/label in your list of options is always the default for new entries.

Add the grid field to a channel

Assign your Q&A grid and “On/Off” fields to a channel and publish some test content.

Template tags

The table of contents

To create the link text, I’m using just the question name qa_question. To create the anchor links, I’m using the grids’ row_id appended with the string goto so they’re valid and unique.

{!-- only display if "Show TOC?" field is set to yes --}
{if qa_show == "yes"}

    <h2 id="top">Table of contents</h2>

        {!-- loop through the questions --}
          <li><a href="#goto{qa:row_id}">{qa:qa_question}</a></li>


Create the answers tags

Here I’ve assigned the grid row_id ID to the question heading for the anchor link target. I’ve also added a “back” link that takes you back to the table of contents.

    <h2 id="goto{qa:row_id}">{qa:qa_question}</h2>
    <p><a href="#toc">Back to TOC</a></p>

Complete example

{exp:channel:entries channel="mychannel"}


  {!-- show the toc? --}
  {if qa_show == "yes"}

    <h2 id="top">Table of contents</h2>
        {!-- loop through the questions--}
        <li><a href="#goto{qa:row_id}">{qa:qa_question}</a></li>


  {!-- loop through the answers --}
    <h2 id="goto{qa:row_id}">{qa:qa_question}</h2>
    <p><a href="#toc">Back to TOC</a></p>


This article is intended as a gentle introduction to ExpressionEngine conditionals to give the reader an idea of how they work using real-world examples.

What is a “conditional”?

They allow you to compare or evaluate one piece of information against another and optionally show a response based on the result.

Conditionals generally work on the result being true or false - in essence, you’re asking a question to get an answer.

What can you compare/evaluate?

You can compare any variable or value available in ExpressionEngine, including global variables, channel entry fields, member fields, and your own custom values.

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of things you can evaluate either singly or one versus the other:

When to use a conditional

There are near infinite uses, but some common ones are:

Conditional tag syntax

Conditional tags are always wrapped in {if}{/if} tags - just like regular HTML tags. You add values you want to evaluate and provide the answer based on the result.

Here are a few very simplistic examples showing you how evaluation logic works:

{if sky}Yes the sky exists!{/if}
{if sky is blue}It's day time{/if}
{if sky is black}It's night time{/if}
{if sky is NOT blue}It's night time{/if}
{if sky is NOT black}It's day time{/if}

See how we’re comparing the sky and its color then providing an answer for each variation? Note how there’s more than one way to provide the same answer (“is” and “is NOT”). The actual answer can be anything you want, even no answer at all.

Let’s start with a basic example

{if logged_in}
  Hello customer

What this does is check if the visitor has logged in to your site.

Let’s expand that a bit more…

{if logged_in}
  Hello customer
  Please login

What we’re now doing is getting two possible values.

So “if” the first value is true do that, “else” do the other.

Evaluating entry content

Your entries are made up of several custom and core fields such as Title, Entry date, Status, and so on. You can evaluate any of these in a conditional, some are a little more complicated than others, but the logic is the same.

Let’s say you have a field for a blog excerpt contained in a div element. Your template code may look like this:

<div class="row">

The only problem here; if the excerpt field is blank, the page will have an empty div element in it; you won’t want that!

To solve this, you can use a conditional to only show the div if the excerpt exists:

{if blog_excerpt}
<div class="row">

So “if” the excerpt exists, then show it, otherwise do nothing. In other words, the div elements will only show if the excerpt exists.

Let’s expand that by providing a fallback message:

{if blog_excerpt}
  <div class="row">
  The author hasn't written an excerpt

So “if” the excerpt exists, show it, “else” show the message.

Comparing a date

Date variables in ExpressionEngine allow you to format a display date however you need.

In this example, I’m using the 3 letter code for day of the week, Mon, Tue, Wed, etc. referenced by the %D format value. The current_time tag outputs, you can probably guess, the current time, as in right now.

The idea here is to show a message on a specific day, in this case, a Sunday:

{if "{current_time format='%D'}" == "Sun"}
 Sorry we're closed today

What this does is compare the current day of the week {current_time format="%D"} to a target day value of “Sun”(day). If the answer is true (if today is Sunday) show the message, otherwise do nothing. The == value is shorthand for “is equal to.”

Note that here we have to wrap the current_time tag in double quotes because it’s a tag inside another tag.

Testing against a URL segment

Conditionally do something based on part of a URL

Say you have a URL like https://example.com/blog/post/my-blog-post, then “blog” is segment 1, “post” is segment 2, and “my-blog-post” is segment 3 (See the docs for more on URL Segments ).

Here’s a couple of examples:

{if segment_1 == "blog"}This is the blog.{/if}
{if segment_2 == "post"}You're reading a blog post.{/if}
{if segment_1 == "about-us"}Why not read our blog?{/if}
{if segment_1 == ""}This must the home page.{/if}

Using a conditional to show a confirmation message

Say you have a contact form page at https://example.com/contact and your success page is at https://example.com/contact/thanks - you can run a conditional on segment_2 (thanks) to show a success message in the same template:

{if segment_2 == "thanks"}
Thanks for getting in touch!

...contact form fields

Using a conditional to insert a CSS class name

Let’s say you wanted to add a class to an element but only in the /blog section. You could do something like this:

<body{if segment_1 == "blog"} class="blog"{/if}>

Would output as this (if the segment matched):

<body class="blog">

You could also append a new class name to an existing one like this:

<body class="body{if segment_1 == 'blog'} blog{/if}">

The result:

<body class="body blog">

Counting first and last

You can use conditionals to do simple calculations based on numbers. ExpressionEngine entries make available variables for:

You want to mark the first or second item:

{if count == 1}
This is the first one

{if count == 2}
This is the second one

You want to mark the last item:

{if count == total_results}
This is the last one

You can combine these when you need to output some HTML before and after your content:

{if count == 1}

<div class="row">

{if count == total_results}


Using operators

These allow you to compare things but in different ways. You can test for things that exist or don’t exist, less than or more than, and even look for specific words or phrases.

So far I’ve only used the == operator (equal to) in my examples. Here are a few more ways to compare values:

Check if something is not empty/blank

{if blog_exerpt != ""}The excerpt is not empty{/if}

Where != “” is asking if the field is not empty - not equals blank.

Check if something is empty/blank

{if blog_exerpt == ""}The excerpt is empty{/if}

Where == “” is asking if the field is empty - equals blank.

Check for a word or phrase in text

{if blog_exerpt *= "Tom"}The excerpt mentions Tom{/if}

Where *= is asking if the text contains the word “Tom.”

Check if something is less than x

{if product_stock < 10}Low stock{/if}

Where < is asking if the value is less than 10.

Check if something is more than x

{if product_stock > 10}We have loads in stock{/if}

Where > is asking if the value is more than 10.

There are many operators available for you to use. A full list is available in the documentation.

Troubleshooting conditionals

If your conditional tag doesn’t work, here are a few things to check:

If you still have problems, it’s always worth posting on the EECMS Slack channel or the ExpressionEengine forums. An experienced eye will usually help you solve it.

Summing up

Conditionals can be hard to get your head around at first but stick with it. As soon as it clicks, you’ll find they can be incredibly powerful tools to help you create dynamic site content.

Introduction to Building an ExpressionEngine Site

By: Justin Alei

This tutorial is intended to be an introduction to building in ExpressionEngine (or just “EE”) for those new to the platform. We’ll cover the basics as we build a simple Portfolio style website using different methods, fieldtypes, etc. There are many ways to build sites in ExpressionEngine and many add-ons to help with this. However, in this tutorial, I’ll only be using native EE functionality. If you are ready to extend your ExpressionEngine build, then there is a vibrant community that offers add-ons to extend functionality far beyond what we’re going to cover here.

3 - Planning the Content Model

Planning is an important step in any process, including building in ExpressionEngine, so let's start working through the plan for our content model for this site.

Contributing to the ExpressionEngine Documentation

Good documentation is the foundation of good software and your contributions can help make good documentation great.

If you’re an ExpressionEngine user, then you have something to add. There is always room for more examples, clarifications, corrections, and updates. Jump in and make a pull request or give us a heads up by reporting an issue. Since the docs are all in markdown formatting and updates should be pretty straightforward.

Understanding the Workflow.

Contributing to the docs requires a basic understanding of Git. Here’s an overview of the workflow

  1. Fork the GitHub repository: https://github.com/ExpressionEngine/ExpressionEngine-User-Guide . Read more about creating a fork of and working with a public repository here: https://docs.github.com/en/github/getting-started-with-github/fork-a-repo#fork-an-example-repository
  2. Create a branch (see Branches below).
  3. Update your branch
  4. Submit a Pull Request, requesting merging your branch into the 6.dev branch of the ExpressionEngine public repository.

Contributing to the Documentation

All of the source files exist under docs/ and is where you will add new documentation or modify existing documentation. We recommend working from feature branches and making pull requests to the #.dev branch of this repo (See Branches below).

Suggesting a change is easy and there is no way you’ll mess up the public repo.

Start by forking the repository, the new branch you create is the one you’ll do your work in.

Once you have your new branch, confirm you’re actually in it! If you haven’t already, make sure you’ve read though the style guide. Then make your changes inside of your feature branch.

Push your changes to your fork of the repository, and when you’re done, send us a pull request.

We’ll take a look at your pull request, make sure everything looks alright, ask for any needed changes, and then merge it into the main code.


| Branch | Purpose |
| ------ | ------- |
| #.x | Currently released and published version.
| #.dev | Updates for the next version of ExpressionEngine (current version is the default branch). Does not exist for previous versions. |
** replace `#` with the current version of ExpressionEngine or version you wish to target.

Recommended branch names are namespaced and unique, e.g.:

Building and Reviewing the Docs Locally

While some updates are easy and can just be done in markdown without much review, others require a review of what the updates will actually look like when published to the docs. To review changes, you’ll need to build the docs locally. This requires a little bit of setup but is not overly complicated if you’re already familiar with front-end build tools.


Building the docs requires Node and npm.

In the root of the repository, install all the dependencies: npm install

Building the Docs

To build the docs: npm run build

To dynamically rebuild on any file changes: npm run watch

Building theme assets

The documentation css and js files are located under theme/assets-src.

To build the theme assets, run npm run buildAssets. You can also dynamically rebuild the assets when a file changes: npm run watchAssets.

As with anything else, if you have any trouble building the docs let us know and we’d be happy to help.

Style Guide

Please read the style guide for samples and convention standards used in the ExpressionEngine user guide.

Reporting Issues

Want to help but a little daunted by the idea of making a pull request? We still want to hear from you. You can report errors in the documentation as issues in the github repo. Just remember, the more detailed the report, the more likely someone will be able to make improvements.


Most importantly, THANK YOU! Thank you for caring about the community and wanting to help. ExpressionEngine is open source and has always been successful because of our community. Let us know if you have any problems with the docs or anything else and we’ll be happy to help.

Mailgun’s SMTP Relay service is a quick an easy way to have ExpressionEngine transactional emails handled through a dedicated email provider. There’s just one tiny glitch you need to be aware of. The line ending setting needs to be changed from the default \n to \r\n. That’s it. Everything else is self-evident. But in case it’s not…

In your Mailgun account, go to the Overview for your domain. In my case, I just have their default sandbox domain. You’re going to select ‘SMTP’ as your mail option and the required settings, including username and password, will be revealed.

Go to your ‘Settings- Outgoing Email’ settings in your ExpressionEngine control panel and enter your Mailgun settings

Setting Value
Protocal SMTP
Newline Character \r\n
Server Address smtp.mailgun.org
Server Port 587
Connection Type STARTTLS

Save your settings and send a few test emails from the Communicate page.


Adding a comment section to your articles and posts gives your reader a chance to add value to what you’ve written – or draw your attention to a necessary correction or update. If you’ve struggled with integrating comments to your site content, we’re here to help!

This tutorial assumes that you already have a basic site set up, with both single-entry article pages and some sort of index page that lists all of your articles. If you run into trouble with this tutorial, the Expression Engine documentation is likely a great resource.

Enable the Comments Module

The first thing you need to do is enable the Comments module; it’s not with the other add-ons where you think it might be.

Head to the Expression Engine system settings page, and click on Comment Settings, at the following URL: /admin.php/cp/settings/comments

Flip the “Enable comment module?” toggle to on and hit save.

Enable Commenting on the Channel

Next, you’ll need to enable commenting for the specific Channel you want to have comments on. Head to the Channel Manager (/admin.php?/cp/channels). Inside the Channel Manager, click on the Settings tab for the Channel where you wish to allow commenting, and look for the Commenting section shown in the screenshot below. You’ll find it way down near the bottom of the page.

Flip “Allow Comments?” to the “On” position, and keep in mind that you’ll need to do this for every Channel for which you want comments enabled.

There are a few other helpful settings here which we’ll go over, but if you just want the basics you can skip to the next section.

Other Channel Commenting Settings

Allow comments default - Each individual entry can have comments turned on or off. This option determines if new entries in this channel will have commenting turned on.

Require Email - This does what it sounds like. If enabled, anyone submitting a comment must be either logged in or provide an email address. Important note: If this is turned on, you must have an email field in your comment submission form!

Require Membership - A stricter version of Require Email. With this option, users must be registered members of the site to comment.

Render URLs and Email addresses as links? - When members submit comments with URLs or email addresses, this setting controls if those appear as clickable links. You may wish to disable this, depending on your particular usability requirements.

Enable Commenting by Member Roles

Next up, check to ensure you’ve given appropriate member roles permission to comment. Super Admins automatically have all permissions, so testing is sometimes confusing. It’s a good idea to create a test user for yourself in a standard Member or Editor role to verify your permissions are working correctly.

Member Roles can be found by clicking on the Members menu item and the Member Groups submenu, or at this URL: /admin.php?/cp/members/roles.

EE5 Note:

If you’re following this guide for Expression Engine v5, you will follow essentially the same steps, but the permission is found under the Member Groups settings, rather than Member Roles. The control panel URL you will want for EE5 is: /admin.php?/cp/members/groups.

For each Member Role that you want commenting enabled, look for the Commenting section under the Website Access tab. Flip the toggle on for Submit Comments.

If you want Guests (users who are not logged in) to be able to comment, be sure to enable this for the Guest member role – that’s the default anyway.

If you have a special Member Role who should be immune to comment moderation, you can give them the “Bypass moderation” permission. This is also where you can allow specific Member Roles to edit or delete their own comments, or the comments of others if you wish.

Important note: Enabling the “Edit comments by others” setting doesn’t automatically make the interface to allow this appear on the front end – this is just granting permissions.


Another comment-related setting you can optionally enable is CAPTCHA, the test to try and make sure someone is a human and not a spambot.

The settings for CAPTCHA can be found on the System Settings page, under the CAPTCHA submenu at this URL: /admin.php?/cp/settings/captcha.

Keep in mind that enabling CAPTCHA here will enable it for all front-end forms, not just for comments. I like to enable it, but then I disable “Require CAPTCHA while logged in.” We assume that registered members can be trusted at least at this level, and this way only Guests will face the CAPTCHA.

Display Comments with an Article

That’s it for the set up work! Stretch your fingers, grab a tea, and now we can move on to the template work!

In the template for your single-entry article page, you’ll need to enter template code to display comments. This tag pair is dynamic by nature, and by default will fetch the correct entry automatically based on the current URL.

Important note: This code must be placed OUTSIDE of any exp:channel:entries loop, because it uses some of the same variables, including {count}. If you do need to put it inside the loop, you must use an embed.

At its most basic, the comment entries loop looks like this:

{exp:comment:entries sort="asc" limit="20"}
  <p>By {author} on {comment_date format="%Y %m %d"}</p>

We won’t go into a full description of the ways you can output and format comments – it’s quite robust.

The Comment Submission Form

The most important piece of the puzzle is the submission form. After all, there’s no point in displaying comments if no one can submit them.

Place the following code directly beneath the comment:entries loop we posted above.

{exp:comment:form channel="news"}

  {if logged_out}
    <label for="name">Name:</label> <input type="text" name="name" value="{name}" size="50" /><br />
    <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email" value="{email}" size="50" /><br />

  <label for="comment">Comment:</label><br />
  <textarea name="comment" cols="70" rows="10">{comment}</textarea>

  {if captcha}
    <label for="captcha">Please enter the word you see in the image below:</label><br />
    <p>{captcha}<br />
    <input type="text" name="captcha" value="{captcha_word}" maxlength="20" /></p>

  <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />


There are a few specific things to watch for in the comment submission code.

First, be sure to change the channel parameter to the name of your Channel.

Second, notice that we are asking for an Email address if the user is not logged in, but skipping it if they are. This is linked back to the earlier point about the “Require Email” and “Require Membership” options found under Channel Settings.

The third thing to notice here is the {if captcha} line. If CAPTCHA is turned on, and the user is not exempt from CAPTCHA, a standard CAPTCHA will appear in this area of the form. You can find out more about how to customize CAPTCHA in the Expression Engine documentation.

Once this is in place, you should see your comment form on the front end, and be able to submit new comments. Hurray!

Lastly, if for any reason the person viewing the page does not have commenting permission (either because of member, entry, or channel settings), the form will simply not display. You can use {if comments_disabled} to display alternate instructions if there will be some entries in each status.

The display of existing comments is possible whether comments are enabled or not – once an entry has comments, disabling comments will only disable the form, not the comments you’ve already collected.

Editing Comments

ExpressionEngine does a decent job of trying to let you edit existing comments via Javascript. We recommend following the instructions in the documentation. However, because each site is unique, it may require some tweaking to their JavaScript. The important thing to note is that before you spend too much time digging into the javascript and templates, save yourself some time and check to make sure your permissions are set properly.

Before we actually build anything, we first need to consider how ExpressionEngine thinks about content. Most of this section was originally written by Mike Boyink in tutorials that were available for ExpressionEngine 2 and is reused here verbatim and with permission - these fundamental concepts are absolutely still applicable. Thanks Mike for all your work laying the foundation and allowing us to reuse it! I have however, made some updates and additions to make sure it's all still pertinent to ExpressionEngine 6.

In This Article

Page Management vs Structured-Content

If you’ve worked with a CMS of any sort in the past, you might be perusing the ExpressionEngine Control Panel for a place to begin by building a sitemap or establishing navigation. Many CMS work this way - you essentially build a site from the top down by first creating hierarchy/navigation using some sort of tree-view widget, then you choose a page on the hierarchy, click a little icon, and enter content for that page. I would actually call a system like this more of a “Page Management System” - since it only thinks about and manages web content in units of Pages.

ExpressionEngine, however, is not a “page-based” CMS but rather a “Structured-Content Management System.” With ExpressionEngine, you build a site from the bottom up, first defining what type of content the site has and building structures to store it. In other words, websites have different types of content in them, and it’s not always just a “page.” Some examples include:

Notice that we are not talking about the presentation of content - just the structure of it. From an ExpressionEngine perspective, I’m not yet concerned with how these different content types will manifest themselves on the front-end of the website. I don’t care if the FAQ’s each get their own page or are all listed on one page. I don’t care if the Bios start with an alphabetized index of names linked to detail pages, or the index page has names & photos by default with some sort of JavaScript rollover effect that displays the rest of the content. I don’t even care where they appear in the navigation - Bios may be 3 levels down in the About section or a top-level navigation item. Doesn’t matter. Yet.

As it turns out, what we’re doing here has a nifty buzzword in the web industry: Content Modeling. A List Apart published an article on Content Modelling, describing a Content Model as documenting:

…all the different types of content you will have for a given project. It contains detailed definitions of each content type’s elements and their relationships to each other.

If you come from a database background, you will recognize this process as Database Normalization which Wikipedia defines as:

…the process of organizing the fields and tables of a relational database to minimize redundancy and dependency.

So What’s the advantage of Structured Content?

How does ExpressionEngine store content?

Assuming you are now “seeing past the page” when it comes to the content on your project site, the next logical question would be: “How does ExpressionEngine store content?” Let’s run through the content-modeling tools available in ExpressionEngine:

What’s Next?

With the foundational understanding from this article, we’ll move to Part 3 and look more specifically at the content we want for this project and put together a Content Model for it. The Content Model will lay out the specific mix of Channels, Fields, Categories, and Statuses this website will need.

Planning is an important step in any process, including building in ExpressionEngine, so let's start working through our content model's plan for this site. In fact, we're even going to actually add content to the site before we ever even attempt to output it to templates. This might seem obvious when building a new site from scratch, but the same sequence applies even with adding features, Channels, or Fields to existing sites:

  1. Plan Your Content
  2. Build The Content Model
  3. Add Actual Content
  4. Display Content In Templates

In This Article:

Helpful Concepts

Native vs. Visiting

When looking at design templates to figure out a content model, learn to ask yourself - “Is the content native to this page or visiting?” In other words, does this content live here? If I wanted to link someone to this content, would this be the page that I link them to? Or is the content just “visiting” this page and it lives somewhere else?

Homepages are often a party of visiting content from the rest of the site where in many cases, the hero carousel images are really the only thing unique to the Homepage and the rest of the content is often pulled in from other places like news articles, blog posts, featured products, upcoming events, testimonials, etc. Our setup for this tutorial is similar - we'll have content visiting from the “Work” section.

Thinking about content as being native or visiting is important because it will help you figure out how to organize your Content Model. For our site, since we know the Work/Portfolio content is only visiting the homepage, the Content Model for the Homepage doesn’t need to accommodate any Work information.

Multi-entry & Single Entry

Another template-evaluation question to ask yourself “Is this a multi-entry page or a single-entry page?” The easiest content type to picture here is the standard blog. Blog indexes are usually multi-entry - because they display a listing of your most recent posts. The entire post isn’t usually shown, but rather the title, post date, and a summary or portion of the entire blog post. When you want to read the entire post, you click the title or a read more link. The page you go to can be thought of as the single-entry for that blog post.

Why is this important for Content Modeling? Content Types often get split across multi-entry and single-entry templates. Look at that blog entry again. It could be that the summary on the multi-entry page doesn’t appear on the single-entry page. And the full text of the blog entry that shows on the single-entry doesn’t appear on the multi-entry. The Content Type is split across the views of the content, so you have to look in both places for the bits that make up a Blog Entry.

These next two concepts were also written originally by Mike Boyink and reused with permission.

Step 1 - Establish the Channels

With all of the above in mind, we can start to think about how we want our content structured. In this particular example, we don't have a particular design we're striving for, but in a real-world scenario, that's likely where you'll start to get a sense of the different types of content the site contains. Here's a reminder of our target sitemap for this tutorial:

The most obvious collection of content where we will have multiple entries is "Work," where each Project has its own set of information, but each one will follow a similar structure in terms of the data contained within them.

NOTE: A few more examples that we don't happen to have in this tutorial include things like Blog Posts, News Articles, Products, Events, Locations, Testimonials, Team Members, etc. All of these types of content are best suited to be in a dedicated Channel, and you would consider in the content modeling planning.

Looking to our sitemap, Services is unique in that it has sub-pages, whereas the other pages don't. The sub-pages may not change often, but because Services could likely be added over time, we will be using a single Channel to represent all the pages in that section, including the main Services landing page and the 3 sub-pages (and any future Service sub-pages that may be necessary).

The Home, About, and Contact pages are just single pages, so we'll have a Channel for each and limit those Channels to only hold 1 entry.

NOTE: Remember, there are multiple ways to build in EE, and this tutorial is intentionally only covering native EE methods. It's also possible to have one single Channel that would hold all of the 'single' pages mentioned above, but using separate Channels for each root-level menu item helps to learn the fundamental concepts and default template routing.

So at a high level, our final set of Channels will be:

Step 2 - Establish the Fields in Each Channel

Next, we need to consider carefully the information we want our channels to hold so we know what Fields to create. In a real-world scenario, this is where you look at the specifications of the project or an approved design or direction from the Project Manager, but for this example, we'll be assuming:

  1. The homepage will have a fixed layout with a hero carousel that can have multiple slides, an introductory heading, some introductory text, and links to the latest 3 pieces of work
  2. Each piece of work will also have a fixed layout for consistency where each consists of a project title, a date it was launched, an excerpt to use as a summary, the client's name, a link to the work, the category of work so we can filter by category, a project description and multiple images each with a caption.
  3. The rest of the pages (including the Services and all its sub-pages) will not have a fixed layout, but instead need to allow a layout to be built up using re-usable elements with varying content. For this, we'll use a Fluid Field so users can add multiple types of content in whatever order they'd like, but only using pre-determined Fields that allow us to maintain consistency with content and styling.

NOTE: A Fluid Field is a relatively new and unique fieldtype in ExpressionEngine that allows the content editors to add other Fields that are available to it in any order they want. As we build out this example, you'll understand just how flexible and useful this is.

Default Fields

It's worth pointing out at this stage that EE uses several default fields in every channel because often we can use those instead of having to create our own. Examples include:

Grids & File Grids

You'll get a sense of all the different Fieldtypes I'm proposing as we go through the build, so don't worry too much if you don't know what they are at this stage. However, it is worth explaining Grid and File Grid fields.

Grid fields allow the content editor to add multiple rows of information, where each row can contain multiple columns of data. These are incredibly useful for things like image galleries, carousels, expanding accordion panels, tab groups, or even specific types of content that require multiple parts in a specific format like an address:

Target Homepage Screenshot

File Grid fields are the same concept, but differ in that the first column of each row is a required file (which could be an image or document) and offers a handy drag-and-drop interface where you can select multiple files from your computer and drop them all at once to populate the rows:

Target Homepage Screenshot

Getting back to our tutorial, breaking this down our high-level Channel structure into individual Fields, we'll need:

Homepage Channel

For the Homepage, we're also going to display the newest three Work entries, but notice we don't have an explicit field for that - remember the concept of 'visiting content'. So we will be pulling in this content automatically, and we deliberately don't want the content editor to be able to remove or edit those - their display will be based on dates to always show the latest three. We'll be doing this later when we start working on pulling content through in the templates.

Work Channel

Services & About Channels

Contact Channel

This is a good starting point for a beginner tutorial that showcases a lot of what EE can do without going overboard.

Step 3 - Consider Field Groups

We learned in the last installment that Field Groups allow you to group a selection of Fields and apply the whole group to a Channel at once, so looking at our Channel structure, it makes sense to utilize Field Groups in two places:

  1. Work. This is our largest collection of fields by far, and most of them are exclusive to the Work Channel. This is also the Channel that has the most likelihood of growing over time, so we'll go ahead and create a Field Group to hold all those fields, so we don't have to assign each Field to the Channel, and we can easily add more fields in future.
  2. Pages. Notice the Fields the About and Services Channels will be using are the same - so we'll create a Field Group and assign that to these Channels instead of having to assign individual Fields to each Channel. The fields to include in this Field Group are: Page Heading, Page Intro and Page Builder

You don't necessarily have to use Field Groups at all - you could individually assign Fields to Channels and achieve the same thing. However, it's useful to understand, particularly because in earlier versions of ExpressionEngine, Fields couldn't be shared across Channels, and the Field Groups were exclusively used for assigning groups of Fields to Channels. So if you ever end up working on or upgrading an EE site from before Version 4 of ExpressionEngine, you'll certainly see these being used and want to understand how they work.

Step 4 - Consider Categories & File Upload Directories

In Step 2 above, we identified one place we'll be using Categories (Work entries), several places we'll be using images (Homepage carousel, Work entries, and the Rich Text & Image field that will be available to our Page Builder Field), and one place we'll be linking to documents (the Document Downloads field available to our Page Builder Field). It's worth thinking about these things in the planning stage too.


With categories, it's often the case you need the client's input, so thinking about it now enables you at the very least to request the list from the client, even if you have to start building with incomplete or even dummy categories.

For this tutorial, we'll assume a fairly simple Category structure for the Work channel that matches the Service sub-pages:

File Upload Directories & Image Manipulations

For images and documents, it's more efficient to set up any necessary File Upload Directories before we start building our Fields. Any Field that links to a file can be set to explicitly utilize one specific File Directory rather than allowing the content editor to be able to select from 'all' directories, but only if they're already set up. If they're not set up when creating the Field, you'll have to save the Field with the ability to access 'all' directories, go back and create a new directory, then return and edit the Field - it's definitely doable, and you'll do this many times, but if you get in the habit of thinking about it in the planning and content modeling stages, you'll save yourself some time.

Image Manipulations

At this point, it's worth understanding Image Manipulations. ExpressionEngine can automatically create multiple different versions of uploaded images with different settings based on your needs.

Upload Directory Specific Image Manipulations

This is the original way of using Image Manipulations in EE. Each Upload Directory can have pre-defined Manipulations configured where each one can either be cropped to a specific size or constrained to a maximum width and/or height (while keeping its original aspect ratio) and optionally can also have 'watermarks' applied to them that you can configure.

Upload Directory Image Manipulation Configuration

Using dedicated Upload Directories for images used in specific ways (e.g., Product Images vs News Images vs Gallery Images) allows you to create pre-defined Manipulations specific to how you'll be using images for each use case. For example, your Product Images might need one version to be cropped to 600x400px and another for the thumbnails at 100x150px, but your Gallery Images need a full size version constrained to a maximum of 1800px wide or 1200px tall and a different size cropped thumbnail at exactly 300x200px. So in scenarios where you know you'll be using several different sizes of the same image, using a dedicated Upload Directory with pre-set image manipulations is a good option.

On-the-Fly Image Manipulations

On-the-fly image manipulations are new to EE6 and let us specify in the template what the manipulation should be rather than having to use pre-defined manipulations based on the Upload Directory. On-the-fly image manipulations are created the first time the template renders and stores the manipulated version of the image on the disk, so it's still efficient (i.e., it doesn't have to generate literally for every page-load), but isn't tied to a specific Upload Directory. This is really useful when you want to give the content editor the choice of what Upload Directory to use, but you still want to use specific sized images.

NOTE: Another amazing new addition to EE6 is the ability to convert images to WebP format in templates!

Why Do You Need Multiple Upload Directories?

ExpressionEngine allows you to create multiple Upload Directories, and there are several reasons you might want to use several different directories:

  1. To keep files organized Different Upload Directories literally use different folders in the file system - it's nice to have files and images separated physically based on how they're being used in the site.
  2. To improve usability File Fields allow you to explicitly set which Upload Directory to use - doing this means the content editor doesn't even have to think about which directory to select and forces files used in certain places to go to the right directory, which saves time and effort on every upload.
  3. To limit the type of file that can be used Each EE Upload Directory can be set to either allow Images Only or All Files, which is useful as most site content models need Fields to specifically hold images. Imagine a field that lets the user upload .pdf or .docx files in a place where the templates were creating an image gallery.
  4. To limit the size of file that can be used Each Upload Directory can also be configured to accept a maximum filesize (in kb) of the originally uploaded file and/or if it's an image, a maximum width and height (in pixels). You may want to restrict specific image sizes differently in one place compared to another.
  5. Efficiently utilize directory-specific image Manipulations Though we now have on-the-fly image manipulations, there likely will be certain scenarios where having a pre-defined set of image manipulations makes more sense. If you do have Manipulations setup for an Upload Directory, every single image that is uploaded there gets all of the manipulations created (regardless of if they're actually used), so it's more efficient in terms of disk space usage if pre-defined manipulations only used for Upload Directories where you know you'll be using all the manipulations (e.g., Products or Galleries). Also, if you ever happen to work with an older EE site, understanding this concept is worthwhile.
  6. Restrict access based on Member Role This is more advanced, and we won't be diving into membership in this tutorial, but each Upload Directory can also be restricted to only allow access to certain Member Roles. An example of this would be using different directories to hold files from different types of website members.

Our Plan for File Upload Directories

So for our purposes in this tutorial, we'll plan to set up 4 separate Upload Directories:

  1. Hero Banners, which will be images only and we won't restrict the filesize, but we will create a Manipulation that creates a cropped image at 1110x500px
  2. Work Images, which will be the same, but we'll need different Manipulation sizes
  3. Page Images, which we'll use to hold images uploaded to the Rich Text & Image field available in our Page Builder Field - this time though, we won't use pre-set Image Manipulations, but instead we'll manipulate these images on-the-fly.
  4. Documents, which can hold all types of files, and we'll use this for holding any documents uploaded in the Document Downloads field available in our Page Builder Field.

What's Next?

So far, everything we’ve done is CMS-agnostic. We’ve looked at the end goal and broken it down into a generic Content Model. In the following chapters, we'll actually get to building in ExpressionEngine, which starts with installing the CMS in Part 4.

As mentioned in the Overview, I'm assuming you know how to set up a development environment and have PHP and MySQL/Percona available. This tutorial won't cover how to set up the environment, or even installing EE as this is well documented already and I'm deliberately not mentioning software versions or system requirements because those tend to change (shocking!) and are well documented already. If setting up an environment is a struggle, let us know and perhaps we'll do a separate tutorial or find one that exists already, and link to it - that part is completely CMS agnostic.

In This Article:

Step 1 - Install EE

I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here but instead let EE's own guide on how to install EE walk you through this process. One thing to note though is that for this tutorial, you don't want to install the 'default theme' - to follow along, you'll want a totally blank installation:

Default theme not set

NOTE: Feel free to set up another site where you do install the default theme at installation - it's worth reviewing how others build in EE too because, as I've said before, there are lots of different ways to do things in EE, so someone else's perspective might be just what you need. This seems like a good place to draw attention to the EE Slack Channel - there are lots of friendly people there (myself included) who are happy to answer questions and give suggestions.

For this tutorial, I've set up EE to run from the domain example.com, and I'm using my local 'hosts' file to force the DNS. Your setup can, of course, use whatever domain, subdomain, or IP you'd like, but throughout this tutorial, just remember I'm using example.com, so that's what I'll refer to. You can substitute for your setup as necessary.

Once installed, you should be able to load example.com (which will just be an empty page) and get the Control Panel login screen at example.com/admin.php. The Control Panel, or "CP," is the site's administration area that will be heavily used in building the site and heavily used by the content editors and website owners to manage the content going forward.

Step 2 - Implement Recommended Best Practices

Read through EE's Post-Installation Best Practices page and implement all 3:

For referencing purposes throughout this tutorial, I'll still use "system" when referencing the /system/ folder. However, in your setup, it should either be renamed or above the webroot. To ease packaging up the code at various places along the way, I've opted to keep the system inside the webroot for this particular tutorial but have renamed it to "xyz_system".

Step 3 - Set and Review Basic EE Settings

  1. Log in to the CMS using the new name for admin.php (e.g. example.com/razzle.php) EE6 Login Screen
  2. Name your site: click the green link in the top-left or use the Settings button in the main menu, then set the name of your site and save the settings Name your site link
  3. Review the rest of the settings accessible in the Settings section, noting there are several groups of settings in the left sub-navigation. Settings link

NOTE: throughout the CMS, using both{base_url} and {base_path} during development whenever settings request a URL or PATH makes transferring or launching the site to a different domain much easier. If these two variables are used consistently, all you have to do to move or launch the site is update two settings. Using config overrides makes this even easier as you can set these variables in the same place you update the database connection credentials.

  1. Update the Outgoing Email address at Settings > Outgoing Email to an address that matches the domain of the site to help avoid spam filters (e.g., noreply@example.com) Outgoing email settings
  2. Review the EE configuration file at /system/user/config/config.php

    This is where you can easily set or update various settings for the site directly from the file system - you'll get very familiar with updating this file as it's where the database connection credentials are stored and where you add system configuration overrides. Config overrides set in this main configuration file do just that - override whatever was set before in the Control Panel - so if you're trying to change a setting in the Control Panel, but it doesn't appear to be changing, check the /system/user/config/config.php file to see if an override is in place.

What's Next?

With ExpressionEngine installed, we're now ready to create our Content Model from Part 3 by building out or Channels, Field Groups, Fields, Category Groups, Categories, and Upload Directories where EE actually stores and content editors can create and update the content.

With ExpressionEngine installed and a clear idea of what we're going to build from our Content Model from Part 3, we can go ahead and start building out our Content Model in ExpressionEngine. This will be a pretty long but very practical installment to the tutorial that will walk you through step-by-step (and sub-steps!) how to create what we planned in Part 3. So let's get started!

In This Article:

Step 1 - Prepare the Upload Directories

As I mentioned before, it's way easier to set these up before creating the Fields where we want to force uploaded files to go to a certain place. Repeat the following steps 1-7 for each of our 4 directories we planned in Part 3.

REMINDER: In Part 3, the directories we planned were:

  • Hero Banners used for images only with one Manipulation
  • Work Images used for images only, but we'll setup two Manipulations
  • Page Images used for images only, but no pre-defined Manipulations* (we'll do them on-the-fly in the templates)
  • Documents, all file types to hold PDFs, etc
  1. Create the directory in the file system within your webroot where you want images to be stored, e.g./images/uploads/work - this can be wherever you want, but any files uploaded this directory will be accessible from that physical location, e.g. example.com/images/uploads/work/sample.jpg
  2. Log in to the Control Panel, then go to Files in the main menu, then click New next to the Upload Directories

    Files > New

  3. Add the name for the directory

    Directory name

  4. For the Upload directory field, use {base_url} plus the directory name, eg {base_url}images/uploads/work


    Directory URL

  5. Similarly, for the Upload path field, use {base_path} plus the directory name eg {base_path}images/uploads/work

    Directory path

  6. For directories used only for images, leave the allowed file types set to 'Images.' For our Documents directory, set it to allow 'All file types'

    Directory file types

  7. Add appropriate Manipulations - you can always come back later and add more Manipulations, but go ahead and set up the ones you know you want now
    • For Hero Banners, I'm creating a Crop named "large" with the width set to 1110 and height 500
    • For Work Images, I'm creating two again, this time one Crop which I'll use for thumbnails, and one Constrain which we'll link to for the full view
      • "large", Constrain, width 1800, height 1200
      • "thumbnail", Crop, width 300, height 200

        NOTE: Using Constrain and only supplying one value will only constrain the generated image against that value. Supplying both values will constrain against both, but in either case, the aspect ratio of the image will never change.

    • For Page Images, we won't create any fixed Manipulations, but instead, we'll use on-the-fly image manipulations, which is new in EE6.

Image manipulations example

Tip: Upload Directories are ordered alphabetically whenever they're listed, so if you want them in a specific order (say to group image vs document directories), start the names with numbers, e.g., 1. Hero Images, 2. Work Images, etc.

NOTE: The original image the editor uploads is always maintained, so it's also possible to go back to a File Upload Directory's Manipulations and change the configuration later, then synchronize the whole directory to re-create the different generated version from the original file. You do this by going to Files, editing an existing directory with the pencil icon that appears when you hover over a directory name, then using the 'refresh' icon button in the top-right.

Directory Sync

Step 2 - Create a Category Group for the Work Channel

You could do this simultaneously as creating the Channel itself, but given we've already planned for it, we'll go ahead and do this now, so it's ready to just assign when we come to create the Work Channel. It's useful to know because this is how you can manage Categories after launch too.

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Categories from the main menu and click Add New to add a Category Group

    Add category group

  2. Give the category group a name (in our case, "Work") and then Save

    NOTE: You'll see the Save button has a dropdown with additional ways to save something in EE but with additional actions:

    Save options

    The normal Save button will save what you're working on but leave you on the edit page so you can make additional changes after you save. Save & New will save whatever you're editing and open the screen to create a new one (regardless of what that is - it could be an entry, category, category group, etc.). Then Save & Close will save what you're editing but close that screen and typically take you back up a step depending on what you're editing. In this case, if you Save & Close instead of Save, it'll take you to the Categories main page, which because there's only one Category Group, will go ahead and select it for you.

  3. Click the "Work" label in the Category Groups sub-navigation to see the categories in that group (which there aren't any yet)
  4. Click New Category to add a category to the group, providing at least a category name, which will auto-generate the category's URL Title, which will be used in the URLs, e.g. example.com/work/category/graphic-design

    Add category

  5. Create as many categories as needed, and of course, you can come back here to add more later - make sure to add 'Descriptions' to your categories too, as we'll pull these through on the Work landing page where a specific category is selected.

NOTE: You can re-order and nest categories by clicking and dragging the hamburger icon:

Reorder categories

Step 3 - Create Individual Fields

Particularly with new projects where you've done the planning and know what Fields you need, it's worth creating all the Fields before creating Channels, but of course, you can always create new Fields later and associate them with Field Groups or Channels directly later on. EE also allows you to create Fields and Field Groups on the fly as you're creating a Channel, and you may prefer to work this way, so for this tutorial, I'll use both methods. First, we'll create the majority of our Fields and Field Groups, but we'll deliberately skip the Homepage Fields so that in the next step, we can add those at the same time as creating the Homepage Channel. Similarly, with our two Field Groups (Work and Pages), we'll create Fields first for one and the group for the other. In both cases, which way you do it doesn't matter so long as everything is associated correctly.

Creating Fields

Go to the Developer from the main menu, then go to Developer > Fields :

Developer > Fields

and note we have no Fields or Field Groups yet. So first, we'll create some stand-alone fields that aren't in any groups. For each one, the process is:

  1. From Developer > Fields, click the blue New Field button in the top-right

    New Field button

  2. Choose the type of field, which determines the type of content. You should read up on the available fieldtypes in the documentation

    Field Type selection

  3. Add a 'Name' for your field - this is what the content editor will see as the field label when editing content. Also, note the short_name is automatically generated - this is what we use in the templates to access that field

    Field Name & Short Name

  4. Add any Instructions or settings you want:
    • Instructions show between the field label and the actual field on the Edit Entry screen and are used for giving additional information, for example, stating the ideal image size for images:

      Field Instructions

    • Some settings such as 'Require field?', 'Include in search?' and 'Hide field?' are default field settings that apply to any type of field:

      Field Settings

    • The rest of the settings available will vary depending on the type of field you're using, so look through those carefully for each field you create and set them appropriately
  5. Once done, click the Save button at the bottom - remember, using the dropdown and choosing Save and New will save the current Field and create a new one allowing you to quickly add several Fields in a row.

TIP: Even if the site you're building doesn't have a search function, pretend it does when building out the Fields and set the 'Include in search?' toggle accordingly right from the start - this way, when the client inevitably asks for a search function, you're already set. Make sure to set 'columns' inside Grid and File Grid fields to be searchable too.

For our specific example, use the same process above to create the following Fields. Unless otherwise specified, use the default settings/options. Remember, Grid and File Grid fields allow us to create sub-fields or 'columns,' so I've defined those below too:

Fields for the Page Builder

While we're creating individual fields, we'll also go ahead and create the fields that will be accessible to our Page Builder Fluid Field. Remember that a Fluid Field can be assigned to a channel and give the editor the ability to add different fields in whatever order they'd like. So go ahead and repeat the process above for the following Fields, but manually update the short_name to start with "ff_" so we can identify fields intended to be used inside a Fluid Field:

Create the Page Builder Fluid Field Itself

Now that we have our Fields created, which we want accessible to the Page Builder, we can create the Page Builder field itself. Following the same steps as before:

  1. Again, go to Developer > Fields then click the blue New Field button
  2. Select 'Fluid' from the Type dropdown
  3. Name the field "Page Builder"
  4. Turn on 'Include in search'
  5. Under 'Field Options', check the fields we just created above from the list, so all the Fields where the short name starts with "ff_" are selected:

    Page Builder fields applied

  6. Save & Close by using the dropdown next to the Save button

NOTE: A Fluid Field is just like any other field in that it must be assigned to a Channel (or a Field Group that is assigned to a Channel) before it can actually be used.

Step 4 - Field Groups

In our planning stage, we defined two Field Groups we would utilize, so we'll create those next. For our Pages Field Group, all the fields already exist, so it's just a matter of assigning all the fields while creating the group:

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Developer > Fields, then under the "Field Groups" heading in the left sidebar, click the blue New button:

    Create new field group

  2. Set the name to "Pages" and check the fields we planned to use here: Page Heading, Page Intro and Page Builder:

    Pages field group

  3. Save & Close - it's that simple!

For the Work Field Group, we deliberately didn't create the fields individually earlier to show you how EE lets you do this on the fly:

  1. Again, go to Developer > Fields and again, under the "Field Groups" heading in the left sidebar, click the blue New button
  2. Set the name to "Work" and this time click the grey Add Field button at the bottom of the list of existing fields:

    Add field on the fly

  3. Note the slide-in New Field form that looks exactly like what we used earlier via Developer > Fields > New Field - adding a Field here automatically creates the Field and includes it in the group we're creating.

Using this method, we'll go ahead and create all of our Work Channel Fields. Looking back at our Content Model plan though, we'll be using several of EE's Default Fields, so the Project Title, Entry Date, and Categories don't need to be created. Additionally, we will be re-using the Page Heading field we created earlier, so we only need to create the following:

Remember we also want to re-use the Page Heading field we created earlier, so once you're done adding new fields to the Work Field Group, go back to Developer > Fields and in the left sidebar you can see the two Field Groups we created. Clicking on the name allows you to see (and search if you need to) the fields that are assigned to that group, but the little pencil icon button that appears when you hover over the name is where you can go to edit the field assignments:

Edit field group assignments

So the final step here is to click the pencil icon next to the Work Field Group and make sure Page Heading is also checked in the list of Fields assigned to this group, then Save the Field Group changes:

Work Field Group fields

NOTE: Remember, I've deliberately not yet created the Field for the Homepage Hero Carousel simply so I can show you the alternative way of creating Fields while creating a Channel, which we'll do in the next chapter.

What's Next?

So now we have all of our Fields setup. In the next installment, we'll continue building our Content Model by setting up the Channels and actually adding content so we have something to output in our templates. We'll also take a look at "Publish Layouts," which are EE's way of letting you organize how the Fields in each Channel appear when editing an Entry.

In the last chapter, we created the bulk of our Content Model, but we can't add any content to those fields until we connect those Fields and Field Groups to Channels to create actual Entries. In this chapter, we'll tie everything together by creating the Channels so we can create content to pull through in the templates.

In This Article:

Step 1 - Create Our Channels

Because we've done all the groundwork, this step will go pretty quick. The general steps to creating a channel are:

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Developer > Channels and click the blue New Channel button in the top-right to add one

    Create new channel

  2. For each Channel, enter the Name and note the Short name is automatically generated (just like the URL Title default field when creating Entries)

    Channel name

  3. If desired, you can set a maximum number of entries, which we'll do for the Homepage, About, and Contact Channels

    Max channel entries

  4. Note you can also 'Duplicate an existing channel,' which essentially pre-selects all the same settings, but you can always adjust those individually later

    Duplicate channel

  5. Progress through each of the tabs at the top to configure each Channel:

    Channel settings tabs

    • Fields tab: Rename the default Title field label if you wish and assign Field Groups and/or individual Fields. You can also add new fields directly from this tab if you haven't pre-created them, which we'll do for our Homepage Hero Carousel
    • Category tab: Assign a Category Group (which we'll do for our Work Channel)
    • Statuses tab: Set which Statuses can be used and create new ones if needed
    • Settings tab: Holds many other advanced Settings - we won't be looking at these in this tutorial, but feel free to take a look to get an idea of some of the features EE offers out of the box. Maybe I'll do some more advanced tutorials later

Following the steps above, go ahead and create all of our Channels:

Homepage Channel

About Channel

Services Channel

Contact Channel

Work Channel

So now we have all our Channels set up and ready to start adding content! By now, you should be pretty familiar with the Fields, so let's go ahead and add some content.

Step 2 - Adding Content

The primary way to manage Entries in EE is through the Entries option in the main menu. When you hover over Entries, you'll get a flyout with options for each of our Channels where clicking on the name of each Channel takes you to the list of all Entries in that channel that you can edit and clicking the + button next to the name will create a new Entry in that Channel. If the Channel has reached its maximum number of Entries, you won't be able to add a new one, but of course, you can still view and edit existing Entries:

Entries menu flyout

NOTE: You can also create new Entries when viewing a list of Entries in a specific Channel using the blue button in the top-right:

New In Work button

Adding the Homepage

  1. Hover over Entries in the main menu and click the + next to the Homepage Channel, and you'll see an empty Publish form
  2. Set the Title to "Home" and note the URL Title is auto-generated
  3. Add a Page Heading and some text to the Page Intro field, noting you can use the Rich Text tools
  4. The Hero Slider Grid field lets you drag multiple images from your computer into the 'drop zone,' and it'll create one row in the Grid for each. Add some photos (noting the ideal image size we set in the Instructions), then set the Headings and Text for each. You can also rearrange the rows by dragging & dropping using the Reorder button button, delete rows using the Delete buttonbutton and add new rows by either dragging and dropping another image into the 'drop zone' or with either the Choose Existing or Upload New buttons:

    Choose Existing and Upload New buttons

  5. In this case, we don't need any of the other Fields in any of the other Tabs, so just save the Entry using the Save button

    NOTE: No changes will be made to the database unless you click the Save button or one of the options under the Save dropdown!

Adding Work Entries

Follow the same steps above to create several Work Entries, adding new Entries via Entries > Work. Things to note as you do this:

Don't spend too long on this - just use a bunch of dummy text as the content you add isn't important here - we're just filling up the content so we have something to output to the templates in the next chapter.

Adding the Other Pages

Go ahead and do the same thing to create all of our other pages:

  1. "Contact" page
  2. "About" page
  3. "Services" landing page - for the landing page, remember to set the 'Default Page' Status on the Options tab
  4. Each of the 3x Services sub-pages:
    • "Graphic Design"
    • "Web Development"
    • "Digital Marketing"

Again, don't worry too much about the content itself; just get content in there to have something to output. When adding the About page, go ahead and add at least one of each of the individual fields to our Page Builder Fluid Field so that we have all of them present on one page, which we'll focus on when building out the templates for the Page Builder. Feel free to re-use individual fields like Rich Text and Rich Text & Image but with different options selected.

Using the Page Builder Fluid Field

While adding content to the About and Service pages, you'll notice the Page Builder field is empty. Remember, a Fluid Field lets the content editor add content by adding individual fields in whatever order they want. Remember, we set up several individual fields that we made available to our Page Builder. To add content, use the Add dropdown, and when you click it, you'll see you can choose from the individual fields we set up to be accessible here. Here are some tips on using a Fluid Field:

File Manager

You may have also noticed that wherever we have File or File Grid fields, you have access to the File Manager, which is where you upload images and documents, but it's worth noting a few things:

Conflicts When Uploading Files

If you ever try to upload a file (whether it be an image or document) to any directory where that exact filename already exists in that directory, you'll get a 'conflict,' and you'll have to resolve it using one of three options.

File upload conflict

Let's say we were uploading the file koala.jpg, and it already exists in the directory we're trying to upload to. The options are:

If there's a conflict when dragging & dropping files into the 'drop zone' of a File or File Grid Field, you'll have to click the Resolve Conflict button to launch the popup where you can decide how to resolve it:

Drop zone conflict

NOTE: Following on from above, it's good to consider your file names before you upload them, particularly for files that might ever need to be updated. For example, Menu-July-2020.pdf is a bad choice because as soon as you have to update the file, you'll also have to go back through the site, update all the links to it, and search engines that had indexed it will be linking to an old file. It also does not indicate where it's from or what kind of menu it is. Instead, consider something like Restaraunt-Name-Current-Dinner-Menu.pdf, which you can just replace as necessary but without ever changing the public URL.

Step 3 - Publish Layouts

In previous steps, we've created Fields and Field Groups and then assigned those to individual Channels to establish what Fields are available when adding or editing Entries. However, depending on how and when you created and assigned various Fields, you may have noticed that the Fields might not be ordered in a logical way for your content editors. Additionally, you will undoubtedly add fields over time, and new Fields are just added at the bottom of the list, which may not be ideal. Generally speaking, it makes sense to order the fields in a Channel in the same order they're utilized in the output on the page.

Publish Layouts let us optimize the editing experience by reordering Fields available to each Channel and grouping fields into tabs. By default, EE Channels have 4 tabs we touched on in the last step:

However, these can easily be customized on a per-Channel basis. How you do it is up to you, but your goal should be to give the best editing experience to your content editors.

To create or edit Publish Layouts:

  1. Go to Developer > Channels in the main menu, then use the Layouts button button towards the far-right of any Channel to view or edit the Publish Layouts for that Channel
  2. To start with, there won't be any Layouts, so click the blue New Layout button to create a new one, then name your Layout (which is for your reference only - editors don't see this) check the Super Admin role:

    Publish Layout name and role

  3. Below that, you'll see the default Tabs at the top, and any Fields assigned to the Channel in the default 'Publish' tab

    Publish Layout tabs

Make whatever changes you'd like, such as:

  1. Once you're done, save your Publish Layout with Save and repeat for each of your Channels

NOTE: You can also set up different Publish Layouts for different Member Roles if you have different types of CMS users. We aren't covering that in this tutorial, but it's worth being aware of.

What's Next?

At this point, we have our Content Model built out in ExpressionEngine and have created our Channels and Entries in those channels with actual content. The next step is to build out our Templates, which is how EE outputs the content to the browser when certain URLs are requested. Templating is where we actually start seeing things come together, so let's get started!

In this chapter, we’ll be laying the foundations for working with EE templates. Technically a ‘template’ is just a container that outputs information. You might be tempted to think each template is a single page, but as we go through this tutorial, you’ll see they’re so much more than that and can be used in several different ways. Take the time to read through EE’s Template Overview page, then come back and continue.

The key takeaway is this:

“Templates can be considered as a single page of your site, but they’re much more than that. In ExpressionEngine, a template can be any of the following:

  • An entire webpage of your site.
  • A sub-section of your site, like a header or footer.
  • A page that can output various information types (RSS, CSS, HTML, XML, etc.) Because a Template is just a container that outputs information, you can create Templates for any type of data you need to present (RSS, CSS, HTML, XML, etc.). Templates can also be a smaller component of your page. Through the use of the Embed Tag you can insert a Template into another Template.”

In This Article:

Assuming you actually did read the Docs, you’ll have also seen that EE templates are stored in Template Groups and use a default routing path like example.com/template_group/template, but there are a few things worth noting:

NOTE: EE references templates by group and template name without the group and template extensions, so in the future, I’ll refer to the site.group/index.html template as site/index

So the first thing we’ll do is create our default Template Group and we’ll use the index.html template that’s generated when we create the group for our Homepage.

Step 1 - Create A Default Template Group

  1. Go to Developer > Templates from the main menu and note there are no Template Groups found. Use the blue New button to add our first Template Group: No template groups

  2. Note that the 'Make default group' toggle is enabled and name this first Template Group site as we'll use it for various global templates later on - use all lowercase for both template groups and template names. Then click Save Template Group to save.

  3. This will automatically create an index.html template inside the group, and because it's the default group, this will be the template that loads for example.com. These groups and templates are found in the filesystem at /system/user/templates/default_site/

  4. Also, note you can add Templates and Template Groups just by adding files and '.group' directories to the filesystem

  5. In your text editor, find the site.group directory and edit the index.html template. Then just add "Hello world!" and save it.

    NOTE: You can edit templates within the EE Control Panel if you wanted or were in a pinch by clicking the name of the template or the 'pencil' icon under the 'Manage' column:

    Index template

    Template changes will automatically sync regardless of where you edit them; however, working with a text editor is much more efficient, so recommended.

  6. Go to your browser and go to example.com (or whatever your setup is to get to the webroot) and note that our index.html template is now rendering - you should see your "Hello world!"

Step 2 - Expand Our site/index Template

Now that we can actually load a template and see the output, let’s expand on it so we have a workable framework. Remember, for this tutorial, we’re not going to get fancy with the frontend - once you have content output, you can always go back through and implement custom styles or integrate a pre-coded HTML ‘theme’ or however you typically work. In this tutorial, we will use the basic features of Bootstrap.

  1. Copy & paste in the ‘Starter Template’ from the latest version of Bootstrap ( found here at the time of writing - find the latest one if the link doesn’t work)

  2. In the <head>, update the <title> and add your own stylesheet after Bootstrap’s styles - for simplicity, I’ve just put the styles.css file in the webroot

  3. Add a simple header & footer with simple menu links and add containers to restrict content width

  4. Update “Hello World!” to an H1

So far, you should have something like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Required meta tags -->
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

  <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css">

  <title>My Portfolio Site</title>
      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="/services">Services</a></li>
          <li><a href="/work">Work</a></li>
          <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
          <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

    <section class="container">
      <h1>Welcome To My Portfolio Site</h1>

      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="/services">Services</a></li>
          <li><a href="/work">Work</a></li>
          <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
          <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
      <div class="copyright">
        <div class="container">
          &copy; 2020 Example Portfolio Site All rights reserved unless explicitly stated.

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-OgVRvuATP1z7JjHLkuOU7Xw704+h835Lr+6QL9UvYjZE3Ipu6Tp75j7Bh/kR0JKI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

To add some basic styles, add the following to styles.css in the webroot:

/* http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/ v2.0 | 20110126 License: none (public domain) */
html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td, article, aside, canvas, details, embed,  figure, figcaption, footer, header, hgroup,  menu, nav, output, ruby, section, summary, time, mark, audio, video { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-size: 100%; font: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; }
article, aside, details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section { display: block; }
body { line-height: 1; }
ol, ul { list-style: none; }
blockquote, q { quotes: none; }
blockquote:before, blockquote:after,
q:before, q:after { content: ''; content: none; }
table { border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0; }

/* Typograpy */
body { font-size: 18px; line-height: 1.3; }
h1, .h1 { font-size: 2em; margin-bottom: 20px; color: #0d86d6; }
h2 { font-size: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 15px; color: #0d86d6; }
h2 small { font-size: 0.7em; }
h3 { font-size: 1.2em; margin-bottom: 12px; }
img { max-width: 100%; height: initial; }
p { margin-bottom: 15px; }
em { font-style: italic; }
strong { font-weight: bold; }
a { color: #0d86d6; }
a:hover, a:focus { color: #0d86d6; text-decoration: underline; }
.button { background: #0d86d6; color: #FFF; padding: 5px 10px; }
.button:hover, .button:focus { background: #006cb9; color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; }

/* Example Photography Site styles */
header { background: #CCC; padding: 10px 0; margin-bottom: 30px; }
footer { background: #CCC; padding-top: 10px; margin-top: 30px; }
.copyright { background: #BBB; padding: 10px 0; margin-top: 10px; }
header .container, footer .container { display: flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; }
.logo { display: inline-block; }
.nav { display: inline-flex; }
.nav a { padding: 10px; font-size: 1.1em; }
.nav a:hover, .nav a:focus { background: #0d86d6; color: #FFF; text-decoration: none; }
.carousel { margin: 45px 0; }
.carousel-caption { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.75); padding: 20px; }
.carousel-caption * { color: #FFF; }
iframe { width: 100%; max-width: 100%; }
.row { margin: 25px 0; }
.row > div.Black { background: #000; padding: 30px 30px 15px; color: #FFF; }
.row > div.Black *:not(a) { color: #FFF; }
.row > div.Grey { background: #CCC; padding: 30px 30px 15px; }
.gallery > div { margin-bottom: 15px; }
.gallery > a { display: block; margin: 15px 0; }
form input, form textarea { width: 100%; padding: 5px 10px; }
.paging a { display: inline-block; background: #F2F2F2; padding: 2px 8px; margin: 0 2px; }
.paging strong { display: inline-block; background: #0d86d6; color: #FFF; padding: 2px 8px; margin: 0 2px; }

Again, we’re not trying to get fancy with styling, and for simplicity, we’re just using plain ol’ CSS. You can, of course, build with whatever structure, workflow, compilers, etc. that you want, but we’re keeping it simple for this tutorial.

Step 3 - Stay DRY with Template Layouts

Now that we have global elements like the header and footer, we don’t ever want to have to duplicate that code, so we’ll implement Template Layouts right from the beginning.

  1. Create a new Template Group to hold our Layouts and a ‘wrapper’ template. Previously we went to Developer > Templates then used the New Template Group button to do this in the CP, but you can also add files to the filesystem, so try it that way this time:
    • Add a layouts.group folder under /system/user/templates/default_site/
    • Inside that directory, add an HTML template for our layout named _wrapper.html - the underscore is a convention indicating this template won’t be referenced by a URL. Instead, it’s a private template we’ll only be referencing from other templates
  2. Cut and paste the start and end of our site/index template to move everything except what’s inside our ‘container’ section to our layouts/_wrapper template

  3. Still in layouts/_wrapper, add the {layout:contents} variable where we want page contents to appear (i.e., inside our ‘container’ section)

  4. Back in the site/index template, specify what layout to use on the very first line with {layout="layouts/_wrapper"}

NOTE: If you now go back to Developer > Templates, you should see the new Template Group, and if you click into that, you should see the new _wrapper Template. You’ll also see the default index template, which we won’t be using, but that’s ok.

So now you should have two templates that have content in them:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Required meta tags -->
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

  <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css">

  <title>My Portfolio Site</title>
      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="/services">Services</a></li>
          <li><a href="/work">Work</a></li>
          <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
          <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>

    <section class="container">

      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
        <ul class="nav">
          <li><a href="/services">Services</a></li>
          <li><a href="/work">Work</a></li>
          <li><a href="/about">About</a></li>
          <li><a href="/contact">Contact</a></li>
      <div class="copyright">
        <div class="container">
          &copy; 2020 Example Portfolio Site All rights reserved unless explicitly stated.

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-OgVRvuATP1z7JjHLkuOU7Xw704+h835Lr+6QL9UvYjZE3Ipu6Tp75j7Bh/kR0JKI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

<h1>Welcome To My Portfolio Site</h1>

Now when you visit example.com, EE loads our site/index template, which uses our layouts/_wrapper template and combines the two templates to give the result we want, but in a way, we can reuse the _wrapper for other pages and stay DRY. You should see exactly what you saw earlier. For a deeper look into Template Layouts, check out this video.

Step 4 - Stay DRY with Template Partials & Template Variables

So now we’ve utilized Template Layouts to separate our overall page wrapper from individual template code, but we still have some duplicated content in our wrapper.

Template Partials

Notice the menu links are duplicated in the header and footer, so if those ever need to be updated, you’d have to do it in two places. This is the perfect place to use a Template Partial, which are “are small bits of reusable template or tag parts,” which is perfect for this kind of thing. To start with, we’re just going to have static HTML, but it’s worth noting that partials can contain dynamic content too. Anything that could go in a regular Template can also go in a Template Partial and be reused.

So to set this up for our scenario:

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Developer > Templates, then toward the bottom of the left sidebar, go to Template Partials and click the blue Create New button

  2. Enter a Name, which becomes a single variable tag we can use in the templates. You want the name to be clear to what it is and have a clear naming convention, so you know it’s a partial (vs. a ‘variable’) and similar to Template Groups and Templates, I recommend all lowercase. So for this reason, I suggest the Name par_menu_links_list

  3. Paste in the code you want to be able to reuse - in this case, the complete <ul> tag, then save the partial

  1. In our layouts/_wrapper template, replace the duplicated <ul> code with our new partial variable: {par_menu_links_list}, eg:
         <div class="container">
           <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
  1. Save and refresh your browser

    Once you create a Template Partial, you’ll see a new directory alongside your Template Groups in the file system named _partials - partials also get saved as files, so just like any other template, you can edit these with your text editor too. You can also create and use partials by adding .html files into this directory.

Template Variables

Template Variables are similar to Template Partials in how they’re created and used within templates, but they’re designed to hold static information that we might want the content editors to be able to change. Take a look at the Template Variable documentation do understand the differences between variables and partials. For naming conventions here, I always start with var_, in our example, go ahead and:

  1. In the Control Panel, go to Developer > Templates then in the left sidebar, click Template Variables and click the blue Create New button

  2. For the Name, enter var_copyright_text and paste into the Content: "All rights reserved unless explicitly stated." and save

  3. In our layouts/_wrapper template, replace that text with {var_copyright_text}, eg:

   <div class="copyright">
     <div class="container">
       © 2020 Example Portfolio Site {var_copyright_text}

Global Variables

ExpressionEngine also has several Global Variables we can use - it’s worth reviewing these , but specifically, in the code snippet above, we can use {site_name} to pull through the Site Name from the Settings and {current_time} with some Date Formatting to display the current year, with formatting it looks like this: {current_time format="%Y"}.

So pulling all of this together, our final layouts/_wrapper template looks like this:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
  <!-- Required meta tags -->
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

  <!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" integrity="sha384-9aIt2nRpC12Uk9gS9baDl411NQApFmC26EwAOH8WgZl5MYYxFfc+NcPb1dKGj7Sk" crossorigin="anonymous">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/styles.css">

  <title>My Portfolio Site</title>
      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>

    <section class="container">

      <div class="container">
        <a class="logo" href="/"><img src="/images/example.png" alt="Example" /></a>
      <div class="copyright">
        <div class="container">
          &copy; {current_time format="%Y"} {site_name} {var_copyright_text}

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.5.1.slim.min.js" integrity="sha384-DfXdz2htPH0lsSSs5nCTpuj/zy4C+OGpamoFVy38MVBnE+IbbVYUew+OrCXaRkfj" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
    <script src="https://stackpath.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.5.0/js/bootstrap.min.js" integrity="sha384-OgVRvuATP1z7JjHLkuOU7Xw704+h835Lr+6QL9UvYjZE3Ipu6Tp75j7Bh/kR0JKI" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

What’s Next?

Now we have a functioning template, but we currently only have one page working, and there’s not even any of our content that we carefully built up and added to the site through the Control Panel. In the next chapter, we’ll continue working with our site/index template and build out our other ‘Single Entry’ templates too.

Remember back in our planning chapter when we touched on the difference between Single Entry and Multi-entry content types. Our Content Model has two Channels that hold multiple entries (Services that holds the main Services landing page plus several sub-pages and Work that holds all of our portfolio entries). Still, the Homepage, About page, and Contact page are all examples of Single Entry content, and this is a better place to start actually building.

Before we dive in, though, I highly suggest taking the time to read through EE’s own documentation on the Template Language and while you’re there, note that there is very extensive documentation on EE Templates - make sure to utilize the documentation as you’re learning.

In This Article:

Step 1: Building Our Homepage

We already have a working template for our Homepage, our site/index template, but so far the only content is hard-coded, so we want to update that to pull in the fields we built out, assigned to the Homepage Channel, and then populated in earlier chapters.

Displaying ‘Native’ Content with the Channel Entries Tag

We retrieve content stored inside our Channels using EE’s most powerful tag: the Channel Entries Tag. At a high level, this tag can either output a single Entry or loop through multiple Entries in a Channel (or multiple Channels if needed) and outputs whatever content you want. The tag can accept certain parameters to further refine what Entries get included in the loop, but its most basic usage is very simple.

  1. Replace the hard-coded <h1> in site/index with the following, save, then refresh your browser:

    The result is that the tag loops through literally all of our Entries (from all Channels) and outputs everything between the opening and closing tags for each Entry in the loop, so in this case, we get one <h1> tag populated with EE’s default {title}single variable’ output to the page.

  2. Now try adding the channel and limit parameters to the opening exp:channel:entries tag:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="homepage" limit="1"}

    The result here is what we’re looking for - we just want to display one Entry from our Homepage Channel. Technically we don’t need the limit here because our Homepage Channel is limited to 1 Entry, but it’s a good habit to get into for Single Entry templates.

  3. Next, we want to output our Page Heading and Page Intro fields:
    • The Page Intro field is a Rich Text fieldtype, so the content it outputs already has HTML included in it, so we can literally just output the {page_intro} tag right after our <h1>:
      {exp:channel:entries channel="homepage" limit="1"}
    • The Page Heading, however, we had intended to use as a way for the user to specify the page’s main heading, but by default, we want to load EE’s default Title like we’re already doing and only override that if the Page Heading field is populated. The way we do this is by using Conditional Tags. It’s definitely worth reading the documentation here too, because there’s a ton of stuff you can do with Conditional Tags. I’ll try to incorporate as many examples as possible, but seriously, RTFM. The most basic conditional is the {if} tag:
      {if condition} data to show if condition is met {/if}

      which can also be used with {if:else} and {if:elseif}:

      {if condition_1}
        Condition 1 is true
      {if:elseif condition_2}
        Condition 1 is false, but Condition 2 is true
        Neither condition is true

      So inside our <h1> tag, we will check to see if the Page Heading exists and if so, display that, otherwise, output the default EE Title:

      {exp:channel:entries channel="homepage" limit="1"}
          {if page_heading}

      NOTE: We don’t need a conditional around our Page Intro field - because this field is Rich Text, we don’t need any surrounding HTML because the HTML is part of the field output based on what the user enters into the editor. If nothing is added to the Page Intro field, the {page_intro} variable tag will just not display anything at all.

  4. Finally, we want to pull in our Hero Carousel field. Grid and File Grid fields use Variable Pairs - remember, our Hero Carousel can have multiple rows and each of those can have multiple columns (or sub-fields). Just like the {exp:channel:entries} tag has an opening and closing tag to loop through all the Entries, Grid and File Grid fields have opening and closing tag and loop through all the rows of content.

    NOTE: Again, like the {exp:channel:entries} tag, opening tags for Grid and File Grid fields can also accept parameters to filter the output - it’s definitely worth keeping in mind the documentation for Fieldtypes as you’ll use this a lot.

    The opening and closing tags use the ‘short name’ of the main field (in our case hero_carousel), and then in each row, or iteration through the loop, we have access to the column (or sub-field) data via a tag that combines the main field short name and the column short name like this: {grid_field:column_field}.

    Note: From now on, I’ll deliberately omit large chunks of code and only focus on the parts I’m discussing to limit the length of code in the tutorial.

    Go ahead and add this to your template, above our <h1> but still inside the opening exp:channel:entries tag, then save and refresh your browser:

    <div class="carousel">
        <div div class="slide">

    There are a few things to note in the output here:

    • We’ll need more output to actually turn this into a carousel - for now, we’re just outputting each row from our Hero Carousel field in a new <div>
    • The first column in a File Grid is always has a ‘short name’ of {file} and is always ‘required,’ but the other two columns (Heading and Text) are not required in this case, so we want to add conditionals to handle that
    • Accessing any File Field (including the first column of a File Grid) has several ways you can interact with it. You can access it via a single variable like we’ve done above, which outputs the public path to that file (e.g., example.com/images/uploads/hero_banners/slide1.jpg). But you can also use a variable pair and access certain info from the file separately - check out the documentation on the File Fieldtype.
    • It’s possible that there might not be any rows at all in our Hero Carousel field, and if that’s the case, we don’t even want to output the surrounding <div> with class "carousel." Grid and File Grid fields have individual variables we can use to conditionally output these opening and closing tags, specifically the {count} (i.e., which row we’re in) and {total_rows} (i.e., how many total rows are being returned).

    So to clean this up and finish this off, try this instead of above:

      {if hero_carousel:count == 1}
        <div class="carousel">
          <div class="slide">
            {if hero_carousel:heading}<h2>{hero_carousel:heading}</h2>{/if}
            {if hero_carousel:text}<p>{hero_carousel:text}</p>{/if}
            <p>{hero_carousel:file wrap="image"}</p>
      {if hero_carousel:count == hero_carousel:total_rows}

    Now we’re opening the ‘carousel’ <div> in the first row of the loop and closing it on the last, but for all rows in the loop, we output the ‘slide’ <div> and are checking if the Heading and Text is populated before we output it and we’ve used the handy wrap parameter on the File field that outputs our image!

The last step is here is to actually get this looking like a carousel - to do this, we’ll be using the Bootstrap Carousel with Captions. Just like before, we’ll still only output the starting HTML the first time through the loop and the closing HTML in the final time through, so the only part that gets output for each row is the ‘carousel-item’ <div>.

A couple more things to note:

So to finish this off, putting all of this together and updating our Hero Carousel code, our final code in our template should be like this:

  {if hero_carousel:count == 1}
    <div id="carouselExampleCaptions" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel">
        <div class="carousel-inner">

          <div class="carousel-item {if hero_carousel:count == 1}active{/if}">
              <img src="{url:large}" class="d-block w-100" alt="{title}">
            <div class="carousel-caption d-none d-md-block">
              {if hero_carousel:heading}<h2>{hero_carousel:heading}</h2>{/if}
            {if hero_carousel:text}<p>{hero_carousel:text}</p>{/if}

  {if hero_carousel:count == hero_carousel:total_rows}
      <a class="carousel-control-prev" href="#carouselExampleCaptions" role="button" data-slide="prev">
        <span class="carousel-control-prev-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span class="sr-only">Previous</span>
      <a class="carousel-control-next" href="#carouselExampleCaptions" role="button" data-slide="next">
        <span class="carousel-control-next-icon" aria-hidden="true"></span>
        <span class="sr-only">Next</span>

NOTE: In this example, we’re using the variable pair for the ‘file’ column of our Hero Carousel and separately outputting the {url:large} variable (which is the URL to the large image Manipulation) and for the alt parameter we’re using the {title} variable, but note this is not the same {title} from our Channel Entry, it’s just one of the Template Tags available to the File fieldtype and outputs the Title metadata assigned to the file when it was first uploaded.

I’ve added some basic styling to the stylesheet already, so this is looking good, and we can move on!

Displaying ‘Visiting’ Content

Our Homepage isn’t done yet though - we also want to showcase our latest 3 portfolio projects, so we need to set up our Homepage template (site/index) to pull in this visiting content. To do this, we’ll use another Channel Entries loop, just with different parameters set. In this case, to pull in ‘visiting’ content, we will:

  1. Set the channel="work" parameter

  2. Limit the tag to only loop through 3 Entries with the limit="3" parameter

  3. Also include the dynamic="no" parameter. By default, the EE Channel Entries tag sets some parameters dynamically based on what’s in the URL, so specifying dynamic="no" tells the Channel Entries Tag to completely ignore the URL, which we want to do in this case. (Read more about the dynamic parameter here)

  4. Specify how the tag should order and sort the entries - by default, EE orders by date and sorts descending, so technically, these parameters aren’t necessary, but it’s worth adding them to highlight you could change it. See options for ordering and options for sorting.

  5. Go ahead and add links to the Work Entry detail pages even though we know the links won’t work yet. The URL structure we want is like this: example.com/work/sample-project where ‘sample-project’ is the URL Title of each Work Entry, so we will use EE’s Path Variables to do this.

<h2>Latest Projects</h2>
<div class="row">
  {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
    <div class="col-4">
      <h3><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h3>
      <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
      {work_images limit="1"}
        <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
      {if client_name}
      <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>

There are a couple of things to note here too:

So now we have our Homepage not only outputting the page-specific content we added but also looping through the first 3 Work entries and displaying limited info for each one with links to the full ‘detail’ page, which we’ll be building out later.

Step 2: Building the Contact Page

Now that we’ve run through an example of a Single Entry template using the Channel Entries Tag in detail (excruciating detail?!), building out the next couple of templates won’t take anywhere near as long. Let’s start with the Contact page. We want our Contact page to live at example.com/contact, so we need to set up another Template Group, this time named "contact" and then the contact/index template for our contact page:

  1. In the CP, go to Developer > Templates, then use the blue New button next to the Template Groups heading in the left sidebar.

    NOTE: Clicking Create New Template here will add a new Template to our existing site group, which is not what we want.

  2. Enter the name "contact", leave everything else as the default and save
  3. In your text editor, open up the contact/index template and set the Template Layout we’re going use with {layout="layouts/_wrapper"} on the very first line (just like we did for our Homepage)
  4. Now lets re-use the first Channel Entries Tag from our Homepage template (ie site/index) with the exception of the {hero_carousel} variable pair - because the Contact Channel doesn’t have that field available to it. We also need to update the channel parameter to look for Entries in the Contact Channel:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="contact" limit="1"}
      <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
  5. Save the template and go to example.com/contact in your browser

That wasn’t so bad! But we’re not quite done yet - the Contact Channel has a few new fields we haven’t worked with in Templates yet, so lets add those:

  1. First we’ll output our Address field - this is a Grid, so we use the variable pair again. In this case, we know there can only ever be 1 row, so I’m putting the heading inside the loop - that way if there isn’t a row at all, the heading won’t show. We also need to be aware that we left the Line 2 column optional so we need to cater for that:
        {if address:line_2}<br />{address:line_2}{/if}
        <br />{address:city}, {address:state} {address:zip_code}
  2. Our Departments field is very similar, though this time we know there could be multiple rows, so we need to use a conditional so we only output the heading the first time through the loop. We made all the columns required, so this one should be simple:
      {if departments:count == 1}<h2>Departments</h2>{/if}
        <a href="tel:+1-{departments:phone}">{departments:phone}</a>
        <a href="mailto:{departments:email}">{departments:email}</a>
  3. The Map Embed Code is a Textarea field intended to just paste in a Google Map <iframe>. We could theoretically wrap it with HTML to make it responsive, in which case we’d use a conditional to make sure it existed first, so if it didn’t, we wouldn’t have empty HTML tags, but I’m not going to bother, and we can just slap {map_embed_code} into our {exp:channel:entries} loop by itself.

So our final contact/index template should look like this:


{exp:channel:entries channel="contact" limit="1"}
  <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
  <div class="row align-items-center">
    <div class="col-md-6">
          {if address:line_2}<br />{address:line_2}{/if}
          <br />{address:city}, {address:state} {address:zip_code}
        {if departments:count == 1}<h2>Departments</h2>{/if}
          <a href="tel:+1-{departments:phone}">{departments:phone}</a>
          <a href="mailto:{departments:email}">{departments:email}</a>
    <div class="col-md-6">

Step 3 - Building the About Page

Our last Single Entry template is our About page, and again, we’ll need a new Template Group so we can use the about/index template to achieve our example.com/about URL:

  1. In the CP, go to Developer > Templates, then use the blue New button next to the Template Groups heading in the left sidebar
  2. This time, let’s select ‘contact’ under the Duplicate existing group? section - this will duplicate all the templates inside the group and save us a little time
  3. Open about/index with your text editor, update the channel parameter to use about and strip out the fields specific to the Contact channel (our Bootstrap row with the Address, Departments and Map Embed Code):
    {exp:channel:entries channel="about" limit="1"}
      <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
  4. Now we have to do the same thing we did for the Contact template and add the new fields we haven’t seen yet… so here is where we build out the templates for our Page Builder Fluid Field. This will be a long sub-step, but stick with me!

    Remember, a Fluid Field is a single field we can assign to a Channel that lets the content editor add multiple other fields to the page - in whatever order they want - and however many they want. In previous chapters, we planned out the fields available to our Page Builder and then set up those fields (and the Page Builder field itself) in the CP.

    You can read up on the Template Tags for a Fluid Field here, but the syntax is kind of similar to a Grid field in that you have your main field variable pair, and inside that, you have your ‘sub-fields’ referenced with another variable pair with the concatenated field and sub-field short names, like this:


    But the difference with a Fluid Field is that any content inside the sub-field is referenced with the special {content} tag - which can be either a single variable or a variable pair depending on the sub-field fieldtype. Any code inside this inner {fluid_field:sub_field} variable pair will render each time that sub-field is used within Fluid Field, regardless of whether the {content} tag loops or not.

    Page Builder: Centered Heading Sub-field

    So in our example, the Centered Heading field is just a Text Input field, so would normally just need a single variable, so in our case, we can output the data within the Page Builder like this:


    Of course, this just outputs the content with no styling, so we need to add HTML around it. Remember, all code inside the {page_builder:ff_centered_heading} tag pair renders for each use. In this case, we’ll just wrap a <h2> with a Bootstrap class to center it, and we’re done:

        <h2 class="text-center">{content}</h2>

    Page Builder: Rich Text Sub-field

    Our Rich Text field, however, is a Grid, which normally uses a variable pair to get to the columns of the Grid, so our {content} tag needs to be used as yet another variable pair and anything inside this pair is looped through for as many rows as there are in the Grid:


    Then inside the {content} variable pair, you reference the individual fields with {content:field_short_name}, so for our Rich Text field, try starting with this and refresh to see how it looks:

          {content:text}<br />
          {content:width}<br />
          {content:background}<br />

    Of course, this needs fleshing out - the Width, Background, and Center Content Container? fields aren’t intended to be displayed to the page but rather used in the HTML to adjust the display. Width is a Select Dropdown and Background is a Radio Button Group and in both cases, the content we have access to is the ‘value’ part of the Value/Label pairs we set up when creating these fields. We strategically set up both of those with actual class names. Center Content Container? is a Toggle field, which is a Boolean - either on (1) or off (0), so we can use a conditional to check that and add a class accordingly:

          <div class="row {if content:center_content_container == 1}justify-content-center{/if}">
            <div class="{content:width} {content:background}">


    So now we’ve seen two examples of how to build sub-field template code inside a Fluid Field, but in both examples, I showed the main {page_builder} variable pair with just the individual sub-field variable pair inside of it to make it easier to follow. To actually let the Page Builder field render all of the sub-fields as the content editor mixes and matches them, we have to have all sub-field variable pairs present inside one main {page_builder} pair. In other words, each of the sub-fields available to our Fluid Field should have a corresponding variable pair inside the main {page_builder} pair. So combining the two we’ve done so far, we get this:

        <h2 class="text-center">{content}</h2>
          <div class="row {if content:center_content_container == 1}justify-content-center{/if}">
            <div class="{content:width} {content:background}">

    And of course, this must be inside our About page template’s Channel Entries tag, so our about/index template at this point should look like this

    {exp:channel:entries channel="about" limit="1"}
      <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
          <h2 class="text-center">{content}</h2>
            <div class="row {if content:center_content_container == 1}justify-content-center{/if}">
              <div class="{content:width} {content:background}">

    Page Builder: Document Downloads Sub-field

    For the Document Downloads sub-field, this a File Grid, so it will look pretty similar to our last example, but this time, it could have multiple rows within the grid. I’ll also take the opportunity to showcase what we can do with a File field when using its variable pair (docs here).

    NOTE: As we look to add the template code for more sub-fields available to our Page Builder, remember the code will also go inside the main {page_builder} pair, but for the sake of space, I’ll just be showing the sub-field variable pair.

    So for this sub-field, the template code to add to our {page_builder} field is:

      <h2>Document Downloads</h2>
            <a href="{url}" target="_blank">{content:title} ({extension}, {file_size:human})</a><br />

    Things to note:

    • The code outside of the {content} variable pair only gets rendered once for each use of the sub-field inside the Page Builder - so the <h2> will only display once even if there are 30 files - unless the content editor adds the Document Downloads filed to the Page Builder multiple times.
    • Note the use of the ‘file’ variable pair - I did that so we could output the extension and filesize, which uses the handy :human modifier per the docs.

      Page Builder: Rich Text & Image Sub-field

    This one will be pretty similar to our regular Rich Text sub-field - this time we used a File Grid because each row contains an image. Remember we get access to the file in a File Grid using the file short name, and just like in other Fluid Field sub-fields, we reference that from within the {contact} variable pair and using the two-part concatenated tag, i.e.: {content:file}.

    We’re also going to check the content of our Image Position dropdown and add a Bootstrap class to flip the order if the users want the image on the right.

        <div class="row  align-items-center {if content:image_position == 'right'}flex-md-row-reverse{/if}">
          <div class="col-md-6">
            <img src="{content:file:resize width='540'}" alt="{content:image_caption}" />
          <div class="col-md-6">

    Page Builder: Featured Work Sub-field

    We’re almost there - this is the last sub-field! This sub-field uses a Relationship field which allows the content editor to ‘relate to’ - or pull in - specific Entries from our Work Channel. But remember, we’ve already built this functionality out in our Homepage template, just there, we did it through a Channel Entries Tag. We can re-use that code and just adjust it so that instead of looping through an {exp:channel:entries} loop, we loop through the selections in the Relationship field. Here’s the documentation on Relationships, but the syntax differs just a little big when referencing a Relationship from inside a Fluid Field (see here).

    So here we will re-use the second {exp:channel:entries} tag from our Homepage template (site/index), but make the following changes:

    • Firstly, it all has to go within our {page_builder:ff_featured_work} sub-field variable pair - remember anything inside this field gets rendered in each place the editor adds our Featured Work sub-field to the Page Builder
    • Previously, we used the {exp:channel:entries} tags to loop through the latest 3 entries. This time, the entries included in the loop depend on the Relationship field, so each selection is looped through in the {content} variable pair. So we just replace the {exp:channel:entries} opening and closing tags with {content} and {/content}
    • Because the individual fields for each Work Entry in the loop are now inside a {content} variable pair, we have to reference them accordingly using {content:field_name}, so we have to go through and add the content: part to each of our individual fields before they’ll output

    So here is our final code for this sub-field:

      <div class="row">
          <div class="col-4">
            <h2><a href="{path='work/{content:url_title}'}">{content:title}</a></h2>
            <p><em>{content:entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
            {content:work_images limit="1"}
              <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
            {if content:client_name}
            <p><a href="{path='work/{content:url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>

    Putting Our Page Builder All Together

    Remember, we must have each of the individual sub-field variable pairs inside our main {page_builder} variable pair, so our final code for our Page Builder Fluid Field looks like this:

        <h2 class="text-center">{content}</h2>
          <div class="row {if content:center_content_container == 1}justify-content-center{/if}">
            <div class="{content:width} {content:background}">
        <h2>Document Downloads</h2>
              <a class="button" href="{url}" target="_blank">{content:title} ({extension}, {file_size:human})</a><br />
          <div class="row  align-items-center {if content:image_position == 'right'}flex-md-row-reverse{/if}">
            <div class="col-md-6">
              <img src="{content:file}" alt="{content:image_caption}" />
            <div class="col-md-6">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-4">
              <h2><a href="{path='work/{content:url_title}'}">{content:title}</a></h2>
              <p><em>{content:entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
              {content:work_images limit="1"}
                <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
              {if content:client_name}
              <p><a href="{path='work/{content:url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>
  5. The last thing to do in our About page Template is actually in preparation for staying DRY in other templates. Right now, the Page Builder code is exclusively in our about/index template, but remember we’re also using the Page Builder in our Services Channel, which will use a different template. So that we can easily re-use this whole field, let’s put the whole thing (i.e., the code block above) into a Template Partial:

    • Go to Developer > Templates then go to Template Partials in the left sidebar
    • Click Create New then add the name par_page_builder_fluid_field and cut and paste in the whole {page_builder} variable pair from our about/index template, then save
    • Replace that whole variable pair in the about/index template with just our partial: {par_page_builder_fluid_field}

    Now our About page template looks much simpler, and we can re-use our Page_Builder field code. This is our entire about/index template now:

        <p>{exp:channel:entries channel="about" limit="1"}
        <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>

What’s Next?

This was a long chapter, but we can re-use a lot of it in the next chapter. Now we have all of our Single Entry templates done, the next job to tackle is building out our Multi-entry templates - our Services section and our Work section.

We’re almost there! We finished off our Single Entry templates for our Homepage, Contact and About pages in the last installment, so let’s dive into our final two sections. So far, we’ve been using a dedicated template for each ‘page’ of our site where each template was only being used to display one single Entry. This makes sense when you have single-page top-level sections, but for our Services and Work sections, we have one main section with several sub-pages with the same fields available to each sub-page. EE Templating allows us to use a single template where we can use what’s in the URL to determine what to show. Let’s dive in!

In This Article:

Step 1: Building the Services Section

The Services section is comprised of 4 pages: one main landing page (Services) and the 3x individual ‘service’ pages (Graphic Design, Web Development, Digital Marketing). Each of these pages still has one single entry for each one - we set up the content for these earlier, so we have 4 Entries in our Services Channel - but we’ll use one template to handle displaying all of them (and any future Service Entries). WE WANT the URL for the landing page to be example.com/services, so just like the About/Contact pages, we need a ‘services’ Template Group with an index.html template.

NOTE: We’ve created new Template Groups a couple of times already, each time using the main menu. This time around, I will introduce the new Jump Menu that’s new in EE6. The Jump Menu is in the top-right of the control panel and is a handy new way to navigate around the Control Panel. It uses fuzzy logic to search through various actions so you can find things really quickly, even if you don’t know where they are in the CP. Let’s use it going forward for all our actions.

  1. Hold CTRL or CMD, then press J on your keyboard to activate the Jump Menu. Start typing and notice the shortcuts in the dropdown change as you type. Type "crea temp" and notice the ‘Create Template Group’ is the first option in the dropdown and it’s highlighted. You can move up and down the items in the dropdown with your arrow keys, but in this case, just hit Enter to go to the ‘New Template Group’ screen:

    Jump Menu

  2. Set the name to services and again, we’ll duplicate an existing group just to get a head-start on our index template - select to duplicate the about group and then save
  3. Open the new services/index template in your text editor and update the channelparameter so channel="services", then head to your browser and go to example.com/services

The Landing Page

The fields available to the Services Channel are the same as the About Channel - and we’ve already build out the Page Builder field template code (being utilized by our {par_page_builder_fluid_field} partial) - so we don’t have to do anything at all within the {exp:channel:entries} tags here… but notice we have a problem! The {exp:channel:entries} tag is set correctly to pull through just one Entry from the Services Channel, but it’s pulling through the wrong one (assuming you created the Services page first then created the sub-pages after like I did). In previous examples, we deliberately only had one Entry in the Channels, but in this case, we have multiples, and by default, the Channel Entries Tag orders the Entries it loops through by the Entry Date field and sorts them ‘descending’ (i.e., newest first). This is really handy for things like news, blog, or portfolio items, but not here.

So we need a way to distinguish the landing page from the other sub-pages. We thought about this in our Content Model planning and when building out our Channels, we created a new Status for this very purpose called "Default Page." So we can use that to identify the landing page:

  1. Back in the services/index template, update the opening Channel Entries Tag to:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="services" limit="1" status="Default Page"}

    then save and refresh example.com/services in your browser.

Great, so now our example.com/services page is loading the right Entry, and the page looks good!

The Sub-pages (aka Individual Service Pages)

Now we have our landing page working, but if you go in your browser to example.com/services/graphic-design, you’ll see we still get our services/index template loading (we can tell from the header/footer still displaying), but there’s no Channel content there - the {exp:channel:entries} tag isn’t outputting anything.

NOTE: Thus far, we haven’t paid too much attention to URLs other than to explain the default template routing uses the first ‘segment’ of the URL to establish the Template Group and the second to establish the actual Template. But we’ll be looking at this closer in this section, so it’s important to know in the URL example.com/services/graphic-design, the first segment is services, the second is graphic-design (and so on).

So why isn’t our Channel Entries Tag returning anything anymore? The short answer is because to cater for the landing page above, we added the status parameter that is limiting the output of the tag to only return Entries with the "Default Page" status. But the full answer is worth understanding.

Dynamic URL Segments & Segment Variables

By default, the Channel Entries tag tries to use the information in the URL to establish the right Entry to display. We touched on this earlier when discussing how the dynamic="no" parameter (docs) disables this. Now that we have a second segment in the URL, the default EE template routing is first looking for a template with the name of our second segment (i.e., services.group/graphic-design.html), but that template doesn’t exist… and we don’t want it to exist because don’t want to have to create a totally new template every time we add a Service sub-page. If there isn’t a specific individual template that matches the 2nd segment, then the rendering engine’s next step is to load the index template for the group and use the 2nd segment to try and find an Entry with that segment as the URL Title.

Remember that each Entry has a URL Title which is automatically generated when you enter the Title (and can be overridden if desired)… the exact purpose for this is to be able to use this in URLs and therefore be able to identify individual entries by a specific URL pattern - typically in the 2nd segment. So the resolution to the problem is to only set the status="Default Page" parameter in our {exp:channel:entries} opening tag if we don’t have a second segment - in other words, only if we’re trying to load the Services landing page.

To do this, we can use ExpressionEngine’s URL Segment Variables - these let us grab different segments from the URL and use them in our templates. The typical use for these is exactly what we’re about to do - query it in some way in a conditional and do something based on the result. We can access these with {segment_1}, {segment_2}, and so on in our templates. So to finish this off:

  1. Back in the services/index template, update the opening Channel Entries Tag to:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="services" limit="1" {if !segment_2}status="Default Page"{/if}}

    NOTE: When using any kind of variable in a conditional, {if variable_name} and {if !variable_name} are the shortest ways to check if that variable exists or doesn’t exist, respectively.

And that’s it! So our completed services/index Multi-entry template looks like this:


{exp:channel:entries channel="services" limit="1" {if !segment_2}status="Default Page"{/if}}
  <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>

and through this one template, we’re loading both our Services landing page at example.com/services and all of the sub-pages such as example.com/services/graphic-design. The way we set this up means that any future Entries added to the Services Channel will display using the URL pattern example.com/services/xxxxxxxxxxx where xxxxxxxxxxx is the URL Title of the Entry.

Step 2 - Building the Work Section

We finally made it - this step is what this tutorial is all about! Believe it or not, we’ve already covered a lot of what we need to do, so a good chunk of what we need to do is just re-doing what we’ve already done elsewhere with maybe a few adjustments. So let’s get started.

The Work Landing/Listing Page

Unlike the Services landing page, the Work landing page isn’t actually going to load a single Entry - and it won’t even be editable per se. It’s going to be dynamic in that we’ll be showcasing the Entries from the Work Channel, but it doesn’t have any editable content of its own - it’s just going to be a ‘listings’ page that shows all the portfolio items with links to each individual item’s ‘detail page.’

Note: If you wanted to offer basic editable information, such as an opening introduction paragraph on this page, one option would be to create a Template Variable to hold the text and use that within the otherwise un-editable template.

Back in Part 6, you should have added a bunch of Entries to the Work Channel, so if you haven’t done that yet, go ahead and go back and do that - aim for at least 10 total, have at least one Entry with several images and have at least 4 Entries assigned to one category.

To get started, we again need a new Template Group with an index template:

  1. Use CTRL/CMD + J to activate the Jump Menu, start typing until you find the Create Template Group shortcut, then hit Enter
  2. Set the name to work but don’t duplicate an existing group this time
  3. Open the new work/index template in your text editor, add the same Layout declaration we’ve been using and add an <h1> for the page:
    <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>
  4. Open up your site/index template and copy the code where we pulled in our 3 latest Work Entries - the concept is identical, we’re just going to adjust a few things.
  5. Paste that code into your work/index template, but remove the dynamic="no" parameter - we’ll cover why later.
  6. Save, then go to example.com/work in your browser.

Your work/index template should now look like this:


<h1>Our Portfolio</h1>

<div class="row">
  {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
    <div class="col-4">
      <h3><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h3>
      <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
      {work_images limit="1"}
        <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
      {if client_name}
      <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>

Notice we have our <h1> tag outside of the Channel Entries loop - this is because we’re using the loop not to output a single page, but to output multiple our Work Entries - just like on the homepage, we’re pulling in ‘visiting content’.

I’ve deliberately left the limit set to 3 for now - limiting the number of Entries returned can be explicit (like how on the Homepage we only wanted 3 Entries to show) or can be used in conjunction with pagination and limit how many are on each paginated ‘page.’ So I’ve left this example with limit="3" so we can cover pagination, but obviously a more realistic limit here is more like 12 or 15 for this type of ‘listing page.’

NOTE: The default limit in a Channel Entries Tag is 100, so if you don’t explicitly set a limit, it will only return up to 100 rows for performance.


I’ll assume you’re familiar with the concept of pagination, but if not, read up about it in the docs. Pagination will only display if:

We have a couple options when it comes to adding the code for paging to our templates. Rather than duplicate what’s in the docs, just read this section here then come back. For simplicity, we’re going to use the first option, so:

  1. Back in your work/index template, add paginate="both" as a parameter to the {exp:channel:entries} opening tag
  2. Right before the end of the closing {exp:channel:entries} tag, add the simple {paginate} variable pair. We’ll go ahead and wrap the{pagination_links} single variable with a <div> so you have a way to style it:
      <div class="paging">{pagination_links}</div>
  3. Refresh the example.com/work page in your browser and notice that our new ‘paging’ <div> is added both at the top and the bottom but looks kind of weird because it’s inline with all the other ‘col-4’ divs. So the solution here is to not declare our opening and closing ‘row’ divs outside the Channel Entries loop, but rather inside it and use conditionals to display the opening <div> at the top, but only for the first row returned - and the closing <div> at the bottom, but only for the last. Once we do that, our work/index template should look like this:
    <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>
    {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
      {if count == 1}<div class="row">{/if}
        <div class="col-4">
          <h3><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h3>
          <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
          {work_images limit="1"}
            <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
          {if client_name}
          <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>
          <div class="paging">{pagination_links}</div>
      {if count == total_results}</div>{/if}

Our Work landing page is now displaying 3 Work entries per page and how many pages you see depend on how many Entries you added. For now, I’m happy with the default output of the {paginate_links} single variable, but like most tags in EE, there are parameters for this tag too that lets you customize how it works - it’s worth taking a look at the docs.

NOTE: You can also set up paging to simply link to the next/previous pages using this code:

  {if previous_page}
    <a href="{auto_path}">Previous Page</a> &nbsp;
  {if next_page}
    <a href="{auto_path}">Next Page</a>

and if you still want the individual page number links but need more granular control over the HTML output, you can do that too using the {pagination_links} variable pair - check out the docs here.

Notice the pagination works - the URL of each of the ‘page’ links (i.e., for page 2, page 3, etc.) links to the same URL as our main landing page, but with an added ‘pagination segment’ that always starts with a capital P and then a number, where the number represents the number of items for the Channel Entries Tag to ‘offset.’ So in our example, page 2 links to the URL example.com/work/P3 which tells the {exp:channel:entries} tag to skip the first 3 Entries in the loop and start from the 4th.

Now we have pagination working, and our Work landing page is still showing all of the Entries from the Work Channel (albeit only 3 per page). But we also want this landing page to give the user the ability to filter by category. With only a few Entries, it’s not that big of a deal, but imagine there were hundreds, and you can see how being able to filter would be useful.


To allow developers to build in such a way where the user to filter by a specific category when displaying Channel Entries, ExpressionEngine has a built-in method for doing this - the Category URL Segment. How it works is the rendering engine looks for a specific pair of additional segments and if present, recognizes those and knows to use them to filter the Channel Entries loop by a particular category.

NOTE: This only works if the Channel Entries Tag is being used ‘dynamically,’ which is why we had to remove dynamic="no" when we copied this code from our Homepage.

By default, the Category URL Segment is category, but you can change this to whatever you want in Settings > URL and Path Settings (or use the Jump Menu!) toward the bottom of the list.

By default, EE also expects the segment that follows the special category segment to be a category’s ID, but because we want more descriptive URLs, we’re going to change that to use a category’s title:

  1. Use CMD/CTRL + J then type "url" and go to the URL and Path Settings page, then toward the bottom of the list under ‘Category URL,’ change the radio button so "Titles" is selected and save

So just by doing this and removing the dynamic="no" parameter, our work/index template now supports dynamic category filtering with the URL structure of example.com/work/category/graphic-design - the category in segment 3 can, of course, change and will accept any category’s Category URL Title. Furthermore, pagination still works when a category is selected, and the links automatically are updated if a category is selected, e.g.: example.com/work/category/web-development/P3

However, we’re not quite done as users have no way of knowing how to get to the category listing pages yet. We still want to:

Categories Links

To output the Category links, we use EE’s Categories Tag:

  1. In the work/index template, let’s introduce a side-column using Bootstrap and move our {exp:channel:entries} inside the larger column and add an <h3> in the smaller column where our Category links will go:
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-3">
      <div class="col-md-9">
        {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
          {if count == 1}<div class="row">{/if}
            <div class="col-4">
              <h3><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h3>
              <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
              {work_images limit="1"}
                <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
              {if client_name}
              <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>
              <div class="paging">{pagination_links}</div>
          {if count == total_results}</div>{/if}
  2. Under the <h3> in the smaller column, use the Categories Tag to loop through all the categories from our Work Category Group and for each one, use the {path} variable to set our links and we’ll use the show_empty="no" parameter to only show categories with active entries:
    {exp:channel:categories show_empty="no"}
      <p><a href="{path='work/index'}">{category_name}</a></p>

    NOTE: Because the {path} variable is inside the {exp:channel:categories} tag, it’s automatically outputting the category links based on the value (i.e. work/index) and the two settings in Settings > URL and Path Settings we looked at earlier, so the links generated are like example.com/work/category/graphic-design. Outside the Categories Tag, this same {path} variable would render the link as example.com/work

By default, the {exp:channel:categories} tag outputs a <ul> with the contents of the tag wrapped in an <li> element and automatically nests these lists based if you’re using nested categories. If this output isn’t what you need, you can also use the style="linear" parameter (docs) to get more granular control of the output, but for our use, an unordered list is perfect.

Category Headings

Now the user has the ability to filter the list of portfolio items based on category, we want to dynamically update our page’s heading if there is a category selected. To do this, we use EE’s Category Heading tag, but only in the scenario we’re trying to filter by a specific category - ie, if segment 2 is "category" and segment 3 is actually present:

  1. Replace our <h1> with the following:
    {if segment_2 == "category" && segment_3}
      {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
        <h1>Our Portfolio: {category_name}</h1>
        {if category_description}
      <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>

    The Category Heading Tag also recognizes our special Category URL Segment pair and knows what category to output information for based on the third segment or the URL - so we can append the category name to our <h1> and output the category description if it’s been populated.

There we have it - our Work landing page is done and offers both category filtering and pagination. Notice that pagination only shows if there’s more than 3 Entries and that honors the category selection. Again, in a real-world scenario, your limit would be more like 12 or 15, but you can easy update that. So our final work/index template looks like this:


{if segment_2 == "category" && segment_3}
  {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
    <h1>Our Portfolio: {category_name}</h1>
    {if category_description}
  <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3">
    {exp:channel:categories show_empty="no"}
      <a href="{path='work/index'}">{category_name}</a>
  <div class="col-md-9">
    {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
      {if count == 1}<div class="row">{/if}
        <div class="col-4">
          <h3><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h3>
          <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
          {work_images limit="1"}
            <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
          {if client_name}
          <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>
          <div class="paging">{pagination_links}</div>
      {if count == total_results}</div>{/if}

Work Entry Detail Pages

We’re really close now! The only pages we have left to build out are the individual ‘portfolio detail’ pages where each item from our Work Channel will have its own unique URL and display all our info from our Content Model.

The first thing we need to do is decide our URL and template structure, and we have a couple of options here. Remember the default template routing looks at the first two segments in the URL and uses those to load a specific Template (i.e., segment 2) from a specific Template Group (i.e., segment 1). So if we wanted to, we could utilize a URL structure that looked like example.com/work/entry/sample-project-name and create a new entry.html template within our work.group Template Group to keep the code for our ‘detail’ page in a totally separate template from our ‘listing page’. This is absolutely a legitimate strategy, but I personally prefer a shorter URL, and so I’m going to proceed with the other option which is to use a URL structure like example.com/work/sample-project-name and just continue to use our work/index template making the necessary adjustments for that one template to not only handle the listings but also handle the individual detail pages too. We even already set up the links to the individual Work Entry detail pages for this URL structure when we built out the Homepage (and re-used it above when building out the Work listings page), so we just need to update our work/index template to handle this.

Looking at our Work landing page as it stands now, we’ll go ahead re-use the layout we set up so that each ‘detail’ page also includes the smaller sidebar column with the Category links, but we’ll update the page’s heading so the <h1> is specific to the Work Entry we’re displaying.

So to extend our work/index template to handle ‘detail’ pages, we need to recognize when an individual detail page is being requested. Looking at the URL structure we chose, if the second segment exists, but is neither our special Category URL segment (ie category) nor our paging segment (eg, P3), then we’re trying to load an individual Entry using that Entry’s URL Title. The opening conditional tag to use for this is:

{if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}

NOTE: In the opening conditional tag above, I’m using the ! and ~ comparison operators in conjunction with parentheses since there is no operator for ‘does not match.’ You can use parentheses in conditionals to group conditions, just like you would with most programming languages. E.g.:

{if (condition_1 && !condition_2) || (condition_1 && condition_3)}

The first thing we’ll do is update our page heading so if we’re looking at an individual Work Entry detail page, we won’t output an <h1>, but instead just a paragraph that’s styled like one. To do this, we’ll just extend the first conditional in the work/index template to also include an {if:elseif ...} tag. We know the first condition will fail because we won’t have category as the second segment and we still want the template to render the <h1> if our new condition checking for a ‘detail’ page fails too, so:

  1. Replace the whole first conditional in the template to:
    {if segment_2 == "category" && segment_3}
      {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
        <h1>Our Portfolio: {category_name}</h1>
        {if category_description}
    {if:elseif segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
      <p class="h1">Our Portfolio</p>
      <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>
  2. Next, in the work/index template, add the conditional inside our ‘col-md-9’ div and move the entire {exp:channel:entries} tag to only execute if the condition is not true:
    <div class="col-md-9">
      {if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
        {!-- This is where our 'detail' page code will go! --}
        {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
          {!-- Code stripped for tutorial legibility. Don't change yours! --}

    NOTE: Comments in EE Templates are wrapped with {!-- and --} - anything between these will be completely ignored by the rendering engine.

  3. Inside the conditional, if the condition is true, add a new {exp:channel:entries} tag that will be used to output the individual Entry details. This time, we need to use the url_title parameter and use what’s in the second segment to identify the individual Entry and for output, we’ll just add an <h1> with the Entry Title for now:
    {if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
      {!-- Work Entry detail page --}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="1" url_title="{segment_2}"}
  4. Now try going to any individual Work Entry’s detail page, e.g.: example.com/work/sample-project-name - you should see the same page layout as our Work landing page, but instead of the multiple Entries being listed in the main column, you should see the Title of your individual entry. And the text "Our Portfolio" should just be a <p> styled to look like a heading 1.

From a templating point of view, that’s pretty much it - this one template now can handle all listings and category-specific listings (both with pagination) and now can also output individual Entry detail pages all by looking at what’s in the URL and acting accordingly!

We just need to finish building out our ‘detail’ page code by adding the rest of the Fields so we can output all our Work Entry data:

  1. Build out the Work Entry detail page {exp:channel:entries} tag, just like we did for the Homepage and Contact page, by systematically going through the Fields available to the Channel and building out each one:
    • For the page’s heading, we can re-use the code from the About or Services pages because we’re also using the Page Heading field in our Work Channel:
      <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
    • Client Name is a Text Input field, so needs surrounding HTML if we want to make it a heading, but it’s also not required so we need to check for it first:
       {if client_name}<h2>{client_name}</h2>{/if}
    • Entry Date is one of EE’s default fields an is a Date field, which we can add formatting to:
      <h3>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</h3>
    • Project Description is a Rich Text field so has it’s own HTML in the output so we can just drop it in as a single variable:
    • Work Images is File Grid** field that hold multiple images - we’ll display these using a different Bootstrap feature to be different to the Homepage - this time, we’ll output the ‘thumbnail’ Manipulation of our image on the page and link that to the ‘large’ version but inside a Bootstrap Modal:
        {if work_images:count == 1}
          <h2>Gallery <small>(click to enlarge)</small></h2>
          <div class="row gallery">
            <a class="col-4" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
              <img src="{work_images:file:thumbnail}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
            <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
              <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl">
                <div class="modal-content">
                  <div class="modal-header">
                    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                      <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
                  <div class="modal-body text-center">
                    <img src="{work_images:file:large}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
                    {if work_images:caption}<br /><caption>{work_images:caption}</caption>{/if}
        {if work_images:count == work_images:total_rows}
    • Link is a URL field and again not required. The data held in a URL field is literally just a URL, so we have to add the appropriate surrounding HTML:
      {if link}<p><a class="button" href="{link}" target="_blank">View the Results</a></p>{/if}
    • In an individual Entry, you can output any Categories it’s assigned to using the {categories} variable pair within the Channel Entries Tag:
        <strong>Categories: </strong>
        {categories backspace="2"}<a href="{path='work/index'}">{category_name}</a>, {/categories}

      Notice the backspace="2" parameter here - this is a handy parameter available to most EE tag pairs that removes a set number of characters (in this case, 2) from the end of the code only during the last time through the loop. So here we’re adding a comma and space after each category link except for the last one.

Putting all of this together, we have our final work/index template and we are done with our Work section! Here’s our final code:


{if segment_2 == "category" && segment_3}
  {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
    <h1>Our Portfolio: {category_name}</h1>
    {if category_description}
{if:elseif segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
  <p class="h1">Our Portfolio</p>
  <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>

<div class="row">
  <div class="col-md-3">
    {exp:channel:categories show_empty="no"}
      <a href="{path='work/index'}">{category_name}</a>
  <div class="col-md-9">
    {if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}

      {!-- Work Entry detail page --}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="1" url_title="{segment_2}"}
        <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
        {if client_name}<h2>{client_name}</h2>{/if}
        <h3>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</h3>
          {if work_images:count == 1}
            <h2>Gallery <small>(click to enlarge)</small></h2>
            <div class="row gallery">
              <a class="col-4" href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal">
                <img src="{work_images:file:thumbnail}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
              <div class="modal fade" id="exampleModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="exampleModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
                <div class="modal-dialog modal-xl">
                  <div class="modal-content">
                    <div class="modal-header">
                      <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
                        <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
                    <div class="modal-body text-center">
                      <img src="{work_images:file:large}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
                      {if work_images:caption}<br /><caption>{work_images:caption}</caption>{/if}
          {if work_images:count == work_images:total_rows}
        {if link}<p><a class="button" href="{link}" target="_blank">View the Results</a></p>{/if}
          <strong>Categories: </strong>
          {categories backspace="2"}<a href="{path='work/index'}">{category_name}</a>, {/categories}
      {!-- Work landing/listing page --}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
        {if count == 1}<div class="row">{/if}
          <div class="col-4">
            <h2><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">{title}</a></h2>
            <p><em>{entry_date format="%F %d %Y"}</em></p>
            {work_images limit="1"}
              <img src="{work_images:file}" alt="{work_images:caption}" />
            {if client_name}
            <p><a href="{path='work/{url_title}'}">Read More ></a></p>
            <div class="paging">{pagination_links}</div>
        {if count == total_results}</div>{/if}


Again, we’ve deliberately not spent much time on styling, but I trust this tutorial has given you the foundations you need to start building in ExpressionEngine.

What’s Next?

We can still do a few more things to improve our code - things that you’d want to do for a production site, so stick with me for one more chapter.

What a journey it’s been! We’ve gone through the entire process of planning and building a Portfolio Website, but we’re not quite done - there are a few more things worth including in this introduction to building in ExpressionEngine. These are things you probably need in any production site, so let’s finish strong.

In This Article:

Step 1: Adding a Contact Form

Our contact page at example.com/contact is nice, but it’s not very interactive. Let’s add an interactive Contact form so users can send a message directly from the site rather than having to use their native email client. For this, we’ll use the Email Contact Form which is part of EE’s included Email Add-on

  1. In the CP, go to Developer > Add-ons or use the Jump Menu and type "view add" to get to the Add-ons screen, then scroll down in the list to find "Email" under the ‘Uninstalled’ heading and click Install:

    Email addon

  2. Open up your contact/index template, and let’s rearrange what we had set up earlier.
  3. Put the form where the map was and put the map underneath - move the {map_embed} code underneath the closing </div> that closes the ‘row,’ then copy & paste the example straight from the docs inside our right column (i.e., the second "col-md-6" div).
  4. Update the recipients parameter to your email for testing and anything else you’d like to update - I’ve replaced the value parameters on the form fields with placeholders instead and added a class to the button, so my updated contact/index template now looks like this:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="contact" limit="1"}
      <h1>{if page_heading}{page_heading}{if:else}{title}{/if}</h1>
      <div class="row align-items-center">
        <div class="col-md-6">
              {if address:line_2}<br />{address:line_2}{/if}
              <br />{address:city}, {address:state} {address:zip_code}
            {if departments:count == 1}<h2>Departments</h2>{/if}
              <a href="tel:+1-{departments:phone}">{departments:phone}</a>
              <a href="mailto:{departments:email}">{departments:email}</a>
        <div class="col-md-6">
                {exp:email:contact_form user_recipients="no" recipients="admin@example.com" charset="utf-8"}
                  <h2>Send Us A Message</h2>
                    <label for="from">Your Email:</label><br />
                    <input type="text" id="from" name="from" size="40" maxlength="35" placeholder="Enter your email..." />
                    <label for="subject">Subject:</label><br />
                    <input type="text" id="subject" name="subject" size="40" placeholder="Enter a subject..." />
                    <label for="message">Message:</label><br />
                    <textarea id="message" name="message" rows="6" cols="40" placeholder="Enter your message..."></textarea>
                    <input class="button" name="submit" type='submit' value='Submit Form' />

    NOTE: If you’re working locally, it’s unlikely emails will send directly from your test site without jumping through a whole bunch of hoops. In most hosted environments, though, this works just fine because the default setting is to use PHP mail as the sending protocol. If you’d prefer, you can use Sendmail or SMTP by changing the settings in Settings > Outgoing Email or using the Jump Menu to find ‘Outgoing Mail.’

    Make sure to read through the documentation for Email Contact Forms, paying close attention to the multiple warnings there if you plan to use this in production. This is a very basic example, and you’ll probably want to build this out a little differently, add Captcha or perhaps even use a third-party Add-on such as Forms or Freeform.

Step 2: Add SEO Metadata

Right now, all of our pages use the same <title> tag because that’s hard-coded in our site/_wrapper template. This is awful for SEO, and we should update our code so at the very least, the Entry’s Entry Title is used as the <title> tag. Even better, we can give content editors the ability to overwrite the default to customize the SEO Page Title, and while we’re at it, we can let them update other metadata like the SEO ‘description’, ‘keywords,’ etc. If you’re not sure what I mean by ‘metadata’, it’s worth researching that, but for our purposes, I’ll be including two:

All of our Channels have content with unique URLs, so each one needs the same functionality. If you had any Channel-based content that didn’t have unique URLs (think maybe testimonials or team members that output all on one page), those Channels wouldn’t need these.

The high-level plan here is to create these two fields, get them assigned to each of our Channels, and then update the templates to utilize them. Remember that Fields can be shared across Channels and even assigned to a Field Group, which is perfect for this scenario.

  1. In the CP, use the Jump Menu to create a new Field Group (or go to Developer > Fields and use the blue button). Don’t assign any existing fields because we need to create new ones.
  2. Once created, click on "SEO" in the left ‘Field Groups’ sidebar, then click the blue New Field button. Selecting the "SEO" group first means the new fields we add will automatically be assigned to this group.
  3. Add two fields, making sure to first click the "SEO" group before adding each one:
    • SEO Page Title (Text Input, add Instructions: "Overwrites the default Entry Title as the page’s Title tag.", Include in search, Max characters = 60)
    • SEO Description (Text Input, add Instructions: "Sets the SEO Meta Description - for Work entries this replaces the default Excerpt as the Description.", Include in search, Max characters = 160)
  4. Go to Developer > Channels (or use the Jump Menu typing in "edit chan," then select Edit Channel titled [channel] then choose a channel to edit) and for each Channel:
    • Edit the Channel by clicking the Channel name
    • Go to the Fields tab and check to select the "SEO" Field Group
    • Save & Close the Channel
  5. Tidy up the Publish Layout for each Channel by:
    • Either: a) Go to Developer > Channels then click the ‘Layouts’ icon to the far-right of each Channel name b) Use the Jump Menu, type "view pub", select View Publish Layouts for [channel], then select a channel
    • Edit the existing layout or create a new one if you haven’t already
    • Add a new Tab called "SEO"
    • Drag the two SEO fields from the Publish tab into the new SEO tab, order them how you want then and save the Publish Layout

      NOTE: When dragging fields to other tabs here, make sure you see the blue line under the new tab’s name before you let go:

      Dropping fields in a different Publish Layout tab

  6. In your text editor, open up the site/index template where we area going to define Layout Variables to pass up to our layouts/_wrapper template. Just inside the ‘homepage’ {exp:channel:entries} loop before our {hero_carousel} variable pair, add these layout variables:
    {layout:set name='seo_title'}{if seo_page_title}{seo_page_title}{if:else}{title}{/if}{/layout:set}
    {layout:set name='seo_description'}{seo_meta_description}{/layout:set}
  7. Now open the layouts/_wrapper template:
    • Replace our hard-coded content in our <title> tag to be:

      Or if you wanted to, you could have consistent, hard-coded appended text like:

      <title>{layout:seo_title} | Example Company</title>
    • Below the new dynamic <title> tag, add:
      <meta name="description" content="{layout:seo_description}">
  8. In your browser, go to example.com to view the Homepage and note the <title> tag has updated and is now dynamic, but note there’s no Meta Description if you look at the source

  9. Go back to the CP, edit the Homepage using the Jump Menu or Entries > Homepage, switch to the SEO tab, add text to both fields, save the entry, and refresh your browser to see it’s updated

  10. Next, let’s create a Template Partial so we can re-use the Layout Variables since all our channels use the same ones:
    • In the CP, use CTRL/CMD + J then in the Jump Menu type "part" then choose View Template Partials and click the Create New button and add the name "par_page_seo_variables"
    • Cut and paste the two lines we just added to our site/index template into the Content field and save the Template Partial
    • Where those lines used to be in the site/index template, add our partial tag: {par_page_seo_variables}
    • Test the Homepage again to make sure it’s all still working

  11. Now, we can reuse this simply by adding that partial tag to each of our Single Entry templates, each time just inside the opening {exp:channel:entries} opening tag:
    • about/index
    • contact/index
    • services/index
    • work/index - this time the partial would be added just inside the {exp:channel:entries} tag that we’re using for the Work Entry detail pages, ie:
      {!-- Work Entry detail page --}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="1" url_title="{segment_2}"}

      NOTE: You can set Layout Variables from anywhere within a template - so in this case, we’re doing in here because our partial looks for fields that are only available from inside the {exp:channel:entries} tag and are unique to each of our Work entries.

  12. Now let’s update our partial so it can set the {excerpt} to be the description by default for our Work Entries. Open up the _partials/par_page_seo_variables template and update the seo_description Layout Variable to:
    {layout:set name='seo_description'}{if seo_meta_description}{seo_meta_description}{if:elseif excerpt}{excerpt}{/if}{/layout:set}

For the work/index template, we’re able to use these SEO fields for the individual detail pages like we just added above, but our main Work landing page, and the versions where Categories are selected, aren’t actually editable… but we can still use Layout Variables to manually set these in the template - we just only want to do that if it’s not an individual Entry detail page:

  1. For when a category is selected, in the work/index template, find where we’re using the Category Heading tag to dynamically set the page heading - we can set our Layout Variables there and use the selected category’s name and description:
    {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
      {layout:set name='seo_title'}{category_name} Portfolio{/layout:set}
      {layout:set name='seo_description'}{category_description}{/layout:set}
      <h1>Our Portfolio: {category_name}</h1>

    It’s possible the Category Description might not exist - you could also use a conditional here, so if it didn’t exist, you added some kind of fallback. You could even set up that fallback as a Template Variable, so it was editable via the CP.

  2. For when a category isn’t selected, i.e. example.com/work, we’ll use the final section of the first conditional in the template to set our Layout Variables because this part gets rendered if there’s no second segment:
      <h1>Our Portfolio</h1>
      {layout:set name='seo_title'}Our Portfolio{/layout:set}
      {layout:set name='seo_description'}Our amazing portfolio is sure to impress!{/layout:set}

    Again, you could set up a Template Variable to hold this Work landing page SEO Description if you wanted to.

That should take care of the SEO Metadata - every page on our site is now either editable via the SEO tab when editing the Entries - or set up in the templates - and wherever possible, we’re setting default values such as the Entry Title and the Work Channel Excerpt. Of course, you could extend this, add fields, use specific fields for specific Channels, etc. in a real project.

Step 3: Error Handling

Everything we’ve covered so far has been looking at how to handle legitimate requests for URLs that actually exist, but it’s important to cater for ones that don’t and handle the errors appropriately. Similarly, we also want to consider the possibility that the content could change, so what once did return content no longer does and handle that too.

ExpressionEngine’s 404 Page

If a requested URL doesn’t exist or doesn’t have any content, we want to serve a 404 page, which tells the user (and search engines) that that URL doesn’t actually have any content. EE has a built-in way to handle this that uses a dedicated template, so we first need to create a 404 template, assign that as the 404 template, then go through our templates to utilize it:

  1. Create a new file in the filesystem named 404.html in the site.group directory. You could also go to Developer > Templates or use the Jump Menu to get to Create Template in [group] then choose the site group.

  2. In our site/404 template, add the following and save the template:
    <h1 class="text-center">Page Not Found</h1>
    <p class="text-center">Sorry, but the page you requeste cannot be found or has no content.</p>
    <p class="text-center"><a href="{site_url}" class="button">Go to the Homepage</a></p>
  3. In the CP, go to Settings > Template Settings or use the Jump Menu to get to Template Settings, then under 404 page, select the site/404 template and save.

  4. In your browser, go to example.com/abcdefg and our 404 page is served

This works, but it only works automatically if there’s only one segment. Remember the way template routing works; if only one segment is present, the rendering engine looks for a Template Group with that name, and if it can’t be found, it loads the index template, and if it can’t be found, it throws an error. So by default, EE handles an erroneous single segment so long as we’ve set up our 404 template.

However, if there are two segments and the first is an existing Template Group, but the second (or any others beyond it) are erroneous, then it’s up to us to handle this because from the second segment on, there are all kinds of things you could do with segments. For example, try going to example.com/work/abcdefg in your browser - in this case, the template work/index template is correctly being loaded and has content in it that’s legitimate, but our {exp:channel:entries} loop that’s looking for a specific Entry based that matches the second segment just isn’t returning anything… because there’s no entry that matches.

EE gives us two powerful tools to handle this:

Combining these two, we can show a 404 for content that doesn’t exist in our our templates:

  1. In our work/index template, inside the Work Entry detail page {exp:channel:entries} tag, add {if no_results}{redirect="404"}{/if} as the first line within the tag:
    {!-- Work Entry detail page --}
    {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="1" url_title="{segment_2}"}
      {if no_results}{redirect="404"}{/if}

    Now try example.com/work/abcdefg again

  2. Do this same thing for all of our single-entry {exp:channel:entries} tags - i.e., wherever we have the limit="1" parameter - in the rest of our templates:
    • about/index
    • contact/index
    • services/index

    NOTE: We don’t need to do it in our site/index template because EE handles the error for a single segment not matching a Template Group automatically, but there’s no harm adding it there if you just want to get into the habit of doing this on any single-entry template.

This takes care of the single-segment URLs in the scenario that there’s nothing returned within the Channel Entries Tag, but what about if we have extra segments? Try going to example.com/about/abcdefg in your browser - notice we still get the About page loading. EE has a way to handle this too - the require_entry="yes" parameter - but it only works in the typical 2-segment template_group/template scenario because what it’s doing is telling the Channel Entries tag that a valid Entry ID or URL Title must be found in the second segment. In the case of example.com/about, we don’t want to use this because we deliberately don’t want a second segment. So we only will add this if a second segment exists:

  1. In the about/index template, add the require_entry="yes" parameter to the Channel Entries Tag, but only if a second segment exists:
    {exp:channel:entries channel="about" limit="1" {if segment_2}require_entry="yes"{/if}}
      {if no_results}{redirect="404"}{/if}
  2. Do the same thing for the contact/index and services/index templates as these templates also are designed to output a single Entry.

  3. In our work/index template, we can add the same parameter to the Work Entry detail Channel Entries Tag, but we don’t need the conditional because the whole thing is already only showing if we have the second segment:
    {if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
      {!-- Work Entry detail page --}
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="1" url_title="{segment_2}" require_entry="yes"}

So now we’ve handled errors for 2-segment URLs where the 2nd segment is looking for a matching Entry but can’t find one, but we also need to consider there could be 3-segment URLs where the first two segments do match a single Entry, but where we have extra segments. In the Services and Work sections, for example, we do have legitimate 2-segment pages, and above, we added dynamic Channel Entries tags that are requiring the 2nd segment to be a valid entry… but try going to example.com/services/graphic-design/abcdefg and example.com/work/a-real-work-entry-you-added-to-your-site/abcdefg - both examples will load, so it’s possible to load the same content at multiple unique URLs. Our site structure only ever uses a third segment in the Work section where we’re filtering by category (e.g., example.com/work/category/graphic-design), so outside of that specific scenario, we want to force a 404 if there’s ever a third segment:

  1. In the services/index template, add a 404 redirect if a third segment is present:
    {if segment_3}{redirect="404"}{/if}
    {exp:channel:entries channel="services" limit="1" {if segment_2}require_entry="yes"{/if} {if !segment_2}status="Default Page"{/if}}
  2. In the work/index template, find the conditional where we’re checking if a second segment exists, but it’s not "category" and do the same:
    {if segment_2 && segment_2 !="category" && !(segment_2 ~ "/^P\d+/")}
      {if segment_3}{redirect="404"}{/if}

The final place to consider using a 404 is in the Work landing page when using category filtering and either:

E.g., try example.com/work/category/graphic-design/abcdefg and also example.com/work/category/abcdefg - both of these scenarios we want to redirect to a 404. Remember that pagination also uses a segment, so if a category is selected and there’s pagination, we do need that 4th segment to work, e.g.: example.com/work/category/web-development/P3, but we can cater for this using the regular expression condition we used earlier, i.e. !(segment_4 ~ "/^P\d+/").

  1. In the work/index template, add a 404 redirect at the very top of the template if there’s ever a 4th segment that doesn’t match the pagination regular expression:
    {if segment_4 && !(segment_4 ~ "/^P\d+/")}{redirect="404"}{/if}
  2. Then we can use Category Heading Tag we’re already using to make sure that the category in segment 3 is an existing category again using the {if no_results} conditional:
    {if segment_2 == "category" && segment_3}
      {exp:channel:category_heading channel="work"}
        {if no_results}{redirect="404"}{/if}

And that should take care of all of our 404 redirects!

No Results In ‘Visiting Content’ Output

Now that we’ve considered all the possible erroneous URL errors and handled them with the 404 page, we should also cater for the few places in our site where we’re pulling through content within a page in the scenario that no results are returned for whatever reason. The places we need to consider in this site are:

  1. In the Homepage template (site/index), find where we’re outputting the ‘Latest Projects’. To handle there being no results, you could either:
    • Add an {if no_results} conditional inside the Channel Entries:
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
        {if no_results}<p>There are no entries to display</p>{/if}
    • Or perhaps more appropriate, pull the surrounding <h2> and <div class="row"> HTML to be inside the loop and use the {count} and {total_results} variables in conditionals to maintain their positions. This way, if no entries are returned at all, that whole section doesn’t display:
      {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" dynamic="no" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
        {if count == 1}
          <h2>Latest Projects</h2>
            <div class="row">
              <div class="col-4">
        {if count == total_results}
  2. For the Work landing page, we will use the {if no_results} conditional, but we can kill two birds with one stone because the same Channel Entries Tag outputs the Entries regardless of if a category is selected, but we’ll cater for that with a conditional inside our text:
    {!-- Work landing/listing page --}
    {exp:channel:entries channel="work" limit="3" paginate="both" orderby="date" sort="desc"}
      {if no_results}<p>There are no Projects {if segment_2 == "category"}in this category{/if} to display at this time.</p>{/if}

Step 4: Performance Enhancements

You can (and should) do a few things right from the beginning when learning to build in EE to optimize performance. The ultimate goal is to get your site’s pages to load as quickly as possible for the end-user, and there are two parts to that: server-side and client-side. The server-side part happens first, and essentially is the time it takes for the CMS to build up and serve the final HTML page and send it to the browser. Then the client-side involves all the things that the browser does once it receives the HTML for the requested page - usually the majority of the time is spent loading assets (images, CSS, JavaScript files, etc.) and executing any of the client-side scripts. This section will focus exclusively on the server-side part - things we can do in EE to make serving the HTML files faster - and this isn’t intended to be an extensive performance workshop, but rather give you the basics you should start doing right from the start.


Before we dive into specific things to do to optimize performance, it’s worth knowing how to test it. EE comes with built-in debugging, which you can enable at Settings > Debugging & Output > Enable Debugging. Enabling this toggle adds additional information to the bottom of the template output, but only for SuperAdmin members, with really useful information like ‘Memory usage’, ‘Database execution time’, and ‘Total execution time.’ There’s also a ‘Variables’ tab showing the values of various variables (most of them specific to the logged-in user) and a way to view all of the individual database queries. For the most part, you can use the ‘Total execution time’ as a benchmark while testing and seeing how much of a difference implementing certain changes make, but it’s definitely work knowing about this in case you find yourself needing to investigate a troublesome page.

  1. In the CP, go to Settings > Debugging & Output, enable Debugging, save, then go to example.com, example.com/about, and example.com/work and compare the debugging info between templates.

NOTE: Your server environment, specifically the load at the exact moment you make a request, could well be playing a big part in this, so if you’re really digging into this, try refreshing the same page several times to try and identify any outliers.

Looping and Embedding

We’ve only briefly mentioned this and haven’t actually used it in this tutorial, but it’s possible to ‘Embed’ templates within other templates. This can be really useful, particularly given you can pass ‘Embed Variables’ from one template to the one you’re embedding into it, and in some cases can be necessary to allow the rendering engine to access and render certain things in a certain order. The rendering order is a more advanced topic I deliberately am not covering - if you want to dive deeper or encounter a scenario where something’s not rendering where you want it, read up on the Rendering Order of the Template Engine.

But what I will do is point out you need to be very careful when embedding templates into other templates. Embeds aren’t that expensive from a performance perspective in their own right, but what you do with them absolutely can be! If at all possible, avoid embeds within any kind of loop, especially if the embed contains a Channel Entries Tag.

The Channel Entries Tag is one of the heaviest tags you’ll use in EE in terms of performance - it typically does the most work, so if you have an outer loop with 20 iterations where within that loop, you embed another template that has a Channel Entries Tag that has 20 iterations, your page runs the Channel Entries Tag 20 times and loads 400 entries! So be careful and do your best to build in the most efficient way possible.

Granted, it’s a pretty simple site, but all of our code in this tutorial is pretty efficient - we don’t have any loops within loops, nor are we embedding any templates anywhere.

Channel Entries ‘disable’ Parameter

We just mentioned the Channel Entries Tag is one of the heaviest tags you’ll use, but it has an important parameter available to it that allows you to disable things you don’t need in order to speed things up. Think about it in terms of database queries - the less information that needs to be included in the requests from the database, the faster it’ll be. Including unused information in many cases doesn’t add that much extra time, but remember this tag often loops through multiple results, so anything we can save is worthwhile. So always use the disable parameter on Channel Entries Tags, disabling anything you’re not explicitly using within the tag. As with other parameters that accept multiple values, use a | (pipe) character to add multiple values. Here is an example with all of the available options - you can remove the ones you do need before adding to the {exp:channel:entries} tag:


NOTE: category_fields are custom category fields - you can still access the default fields of a category like category_name, category_url_title, category_description and category_image with the disable="category_fields" set. Also, disabling categories automatically also disables category_fields. Even if you need categories, chances are you want to still disable category_fields unless you need a specific custom category field in the tag output.

  1. Add appropriate disable parameters to all of our Channel Entries Tags:
    • site/index -
      • disable="categories|member_data|pagination" for the Homepage Channel Entries Tag
      • disable="categories|member_data|pagination" for the Work Channel Entries Tag
    • about/index - disable="categories|member_data|pagination"
    • contact/index - `disable="categories|member_data|pagination"
    • services/index - `disable="categories|member_data|pagination"
    • work/index -
      • disable="category_fields|member_data|pagination" for the Work Entry detail page Channel Entries Tag
      • disable="categories|member_data" for the Work landing page Channel Entries Tag

        NOTE: Disabling categories affects information returned for each item inside the loop, not filtering the loop itself - so even with categories disabled here, example.com/work/category/graphic-design still renders what we want


It’s absolutely worth reading EE’s documentation on Data Caching & Performance for full details if you want to really optimize performance. The main takeaway is we can (and should) add caching to our EE builds for any template output that returns the same data for every visitor. Now, if you have data specific to the logged-in member, you have to start being careful with this, but in this tutorial, we can implement caching on pretty much everything.

Tag Caching

The first type of caching is Tag Caching where we can cache and {exp:xxxxx} tag for a set amount of time using cache and refresh parameters, For example, on a Channel Entries Tag, you might add:

{exp:channel:entries ... cache="yes" refresh="60"}

The number here is the time in minutes, so the above would cache the output of the entire tag for 60 minutes. The general consensus is if any {exp:xxxxx} tag you use is the same for each visitor, add caching to it.

  1. Add the cache="yes" and refresh="60" parameters to every {exp:xxxxx} tag in all of our templates, with the exception of the {exp:email:contact} tag in contact/index - that one we don’t want to cache to avoid any possible crossed wires. Make sure to include the {exp:channel:category_heading} and {exp:channel:categories} tags in work/index though.

To see how effective the disable, cache, and refresh parameters are, choose a template and remove all these parameters, then load the page and note the ‘Total Execution Time’ in the debugging info. Then put them back and refresh that same page again twice - the first time you reload after re-adding the parameters is the rendering engine’s first time loading the entry where it actually creates the cache, so it won’t be much different to the performance without the tags… but the second time, where the tags are loading from cache should be a significant difference.

On my Homepage, I went from 0.1964 seconds to 0.0357 seconds!

Template Caching

The second type of caching is Template Caching, which literally caches the entire template, not just the tags inside of it. With this option, you can’t pick and choose which tags to cache, but it can save a little bit more time. You only want to use this where the entire template’s output would be the same for each visitor - in other words, if you’re caching all the individual tags inside the template, you should go ahead and enable this at the template level.

  1. In the CP, use the Jump Menu to get to View Templates (or go to Developer > Templates), then click the little ‘settings cog’ icon next to the site/index template, then turn on the Enable Caching? toggle and set the Refresh Interval to 60, then refresh your homepage a couple more times and note the ‘Total Execution Time.’

    This dropped my Homepage to 0.0304 seconds - it’s not a huge difference, but our goal is to the best we can, so this helps!

  2. Repeat this process the following templates:
    • about/index
    • services/index
    • work/index

    NOTE: We’re not doing this on contact/index because we don’t want to cache our {exp:email:contact_form} tag.

Advanced Performance Tuning

If you want to get more advanced with performance optimization, take a look at TJ Draper’s "Tuning For Performance" presentation from the EE Conference (both 2017 and 2018). You can watch the video here and follow along with the slides and resources here.

This tutorial is intended to be an introduction to building in ExpressionEngine (or just "EE") for those new to the platform. We'll cover the basics as we build a simple Portfolio style website using different methods, fieldtypes, etc. There are many ways to build sites in ExpressionEngine and many add-ons to help with this. However, in this tutorial, I'll only be using native EE functionality. If you are ready to extend your ExpressionEngine build, then there is a vibrant community that offers add-ons to extend functionality far beyond what we're going to cover here.

In This Article

The Goals of This Course

Assumptions Before You Begin

The Target

What we'll be building in this tutorial is a basic Portfolio site with a sitemap structured like this:

Where the Homepage looks like this:

Target Homepage Screenshot

Again, we're focusing on getting the content output - the rest of the frontend work is up to you.

We'll set this up in such a way where the content editor will be able to add additional Service pages and Work entries and, of course, edit the content on the other pages as well.

With that all in mind, let's get started!

What's Next?

Before we start building anything, we need to consider the site's content so we know how to build out the content structure. But even before we do that, we need at least a high-level understanding of how content is structured in ExpressionEngine to plan the content model for this site. In Part 2, I'll give an overview of how ExpressionEngine thinks about content, which will help us in the following chapter where we plan our content model.

This course will walk through everything from installing ExpressionEngine to a complete site build. Great for beginners or anyone who needs a refresher.

1 - Installation

In this video, we will walk through the initial steps of installing and configuring ExpressionEngine.

13 - Routing

In this video, we will walk through the different methods of ExpressionEngine routing, and utilize these in our content

15 - Adding A 404 Page

In this video, we will set up a 404 template and point EE toward that template in case a user ends up on a page that doesn't exist

In this video, we will walk through the initial steps of installing and configuring ExpressionEngine.

What We Do

Code Snippets

None in this lesson


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through the creation of our first channel, Page, along with its fields and field groups.

What We Do

Code Snippets

None in this lesson


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through creating our first template to view our new homepage.

What We Do

Code Snippets

Channel Entries Tag

{exp:channel:entries channel="page" url_title="homepage"}


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through setting up our blog channel and making use of the EE’s file field for our blog featured image.

What We Do

Code Snippets

None in this lesson


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will create our blog templates and use our file field in our loops.

What We Do

Code Snippets

Channel Entries For Blog Loop

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" limit="3" dynamic="no" disable="categories"}

Channel Entries Loop With Segment

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" url_title="{segment_3}"}

File Field Implementation

{!-- You can do it as one tag --}
<img src="{featured_image}" />

{!-- Or as a tag pair --}
    <img src="{url}" alt="{title}" />


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will convert our one file templates to make use of ExpressionEngine’s template layouts and partials

What We Do

Code Snippets

Basic Template Layout Example

{!-- Our Layout--}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My Site</title>

{!-- Our code --}

<p>Hello world!</p>

Template Layout With Template Variables

{!-- Our Layout--}
<!DOCTYPE html>

{!-- Our code --}

{layout:set name="title"}This title will show up now!{/layout:set}

<p>Hello world!</p>


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through a simple security step to make your site more secure, but moving the system folder outside of the webroot of ExpressionEngine.

What We Do

Code Snippets

None in this lesson


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will explore ExpressionEngine’s native variable modifiers, and create our blog snippet loop.

What We Do

Code Snippets

Adding a Character Limit

<p class="mt-3 text-base leading-6 text-gray-500">{blog_content:attr_safe limit="150"}</p>


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will add a category group and categories to our blog, as well as display them in our blog template.

What We Do

Code Snippets

Adding Category Loop To Display Name

{!-- Categories --}
<p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-indigo-600">
   {if has_categories}
      {categories backspace="2"}<a class="hover:underline" href="/blog/entry/{url_title}">{category_name}</a>, {/categories}
{!-- End categories --}


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will take a deep dive into relationship, create our first relationship field, and add related content to our blogs

What We Do

Code Snippets

Channel Entries Tag

{exp:channel:entries channel="page" url_title="homepage"}


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will explore partials, embeds, variables, and implement each of them into our site.

What We Do

Code Snippets

Create a Variable

If your variable is called facebook, create facebook.html in your templates/default_site/_variables folder with your Facebook link. To call a variable, simply place it between curly brackets like {facebook}

Create a Partial

Follow the instructions above, but create it in the _partials folder isntead.

Embedded Blog Card

<div class="flex flex-col rounded-lg shadow-lg overflow-hidden">
   <div class="flex-shrink-0">
      <img class="h-48 w-full object-cover" src="{embed:featured_image}" />
   <div class="flex-1 bg-white p-6 flex flex-col justify-between">
      <div class="flex-1">
         {!-- Categories --}
         <p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-indigo-600">
         {!-- End categories --}
         <a class="block" href="/blog/entry/{url_title}">
            <h3 class="mt-2 text-xl leading-7 font-semibold text-gray-900">
            <p class="mt-3 text-base leading-6 text-gray-500">{embed:blog_content}</p>
      <div class="mt-6 flex items-center">
         <div class="flex-shrink-0">
            <a href="#"><img class="h-10 w-10 rounded-full" src="https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1472099645785-5658abf4ff4e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&amp;ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=facearea&amp;facepad=2&amp;w=256&amp;h=256&amp;q=80" alt=""></a></div>
         <div class="ml-3">
            <p class="text-sm leading-5 font-medium text-gray-900"><a class="hover:underline" href="#">{embed:author}</a></p>
            <div class="flex text-sm leading-5 text-gray-500">
               <time datetime="{embed:time_date}">{embed:pretty_date}</time>
               <span class="mx-1">&middot;</span>
               <span>6 min read</span>

To call a card in a loop:

{exp:channel:entries channel="blog" limit="3" dynamic="no"}
      categories='{if has_categories}{categories backspace="2"}<a class="hover:underline" href="/blog/entry/{url_title}">{category_name}</a>, {/categories}{/if}'
      blog_content='{blog_content:attr_safe limit="150"}'
      time_date="{entry_date format='%Y-%m-%d'}"
      pretty_date='{entry_date format="%M %d, %Y"}'


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through creating our first channel layout and assigning it to a channel

What We Do

Code Snippets

None for this lesson


Discussion and Questions

In this video, we will walk through the different methods of ExpressionEngine routing, and utilize these in our content

What We Do

Code Snippets

Route We Added


EE Routing Helper

<a class="block" href="{route='blog/entry' url_title='{embed:url_title}'}">


Discussion and Questions